Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

No, you’re just really that full of shit.
Many health care professionals have confirmed that publicly.

It’s obvious that the number of COVID deaths has been inflated dishonestly. When someone dying from cancer or kidney failure contracts COVID just before they expire, they are counted as a COVID. death.
He called me a liar and then implied i am killing people. I dont have time for people that cant read on a forum where all you do is READ. Also, trying to be serious, while being hyperbolic, implies that person isnt very bright
So, hyperbole and false accusations garner respectful conversation? I dont think so.
Do you understand now?
I understand that you believe two wrongs make a right. Besides, he didn’t accuse you of killing people. You were and are being hyperbolic.
Umm no. Maybe take 2nd grade English again.
"criminal responsibility" "people will die" Can you add 1+1?
Clear to me. Clear as a cold running creek in January. Clear as a July sky. Clear. The asshole was maligning you over their own smarmy little political bias.
Maybe you should try to actually provide some sort of substantive comments from time to time?

Maybe you should try to actually provide some sort of substantive comments from time to time?
Maybe you should have read the post that started this particular conversation, in which our friend TNHarley was actually the target of those two accusations, plain as day. It was post #1006. If you're not willing to actually do a little due diligence, please STFU.
Maybe you should have read the post that started this particular conversation, in which our friend TNHarley was actually the target of those two accusations, plain as day. It was post #1006. If you're not willing to actually do a little due diligence, please STFU.
Huh? I'm not very familiar with you, but my initial impression of you is less than positive.
Death rate for this vaccine is infinitissimal, as for most vaccines. By spreading lies about this, you are encouraging people to not be vaccinated, and therefore some of them will die. Good job! How do you justify that by whichever absurd ideology is motivating your criminal irresponsibility?

Here is post 1,006.
And it is just wrong.
While the vaccine death rate is very low compared to the covid death rate, that does not mean the mRNA injections save lives.
First of all, MOST people are not at all likely to die from covid, especially those under 40, so likely those under 40 would increase death rate if they get the mRNA injections.
Second is that these mRNA injections are not conveying immunity, so there is nothing gained.
They do temporarily stimulate some antibody production, but we can do that in safer ways.

Since these mRNA injections do not contain covid virus, just ask yourself how they could possibly get the immune system to recognize and trigger on covid virus in the future?
If you say that they can use the spike protein as an identifier to trigger on, you would be wrong because our own exosomes have to use the same spike protein, in order to access the ACE2 receptor sites of our own cells.

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