New Black Panther Party Issues “Wanted Dead or Alive” Posters for George Zimmerman

How is Zimmerman, not yet a defendant, Hispanic because his mother was? And Hispanic is an ethnic designation, not a racial category.

I dunno why don't you tell me what the left means by the "browning of America? how is obama black if he mudder was white?? go ahead tell us..

African American IS a racial designation, Hispanic is NOT.

I'll go by what the US Census says, not some Leftist whiner trying to play semantics.
yep,, that's shit is fuuny

How is Zimmerman, not yet a defendant, Hispanic because his mother was? And Hispanic is an ethnic designation, not a racial category.

If you think "Hispanic" isn't racial, then you've never been to South America. You can tell the difference between Hispanics and Cuacasions just by looking at them.

One has to wonder why the MSM is not investigating the racial tensions
between blacks and Hispanic groups

Oh wait

that won't help the Left, politically
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The boy was walking home after buying candy.

If he was a asian kid would this asshole have seen the need to follow him?

would he have said fucking coon before he shot him?

Yep. Good concerns. The Kid was also shot 2 1/2 blocks from his own home, in his own neighborhood. Did these two have any other encounters? How well was the kid known on his own streets? What did the Clerk in the Store have to say about him? About Zimmerman? Who Else had bad encounters with Zimmerman? Who Else was Bullied by Zimmerman? All stuff the Police should be Investigating.
Zimmerman called the police all the time.

they were mostly complaints about Black people looking suspicious.

He had no authority to be doing what he was doing.

He made up the entire neighborhood watch group in this area.

He was self appointed to his task.

No doubt he was a cop "want to be"

Really is that any different that Papa Obama
trying to act like a President that knows what he is doing
Dear idiot.

He tried to become a cop and didnt get hired.

Then he did this neighborhood watch thing without one single neighbor being concerned enough to be envloved with it.
way to go all you race baiters, you happy now?

Posted by Gateway Guest Blogger on Friday, March 23, 2012, 11:23 PM

By: Rachel Pulaski

MSNBC analyst and Democratic strategist Karen Finney blamed Rush Limbaugh, the Koch brothers and others for the death of Trayvon Martin. Now the New Black Panther Party is circulating “Wanted Dead or Alive” posters of George Zimmerman. All Voices reported:

Yesterday afternoon at a press conference, the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense circulated a “wanted dead or alive” poster for George Zimmerman for shooting to death a Florida teenager four weeks ago.
the rest with comments at.

[ame=]Surprise Surprise Surprise - YouTube[/ame]

Of course they are allowed to do this. :rolleyes:
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So say two of the bigots on this board. Just what kind of reaction did you expect?

We expected the race card to be played.

we called that one. The terrorist card has been worn out.

Well, since Zimmerman appears to have targeted the kid because of his race, yes, the "race card" is going to be "played".

Where was this kids parents? What was he doing out at 10 p.m. dressed like a cat burglar?
Zimmerman called the police all the time.

they were mostly complaints about Black people looking suspicious.

He had no authority to be doing what he was doing.

He made up the entire neighborhood watch group in this area.

He was self appointed to his task.


My understanding is that Neighborhood Watch stipulates "No Fire Arm's". So, he was in violation of their guide lines. This isn't Vigilantism so much though, as a situation going from bad to worse. Histories are Important here.

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