Never saw Cheney do this...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Say what you will about VP Cheney but being accused of being a dirty old man like Biden just wasn't one of them!


Sure, he likely didn’t mean anything overtly sexual by it. But Vice President Joe Biden is a folksy kind of guy who has officially entered dirty old man territory and done something sure to elicit laughs within the White House Press Corps. Look how he’s manhandling The Hill‘s White House Correspondent Aime Parnes for this photograph taken at a recent holiday party that she posted on her Facebook page. For most people’s tastes he’s grazing way too close to the vicinity of her abdomen. And watch her reaction. Is it shock, awe, utter disbelief? Whatever the expression, she appeared to roll with it with her hands firmly in control of his at least until the shot was over. If we were to guess her words we’d wager, “OH F–K SO THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING.”

Vice President Joe Biden gropes White House reporter | The Daily Caller
But people don't fear Biden will put dioxens on them (-:

So are you saying Biden put dioxins (correct spelling by the way) on US Troops?

. Biden on Meet the Press in 2002, discussing Saddam Hussein:
“He’s a long term threat and a short term threat to our national security… “We have no choice but to eliminate the threat. This is a guy who is an extreme danger to the world.”

Biden on Meet the Press in 2002: “Saddam must be dislodged from his weapons or dislodged from power.”

Biden on Meet the Press in 2007, on Hussein’s WMDs: “Well, the point is, it turned out they didn’t, but everyone in the world thought he had them. The weapons inspectors said he had them. He catalogued — they catalogued them. This was not some, some Cheney, you know, pipe dream. This was, in fact, catalogued.”

'Just Words' That Joe Biden Would Like To Forget | National Review Online
Never saw Biden advocate torture

True nor did Cheney!
Show me where Cheney supported torture as Saddam tortured?
Did Cheney ever strongly support and actively advocate this kind of torture that ceased when Bush/Cheney took Saddam out..
YET idiots like YOU support Keeping Saddam in power who did and advocated this kind of torture!!!

Ahmad was Uday's chief executioner. Last week, as Iraqis celebrated the death of his former boss and his equally savage younger brother Qusay, he nervously revealed a hideous story. His instructions that day in 1999 were to arrest the two 19-year-olds on the campus of Baghdad's Academy of Fine Arts and deliver them at Radwaniyah. On arrival at the sprawling compound, he was directed to a farm where he found a large cage. Inside, two lions waited. They belonged to Uday. Guards took the two young men from the car and opened the cage door. One of the victims collapsed in terror as they were dragged, screaming and shouting, to meet their fate. Ahmad watched as the students frantically looked for a way of escape. There was none. The lions pounced. 'I saw the head of the first student literally come off his body with the first bite and then had to stand and watch the animals devour the two young men. By the time they were finished there was little left but for the bones and bits and pieces of unwanted flesh,' he recalled last week."
-- Sunday Times, London, July 27, 2003

"Ali would then draw out a pair of pliers and a sharp knife. Gripping the tongue with pliers, he would slice it up with the knife, tossing severed pieces into the street. "'Those punished were too terrified to move, even though they knew I was about to chop off their tongue,' said Ali in his matter-of-fact voice. 'They would just stand there, often praying and calling out for Saddam and Allah to spare them. By then it was too late.

"'I would read them out the verdict and cut off their tongue without any form of anaesthetic. There was always a lot of blood. Some offenders passed out. Others screamed in pain. They would then be given basic medical assistance in an ambulance which would always come with us on such punishment runs. Then they would be thrown in jail.'"

-- Fedayeen Saddam member interviewed in The Sunday Times (London), April 20, 2003
Saddam has reduced his people to abject poverty. He wiped out families, villages, cities and cultures, and drove four million people into exile. He killed between 100,000 and 200,000 Kurds. He killed as many as 300,000 Shiites in the uprising after the Persian Gulf war. He killed or displaced 200,000 of the 250,000 marsh Arabs who had created a unique, centuries-old culture in the south. He drained the marshes, an environmental treasure, and turned them into a desert.

In a recent Frontline documentary, a woman who fled Iraq recounted how she and others had been forced to witness the public beheadings of 15 women who had been rounded up for prostitution and other crimes against the state. One of the women was a doctor who had been misreported as speaking against the regime. "They put her head in a trash can," she said.

In 1987, Mr. Jaiyashy and a thousand other inmates were transferred to an outdoor prison camp. There, they were allowed a visit with their relatives, so long as they said nothing of their lives in prison. Mr. Jaiyashy's parents came, hoping he might still be alive. He remembers the day all the families came. "There was so much crying. We called it the crying day."

But of course YOU approved those torture techniques?
Never saw Biden advocate torture

True nor did Cheney!
Show me where Cheney supported torture as Saddam tortured?
Did Cheney ever strongly support and actively advocate this kind of torture that ceased when Bush/Cheney took Saddam out..
YET idiots like YOU support Keeping Saddam in power who did and advocated this kind of torture!!!

Ahmad was Uday's chief executioner. Last week, as Iraqis celebrated the death of his former boss and his equally savage younger brother Qusay, he nervously revealed a hideous story. His instructions that day in 1999 were to arrest the two 19-year-olds on the campus of Baghdad's Academy of Fine Arts and deliver them at Radwaniyah. On arrival at the sprawling compound, he was directed to a farm where he found a large cage. Inside, two lions waited. They belonged to Uday. Guards took the two young men from the car and opened the cage door. One of the victims collapsed in terror as they were dragged, screaming and shouting, to meet their fate. Ahmad watched as the students frantically looked for a way of escape. There was none. The lions pounced. 'I saw the head of the first student literally come off his body with the first bite and then had to stand and watch the animals devour the two young men. By the time they were finished there was little left but for the bones and bits and pieces of unwanted flesh,' he recalled last week."
-- Sunday Times, London, July 27, 2003

"Ali would then draw out a pair of pliers and a sharp knife. Gripping the tongue with pliers, he would slice it up with the knife, tossing severed pieces into the street. "'Those punished were too terrified to move, even though they knew I was about to chop off their tongue,' said Ali in his matter-of-fact voice. 'They would just stand there, often praying and calling out for Saddam and Allah to spare them. By then it was too late.

"'I would read them out the verdict and cut off their tongue without any form of anaesthetic. There was always a lot of blood. Some offenders passed out. Others screamed in pain. They would then be given basic medical assistance in an ambulance which would always come with us on such punishment runs. Then they would be thrown in jail.'"

-- Fedayeen Saddam member interviewed in The Sunday Times (London), April 20, 2003
Saddam has reduced his people to abject poverty. He wiped out families, villages, cities and cultures, and drove four million people into exile. He killed between 100,000 and 200,000 Kurds. He killed as many as 300,000 Shiites in the uprising after the Persian Gulf war. He killed or displaced 200,000 of the 250,000 marsh Arabs who had created a unique, centuries-old culture in the south. He drained the marshes, an environmental treasure, and turned them into a desert.

In a recent Frontline documentary, a woman who fled Iraq recounted how she and others had been forced to witness the public beheadings of 15 women who had been rounded up for prostitution and other crimes against the state. One of the women was a doctor who had been misreported as speaking against the regime. "They put her head in a trash can," she said.

In 1987, Mr. Jaiyashy and a thousand other inmates were transferred to an outdoor prison camp. There, they were allowed a visit with their relatives, so long as they said nothing of their lives in prison. Mr. Jaiyashy's parents came, hoping he might still be alive. He remembers the day all the families came. "There was so much crying. We called it the crying day."

But of course YOU approved those torture techniques?

We are the good is not torture when we do it

After all, they deserve it
I had no problem then and still have no problem now with the very limited, both in the number of people and number of times used, use of "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques".

Many of the things that President Bush did in very limited ways, Obama has continue to do but without the limitations that President Bush had.
Say what you will about VP Cheney but being accused of being a dirty old man like Biden just wasn't one of them!

View attachment 28737

Sure, he likely didn’t mean anything overtly sexual by it. But Vice President Joe Biden is a folksy kind of guy who has officially entered dirty old man territory and done something sure to elicit laughs within the White House Press Corps. Look how he’s manhandling The Hill‘s White House Correspondent Aime Parnes for this photograph taken at a recent holiday party that she posted on her Facebook page. For most people’s tastes he’s grazing way too close to the vicinity of her abdomen. And watch her reaction. Is it shock, awe, utter disbelief? Whatever the expression, she appeared to roll with it with her hands firmly in control of his at least until the shot was over. If we were to guess her words we’d wager, “OH F–K SO THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING.”

Vice President Joe Biden gropes White House reporter | The Daily Caller

Did you think that elderly men had a menopause and turned into ice cubes?
Joey B's been long known for his roaming hands. He's fond of attending Union functions where most of the membership are female. He was regarded as a known perv before he became VP. He's the least of America's worries, though. He may cop a feel every now and then but he's not deliberately trying to destroy the American economy and the Republic like the Chicago Jesus is.
As a matter of fact, the Chicago Jesus is a politician of an entirely different political hue than any other politician America has known.

The Dems like to compare Comrade C'Sucker Obama to FDR even though during comparable periods in their loves they were engaged in polar opposite pursuits. FDR spent his time as Under Secretary Of The Navy helping to protect and defend the American people and their interests against assault by a foreign power whereas Comrade Barack spent all of his time cloistered with individuals plotting ways and conniving to destroy America, politically, militarily and economically.

Obama more closely resembles Joe Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Mao tse Tung, or Pol Pot as an American politician than he does FDR, Adlai Stevenson, JFK, LBJ, or HST.
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Say what you will about VP Cheney but being accused of being a dirty old man like Biden just wasn't one of them!

View attachment 28737

Sure, he likely didn’t mean anything overtly sexual by it. But Vice President Joe Biden is a folksy kind of guy who has officially entered dirty old man territory and done something sure to elicit laughs within the White House Press Corps. Look how he’s manhandling The Hill‘s White House Correspondent Aime Parnes for this photograph taken at a recent holiday party that she posted on her Facebook page. For most people’s tastes he’s grazing way too close to the vicinity of her abdomen. And watch her reaction. Is it shock, awe, utter disbelief? Whatever the expression, she appeared to roll with it with her hands firmly in control of his at least until the shot was over. If we were to guess her words we’d wager, “OH F–K SO THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING.”

Vice President Joe Biden gropes White House reporter | The Daily Caller

What a pile of horseshit. This woman he is posing with POSTED THIS TO HER OWN FACEBOOK PAGE, dumbass.
True nor did Cheney!
Show me where Cheney supported torture as Saddam tortured?
Did Cheney ever strongly support and actively advocate this kind of torture that ceased when Bush/Cheney took Saddam out..
YET idiots like YOU support Keeping Saddam in power who did and advocated this kind of torture!!!

Absolutely the stupidest thing I've ever read on any political forum anywhere.

How do you imagine this would be presented to the American public?

Do you know what the term "black site" refers to? Noooooo....Not a nightclub in Harlem.
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Joey B's been long known for his roaming hands. He's fond of attending Union functions where most of the membership are female. He was regarded as a known perv before he became VP. He's the least of America's worries, though. He may cop a feel every now and then but he's not deliberately trying to destroy the American economy and the Republic like the Chicago Jesus is.
As a matter of fact, the Chicago Jesus is a politician of an entirely different political hue than any other politician America has known.

The Dems like to compare Comrade C'Sucker Obama to FDR even though during comparable periods in their loves they were engaged in polar opposite pursuits. FDR spent his time as Under Secretary Of The Navy helping to protect and defend the American people and their interests against assault by a foreign power whereas Comrade Barack spent all of his time cloistered with individuals plotting ways and conniving to destroy America, politically, militarily and economically.

Obama more closely resembles Joe Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Mao tse Tung, or Pol Pot as an American politician than he does FDR, Adlai Stevenson, JFK, LBJ, or HST.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot....

You guys realize you sound like idiots when you post this shit?
Say what you will about VP Cheney but being accused of being a dirty old man like Biden just wasn't one of them!

View attachment 28737

Sure, he likely didn’t mean anything overtly sexual by it. But Vice President Joe Biden is a folksy kind of guy who has officially entered dirty old man territory and done something sure to elicit laughs within the White House Press Corps. Look how he’s manhandling The Hill‘s White House Correspondent Aime Parnes for this photograph taken at a recent holiday party that she posted on her Facebook page. For most people’s tastes he’s grazing way too close to the vicinity of her abdomen. And watch her reaction. Is it shock, awe, utter disbelief? Whatever the expression, she appeared to roll with it with her hands firmly in control of his at least until the shot was over. If we were to guess her words we’d wager, “OH F–K SO THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING.”

Vice President Joe Biden gropes White House reporter | The Daily Caller

Cheney didn't do this because he had just enough blood for his ticker or for his pecker, but not both.

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