New Columbia University “Vaccine” Study Drops Bombshell: VAERS Deaths Undercounted by Factor of 20

It is a bit of a stretch to call it a Columbia study, Columbia U had nothing to do with the study other than one of the authors happens to work there. Seems had you read the study you would know this.

But, as I said now that it is out there, it will get looked into by people in the field. They will attempt to replicate the results. If they can then it will lend validity to the study, that is the way this field works. A single study is more or less meaningless.

Well, I think it's naïve to think that anyone is going to get funding to study the negative impacts of these shots, or put their reputation on the line, threats of being fired and having future funding drying up for going against the leftist narrative. When there is financial. political, and social pressure to not delve into something, most are going to back away because it's not worth ruining their careers. So it will be years until the billion dollar jackpot for these shots has hit bottom until the truth actually comes out. When billion dollar companies are throwing their money around, what they want researched, printed, published, etc... will be what the narrative is. 55 years to release their documents on these drugs is a complete joke, if that doesn't tell you what's happening, then nothing will get through to you. When are they going to start taking liability for harm or death from these shots, any day now right?
I like how they drop "columbia university" into the write up to make it sound legit. What idiot actually believes all this shit.

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