New Evidence Suggests COVID Vaccine May *SPREAD* the Virus: NBC News Report Deleted from USA Today Article


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
Because it is ridiculous on the face of it?
Its funny someone can say anything is ridiculous considering this is experimental technology. But hey... thats just logic. Its not important :dunno:
Why did USA Today delete this?

New Evidence Suggests COVID Vaccine May *SPREAD* the Virus: NBC News Report Deleted from USA Today Article​

Maybe it had to do with that extremely bad and misleading headline. Nothing about the story indicates that the vaccine is spreading anything. It says vaccinated people can still be infectious with the Delta variant because it behaves differently.
Your president says you should listen to the science :lol:
I do. The science says it is not even a dead virus, much less a live coronal virus, and not a transmissible organism involved in the vaccines.
But true. It's actually genius if you think about it. IF it was intentionally engineered.
That is too paranoid a conspiracy theory for my tastes. I don't live on the dark side and this ain't The X-Files.
I do. The science says it is not even a dead virus, much less a live coronal virus, and not a transmissible organism.
No, its genetic material.
Read about what they are saying. They arent saying the vaccine is causing infection..
It is less effective against the delta variant. Therefore, the vaccinated are spreading it.
In Israel, 50% of delta variant infected people are fully vaccinated. 50%.
This OP was just worded in a weird way.
As your favorite creeper-in-chief says, listen to the science ;)
Justifying censorship?
Censorship of and by the private entity that first published, withdrew and is totally responsible for their content? No justification required, unless the government order them to take it down under threat of penalty. You have read the constitution on this issue, right?
That is too paranoid a conspiracy theory for my tastes. I don't live on the dark side and this ain't The X-Files.
Everyone and their momma are saying this. This came from the CDC. You know, the people that you love to listen to?
CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said new data shows the delta variant, which accounts for more than 80% of the new infections in the U.S., behaves ‘uniquely differently’ from its predecessors and could make vaccinated people infectious,” the article notes.
Want more? I got millions more
Maybe it had to do with that extremely bad and misleading headline. Nothing about the story indicates that the vaccine is spreading anything. It says vaccinated people can still be infectious with the Delta variant because it behaves differently.
Big difference between misleading and false.
Censorship of and by the private entity that first published, withdrew and is totally responsible for their content? No justification required, unless the government order them to take it down under threat of penalty. You have read the constitution on this issue, right?
The government can't censor or compel private entities to censor what they cannot censor themselves.

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