Neither side wants to look in the mirror

Thoughts From An Independent:

Trump supporters and Democrats can only flail away endlessly at each other, and you know why? Because it's too painful for either side to look in the mirror and admit their own misdeeds:

Democrats: Hillary Clinton was a piss - poor candidate and you know it! This lady graduated from one of the best law schools in America, she had to know using her private email account in that way was wrong, but did she stop after a few emails? Nope, she kept on doing it. Stupid! And if you folks on the left wing don't start treating white males with more respect, you're going to get your asses kicked in the next election too. White working class males used to be the backbone of the Democratic party, but you've ignored them and pandered to every minority group on the planet, then had the gall to accuse the right wing of being exclusive, well wake up lefties, you're just as bad. You bad mouth right wing communities for their lack of education, but your left wing big cities such as Detroit, Philly, L.A. and San Fran are garbage dumps with bums and drug use run rampant.

Republicans: Your golden boy in the White House is a cowardly, draft dodging white collar criminal, who couldn't tell the truth to save his life. When is Mexico going to start paying for that border wall? Remember when Bill Clinton was shagging Ms. Lewinski? You folks demanded his head, but when Dumph jumps into the sack with every pornstar and playmate on the planet then pays them hush money, you turn a blind eye to it all. Ask yourselves...if someone named Obama or Clinton invited high ranking Russians into the oval office and gave them America's top secret intel. would you turn a blind eye to that too? NOT! If someone named Obama or Clinton walked on to a Democratic convention stage with 5 of their children by 3 different women, what would the "fair and balanced" folks at FOX news say about that? And you sit on your asses and wonder why people call you hypocrites?? Duhhhh!

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? - Matthew 7:3

Trump was not in the office when he shagged a porn star. The Russia bullshit is obvious nonsense, stop spreading it, come back when you have any evidence that Trump has given anyone secret intel.
No, but he was running for office when he PAID for her silence.

And tell me you've never seen that before. It's a very common practice by wealthy people to payoff those who are trying to scam them. I'm sure Trump wouldn't have given her a dime had he not been running for President, and she knew that very well.

Yes, trump was trying to hide what kind of a low class character he was even while doing bible talk with the pastors of this country. The same guy that ranted and scare talked about muslims and then went to saudi arabia and bowed and rubbed cheeks with those muslim leaders.
Thoughts From An Independent:

Trump supporters and Democrats can only flail away endlessly at each other, and you know why? Because it's too painful for either side to look in the mirror and admit their own misdeeds:

Democrats: Hillary Clinton was a piss - poor candidate and you know it! This lady graduated from one of the best law schools in America, she had to know using her private email account in that way was wrong, but did she stop after a few emails? Nope, she kept on doing it. Stupid! And if you folks on the left wing don't start treating white males with more respect, you're going to get your asses kicked in the next election too. White working class males used to be the backbone of the Democratic party, but you've ignored them and pandered to every minority group on the planet, then had the gall to accuse the right wing of being exclusive, well wake up lefties, you're just as bad. You bad mouth right wing communities for their lack of education, but your left wing big cities such as Detroit, Philly, L.A. and San Fran are garbage dumps with bums and drug use run rampant.

Republicans: Your golden boy in the White House is a cowardly, draft dodging white collar criminal, who couldn't tell the truth to save his life. When is Mexico going to start paying for that border wall? Remember when Bill Clinton was shagging Ms. Lewinski? You folks demanded his head, but when Dumph jumps into the sack with every pornstar and playmate on the planet then pays them hush money, you turn a blind eye to it all. Ask yourselves...if someone named Obama or Clinton invited high ranking Russians into the oval office and gave them America's top secret intel. would you turn a blind eye to that too? NOT! If someone named Obama or Clinton walked on to a Democratic convention stage with 5 of their children by 3 different women, what would the "fair and balanced" folks at FOX news say about that? And you sit on your asses and wonder why people call you hypocrites?? Duhhhh!

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? - Matthew 7:3

Trump was not in the office when he shagged a porn star. The Russia bullshit is obvious nonsense, stop spreading it, come back when you have any evidence that Trump has given anyone secret intel.
No, but he was running for office when he PAID for her silence.

And tell me you've never seen that before. It's a very common practice by wealthy people to payoff those who are trying to scam them. I'm sure Trump wouldn't have given her a dime had he not been running for President, and she knew that very well.

Yes, trump was trying to hide what kind of a low class character he was even while doing bible talk with the pastors of this country. The same guy that ranted and scare talked about muslims and then went to saudi arabia and bowed and rubbed cheeks with those muslim leaders.

That was Obama that did that, not Trump.
The OP makes a point, and then everyone rushes in to illustrate it for him.

I wonder if anyone else notices this.

I was about to say the same thing after reading the first page. Then I thought to myself, "Read the whole thing Steph. Surely someone else must have said it by the fourth page, right?"
The OP makes a point, and then everyone rushes in to illustrate it for him. I wonder if anyone else notices this.
I was about to say the same thing after reading the first page. Then I thought to myself, "Read the whole thing Steph. Surely someone else must have said it by the fourth page, right?"
It's funny, but it's not funny, y'know?
Thoughts From An Independent:

Trump supporters and Democrats can only flail away endlessly at each other, and you know why? Because it's too painful for either side to look in the mirror and admit their own misdeeds:

Democrats: Hillary Clinton was a piss - poor candidate and you know it! This lady graduated from one of the best law schools in America, she had to know using her private email account in that way was wrong, but did she stop after a few emails? Nope, she kept on doing it. Stupid! And if you folks on the left wing don't start treating white males with more respect, you're going to get your asses kicked in the next election too. White working class males used to be the backbone of the Democratic party, but you've ignored them and pandered to every minority group on the planet, then had the gall to accuse the right wing of being exclusive, well wake up lefties, you're just as bad. You bad mouth right wing communities for their lack of education, but your left wing big cities such as Detroit, Philly, L.A. and San Fran are garbage dumps with bums and drug use run rampant.

Republicans: Your golden boy in the White House is a cowardly, draft dodging white collar criminal, who couldn't tell the truth to save his life. When is Mexico going to start paying for that border wall? Remember when Bill Clinton was shagging Ms. Lewinski? You folks demanded his head, but when Dumph jumps into the sack with every pornstar and playmate on the planet then pays them hush money, you turn a blind eye to it all. Ask yourselves...if someone named Obama or Clinton invited high ranking Russians into the oval office and gave them America's top secret intel. would you turn a blind eye to that too? NOT! If someone named Obama or Clinton walked on to a Democratic convention stage with 5 of their children by 3 different women, what would the "fair and balanced" folks at FOX news say about that? And you sit on your asses and wonder why people call you hypocrites?? Duhhhh!

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? - Matthew 7:3
That Trump Repub schtick is weak. I don't know you. But I wish that both sides did work together in many agendas that were good for us all. Wha tyou typed is what Progs do when they are not in power. For when they are in power, there is no other side. Using Clinton and Obama on the Repub negatives that you spout about Trump can be used for them. You love the FOX news Propaganda also. Non Progs only watch a few of their commentators and anytime they put Prog on the dais, many people tune out. It is easy for you to get your fraud news. Just turn on Kimmell or Conan or Colbert or Fallon. part of the comedic wing of the Pro globalist shill factory. Part of thousands upon thousands of condemned individuals to the dustbin of history. But not until they make many suffer. After all. All the Trump voters are privileged bank presidents living the greatest life in mansions according to you.
Thoughts From An Independent:

Trump supporters and Democrats can only flail away endlessly at each other, and you know why? Because it's too painful for either side to look in the mirror and admit their own misdeeds:

Democrats: Hillary Clinton was a piss - poor candidate and you know it! This lady graduated from one of the best law schools in America, she had to know using her private email account in that way was wrong, but did she stop after a few emails? Nope, she kept on doing it. Stupid! And if you folks on the left wing don't start treating white males with more respect, you're going to get your asses kicked in the next election too. White working class males used to be the backbone of the Democratic party, but you've ignored them and pandered to every minority group on the planet, then had the gall to accuse the right wing of being exclusive, well wake up lefties, you're just as bad. You bad mouth right wing communities for their lack of education, but your left wing big cities such as Detroit, Philly, L.A. and San Fran are garbage dumps with bums and drug use run rampant.

Republicans: Your golden boy in the White House is a cowardly, draft dodging white collar criminal, who couldn't tell the truth to save his life. When is Mexico going to start paying for that border wall? Remember when Bill Clinton was shagging Ms. Lewinski? You folks demanded his head, but when Dumph jumps into the sack with every pornstar and playmate on the planet then pays them hush money, you turn a blind eye to it all. Ask yourselves...if someone named Obama or Clinton invited high ranking Russians into the oval office and gave them America's top secret intel. would you turn a blind eye to that too? NOT! If someone named Obama or Clinton walked on to a Democratic convention stage with 5 of their children by 3 different women, what would the "fair and balanced" folks at FOX news say about that? And you sit on your asses and wonder why people call you hypocrites?? Duhhhh!

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? - Matthew 7:3

Trump was not in the office when he shagged a porn star. The Russia bullshit is obvious nonsense, stop spreading it, come back when you have any evidence that Trump has given anyone secret intel.
No, but he was running for office when he PAID for her silence.

And tell me you've never seen that before. It's a very common practice by wealthy people to payoff those who are trying to scam them. I'm sure Trump wouldn't have given her a dime had he not been running for President, and she knew that very well.

Yes, trump was trying to hide what kind of a low class character he was even while doing bible talk with the pastors of this country. The same guy that ranted and scare talked about muslims and then went to saudi arabia and bowed and rubbed cheeks with those muslim leaders.

That was Obama that did that, not Trump.
I don't remember Obama sucking up to Saudi leaders. You sure you aren't thinking of 43 maybe, or Trump...the guy who saw thousands of Muslims rejoicing as our Towers fell and then goes to their house to shuck and jive in a line dance with a sword?
BROTHERS & SISTERS: We can’t let nationalists with no solutions exploit people’s anger. We can’t sleepwalk to a diminished America. We can’t remain in the routine of business as usual and wishful thinking
Trump was not in the office when he shagged a porn star. The Russia bullshit is obvious nonsense, stop spreading it, come back when you have any evidence that Trump has given anyone secret intel.
No, but he was running for office when he PAID for her silence.

And tell me you've never seen that before. It's a very common practice by wealthy people to payoff those who are trying to scam them. I'm sure Trump wouldn't have given her a dime had he not been running for President, and she knew that very well.

Yes, trump was trying to hide what kind of a low class character he was even while doing bible talk with the pastors of this country. The same guy that ranted and scare talked about muslims and then went to saudi arabia and bowed and rubbed cheeks with those muslim leaders.

That was Obama that did that, not Trump.
I don't remember Obama sucking up to Saudi leaders. You sure you aren't thinking of 43 maybe, or Trump...the guy who saw thousands of Muslims rejoicing as our Towers fell and then goes to their house to shuck and jive in a line dance with a sword?

Allow me to refresh your memory.

Your proof of this is the train wreck in Dem run cities and states.
You mean the ones that went broke while covering the needs of Rep run States...that train wreck? Well, we know THAT wont be reciprocated now that our whimsical and vindictive President and his hench-staff got you by the happy balls.

No I mean shit on sidewalks San Francisco and drive by shooting Chicago, you know cities and states run by stupid shit liberals.

A list of this country's high poverty states, all run by republicans.

And? I think you forgot to mention the majority in poverty are in Dem districts who vote Dem. Probably because you are a dishonest left wing hack. :itsok:

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