Need some assistance!



I guess Im just an 'internet dummy', because I cant seem to find something that Im looking for, regarding my child's homeschooling.

I cant find a thing on Environmental Science (the science that he is supposed to be learning, as he is in the 6th grade).

Are there any teachers out there or anyone that might have better ideas or resources that wouldnt mind sharing them with me?


Forgot to add this in my original post:
the sixth grade social studies is Contemporary World Cultures - I have been to internet sites and teacher supply stores alike and just cant find anything. The stores are either 'out' or they want me to purchase a complete curriculum for an exorbitant amt of $ and I dont NEED a complete curriculum. I have wonderful resources for his other subjects.
don't have much of idea of what you would need for this, but I find a lot of good information through the Internet Public Library . For instance the search for 'Contemporary World Cultures' turned up some interesting sites, especially under the subject collections and kidspace subsection of the results, like the world fact book . Best luck!
Thank you to everyone who responded - I appreciate it!

I am really not liking this part of the whole homeschool thing.

Originally posted by KLSuddeth
Thank you to everyone who responded - I appreciate it!

I am really not liking this part of the whole homeschool thing.


This may sound stupid, but have you tried teacher supply stores in your area?

From what we found in our area, it was a whole lot quicker. They can sometimes hook you up to the suppliers also.
KL - I am not sure how it is where your at, but I found out here, that with a child with ADHD, and being your homeschooling him, they are supposed to supply you with the needs. I know here, though my Son is in school, I can demand two sets of books, one for home one for school. I can also have the State bring in different needs as well. I will see what more I can find out, and if around where your at, they do the same, if so, then you get this stuff through the schools or State.

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