New Al Qaeda Message-Convert To Islam Or Suffer


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
So much for diversity and acceptance:

Qaeda urges non-Muslims to convert to Islam: video
Sat Sep 2, 2006 1:49 PM ET

DUBAI (Reuters) - Al Qaeda called on non-Muslims especially in the United States to convert to Islam and abandon their 'misguided' ways or else suffer, according to a video tape posted on a Web site on Saturday.

The speaker was identified as Azzam the American, also known as Adam Yahiye Gadahn -- an Islamic convert from California wanted for questioning by the FBI and who U.S. authorities believe to be involved in an information campaign for al Qaeda.

"To Americans and the rest of Christendom we say, either repent (your) misguided ways and enter into the light of truth or keep your poison to yourself and suffer the consequences in this world and the next," Gadahn said in English.

He appeared in the video dressed in a white turban and seated in front of a computer and books.

Al Qaeda's second-in-command Ayman al-Zawhari made a brief statement at the beginning of the tape -- dated September 2006 -- urging viewers to listen carefully to the message, entitled: "An Invitation to Islam".
Not surprised:
The "Azzam" Threat: A prelude to Future Jihad in America
By Walid Phares

PS: This is a short version posting. The longer version will be posted later.

The video tape issued by al Qaeda’s “as-sahhab” production, in which Ayman Zawahiri introduces Jihadist Adam Gahdan to the world as a senior speaker to the American people on behalf of the movement, should be taken seriously. Not necessarily at the level of detecting the next Terror attack but at the level of understanding this prelude to Future Jihad both in America and within the West. I wasn’t surprised at all by the 45 minutes elaboration by convert Gahdan regarding all of the issues he raised. For “Azzam al Amrikee” is the clearest specimen of Jihadism’s second generation within the US, in as much as the 7/7 videos revealed the type of future Jihadists for Great Britain’s second generation. However, when one would listen carefully to the taped video, you’d find a treasure of knowledge and indicators for the current state of thinking of al Qaeda and its ideologues. In short it is a sample of what is on the mind of Salafi Jihadists for the United States and the West. Following are few of the issues I noted:

1) The hand behind the message

In short, Azzam’s videotaped message is indeed “American.” Experts have heard it in US and Canadian cities and internet is flowing with it. Whether Gadahn was reading from a prompter or not –and I believe he was with great skills- I tend to believe that such a speech –rather than being dismissed as mere propaganda- is a message coming to us from what’s already inserted inside America, which leads me to the second point

2) Who is it destined to?

It is basically addressed to those who will carry a “Jihad in America,” possibly asserting Adam Gahdan as their leader. Also, this is a very intelligent move to pierce the linguistic shield of America’s media and reach US citizens directly, as a way to spread confusion at least among those who have a hazy understanding of the Jihadists.

3) The ideological platform

In short, the “Azzam” video reconfirms clearly, in an English language that academic translators won’t be able to distort, that al Qaeda’s movement worldwide and in the United States is seeking total annihilation or conversion of the enemy: American and other democracies.

4) Argumentation tactics:

The “speech writer,” emulating many commentators on al Jazeera or al Manar, hopes to rally many among those who “hate Bush and Blair” but stops short of stating that Jihadism will hate all future US Presidents and British Prime Ministers “if they do not convert.” He reminds us of the Crusades, Inquisition, Hiroshima, and killings in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obviously, the “writer” skips the Genocides of Sudan, and the massacres of Algeria, the Kurds, Shiites perpetrated by Salafists or Baathists.

5) The enemies of Jihad in America

Sensationally but not unexpectedly, he “name” a number of intellectual-enemies in this country: Daniel Pipes, Steven Emerson, Robert Spencer and Michael Spencer. Rarely Jihadi Terrorists at this high level media exposure named symbols of their enemy’s intelligentsia. And in addition to “experts” named in the tape, Gadahn goes on a ferocious attack against American “Tele-Evangelists” and their media, showing the other type of foes al Qaeda is very upset with.

6) The “friends” of al Qaeda?

“Azzam” names “sympathetic” personalities for whom he has messages for action; He asks journalist Seymour Hirsh to “reveal more” than what was published in a New Yorker article on the War: Obviously an open call by al Qaeda to M Hirsch to resume the attack against the US War on Terror. Then “Azzam” turn to two British journalists and thank them for their “admiration and respect for Islam” encourage them to do the final step: Convert. He names British MP George Galloway and journalist Robert Fisk. But more troubling in Gadahn’s tape was his direct call to Jihadists within the US Armed forces to work patiently till the time comes and they should continue to aggregate while escaping the surveillance of their military authorities. This theme, which I covered briefly in Future Jihad, is of great concern to US national security. The “Azzam” speech brings further concerns as to the credibility of this threat.

7) The Al Qaeda offer: Conversion or fire

“Azzam”’s mission in this tape was to deliver a message. His bottom line is this: We –the Jihadists- have you cornered everywhere and you are not going to win this war. His central message is typically Jihadic: “Surrender, convert or the fire:” Meaning war on Earth, all of it, and Hell fire after death.


This fascinating and revealing taped-speech bring the American public even closer to what lays ahead for this generation and the next one as long as the Jihadist ideology is spreading inside America and worldwide.


Dr Walid Phares is a Senior Fellow with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and a visiting Fellow with the European Foundation for Democracy. He is the author of Future Jihad: Terrorist Strategies against America.
September 2, 2006 07:28 PM
Islam is a Theocracy... a Quasi government masked as a should be outlawed world wide...having said this anyone who calls for this kind of takeover of our form of government in the US should be prosecuted for Treason...the attempted 'hostile takeover' of our country by a foreign government!

As I have been saying in this forum and others for two years...the 'Ottoman Empire' is alive and did not cease to exist in the 1920's...Let the final Crusade begin!
I saw this twit on the news. Just another loser searching for an identity. His citizenship should be revoked, and if caught, he SHOULD be tried for sedition.

Oh, I don't know Gunny. Me thinks your being too kind, a quick "double tap" to the head is about all he's worth.:cuckoo:
Welcome to pushing buttons 101.

Welcome to Islam 101.

When Muslims say that Islam is "The Religion of Peace", this is exactly what they mean.

Muslims are admonished to not fight unless the enemy refuses their terms for peace. The first step is to invite them to surrender to Islam. If they refuse, then they can pay a tax. If they refuse that, then there will be no peace.

Nah. Nobody believes that crap. It's all just made up.

That stuff you see in the news everyday? It's all just this big HUGE misunderstanding. Really. Once we all understand all these Muslims, the world will live in peace. Really. We all just have to stop doing whatever it is we're doing. Really.

Any day now.
Welcome to Islam 101.

When Muslims say that Islam is "The Religion of Peace", this is exactly what they mean.

Muslims are admonished to not fight unless the enemy refuses their terms for peace. The first step is to invite them to surrender to Islam. If they refuse, then they can pay a tax. If they refuse that, then there will be no peace.

Nah. Nobody believes that crap. It's all just made up.

That stuff you see in the news everyday? It's all just this big HUGE misunderstanding. Really. Once we all understand all these Muslims, the world will live in peace. Really. We all just have to stop doing whatever it is we're doing. Really.

Any day now.

That's true , Muslims don't invade other states unless they are defending themselves , or that the other states are preventing them from inviting (not threatening) the people in the other states to Islam.

In Quran there are strict commands and rules that NO ONE SHOULD BE THREATENED TO ENTER ISLAM. You can clearly see the Christian and Jewish people who are still living since very long time ago in the Muslim countries, they weren't threatended to enter Islam and at the same time they are living in peace side by side to their Muslim neighbours.

But when Crusaders invade Muslim states then it is the Muslim's very duty to defend those invaders and ,if necessary, to strike at the Crusaders states itself.

Why don't you guys get a Pakistan Rapper and make a video of your own. For propaganda purposes of course.

You need to give the Pakistan Rapper a stage name. Give him a first name of Al. As for the last name make it Qaeda. It will be a hit with the public.

Now you have a act, which is Al Qaeda. You need lyrics. How about something like this.

When you down on Islam
Just bow to Mecca, like you don't care
Boom boom, Kapow, boom

Since the deepest level you guys have is the American Idol mentality, the Pakistan Rapper Al Qaeda is sure to have all of you running out to buy the CD.

We can have Junior get up on stage and rap

I'm Al's foil
so I don't have to toil
I just blow up countries
That has nothing to with Al's actions
which is fine by me
Pow, pow, boom, kabam
That's true , Muslims don't invade other states unless they are defending themselves , or that the other states are preventing them from inviting (not threatening) the people in the other states to Islam.

In Quran there are strict commands and rules that NO ONE SHOULD BE THREATENED TO ENTER ISLAM. You can clearly see the Christian and Jewish people who are still living since very long time ago in the Muslim countries, they weren't threatended to enter Islam and at the same time they are living in peace side by side to their Muslim neighbours.
But when Crusaders invade Muslim states then it is the Muslim's very duty to defend those invaders and ,if necessary, to strike at the Crusaders states itself.


I like the part that I bolded! The question I have for you Makki is what do you do to followers of Islam that decide to become Christian, Jewish, or some other faith. I do believe it calls for the killing of these individuals. As for peace and tolerance that is utter garbage. The only countries where there is true freedom of religion, of all religions, are all democratic. This being said the people of differing faiths in Islamic countries are rutinely oppressed and treated as second class citizens. That is not the case in America. You will have a few instances of some hypocriticle moron out there who thinks all muslims are bad but that is the exception NOT THE RULE, as a whole americans want to live and let live. We dont want to change your religion for you we want you to see what it really means to be free not under some dictator or crazy Iman or some other Mullah telling how to think and act. Those are individual rights that you decide.

As far as talking about invaders just exactly what in the hell do you call a bunch of misguided terrorist that kill innocent individuals with no connection to the government. I would classify them as invaders and by your own addmission are we not justified by your very own Koran to defend ourselves from such invasion???

You my friend can not have it both ways. Live in peace with your neighbors or bury yourself back under that stone that you like to throw. I can not stand hypocriticle people and Islam is one religion that has more than its fair share.
That's true , Muslims don't invade other states unless they are defending themselves , or that the other states are preventing them from inviting (not threatening) the people in the other states to Islam.

In Quran there are strict commands and rules that NO ONE SHOULD BE THREATENED TO ENTER ISLAM. You can clearly see the Christian and Jewish people who are still living since very long time ago in the Muslim countries, they weren't threatended to enter Islam and at the same time they are living in peace side by side to their Muslim neighbours.

But when Crusaders invade Muslim states then it is the Muslim's very duty to defend those invaders and ,if necessary, to strike at the Crusaders states itself.


I see. So Hezbollah is definding itself from invasion by firing missiles across borders at civilian targets?

And just WHICH ME nation did the US occupy by force on 9/11? I guess THAT was self-defense too.

You are a liar and a fool.
That's true , Muslims don't invade other states unless they are defending themselves , or that the other states are preventing them from inviting (not threatening) the people in the other states to Islam.

In Quran there are strict commands and rules that NO ONE SHOULD BE THREATENED TO ENTER ISLAM. You can clearly see the Christian and Jewish people who are still living since very long time ago in the Muslim countries, they weren't threatended to enter Islam and at the same time they are living in peace side by side to their Muslim neighbours.

But when Crusaders invade Muslim states then it is the Muslim's very duty to defend those invaders and ,if necessary, to strike at the Crusaders states itself.


Rewriting a little history today, are we?
Is this troll posting from the USA?

No. China so says the ip. One of the Islamic provinces headways in countries they don't 'invade.' Along with most of Western Europe.

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