Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
To put this in perspective, the 1976 the swine flu vaccination was pulled after 50 deaths.

VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.​

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC
They keep pushing this shit and eventually if they can keep the truth of what they are doing hidden there won't be enough left healthy enough to fight back.


President Biden should be proud he'll be in competition with governor Cuomo soon.


To put this in perspective, the 1976 the swine flu vaccination was pulled after 50 deaths.

VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.​

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC

So old people who were about to die died anyway. Film at 11.
To put this in perspective, the 1976 the swine flu vaccination was pulled after 50 deaths.

VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.​

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC
The OP has no facts to support vaers.

VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences to CDC and FDA. VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem, but is especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine. This way, VAERS can provide CDC and FDA with valuable information that additional work and evaluation is necessary to further assess a possible safety concern.
To put this in perspective, the 1976 the swine flu vaccination was pulled after 50 deaths.

VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.​

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC

So old people who were about to die died anyway. Film at 11.
Yeah, what was all the fuss in the lockdowns. Old people were pretty much the only ones at risk and who cares about the old, am I right?
To put this in perspective, the 1976 the swine flu vaccination was pulled after 50 deaths.

VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.​

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC
The OP has no facts to support vaers.

VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences to CDC and FDA. VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem, but is especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine. This way, VAERS can provide CDC and FDA with valuable information that additional work and evaluation is necessary to further assess a possible safety concern.
This means, of course, that VAERS is significantly underreported of what is actually going on in the world.

This vaccine has killed more people than the combined vaccines in any 15-year reporting period.
The OP is just regurgitating old news. Tucker “only fools believe what he has to say” Carlson used the same fear tactic.

“On 5 May, Fox News host Tucker Carlson delivered a 10-minute monologue casting doubt on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines on his show, Tucker Carlson Tonight. He announced that almost 4000 people had died after getting COVID-19 vaccines, and added that those data “comes from VAERS,”—the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, a U.S. government program that collects reports of side effects possibly caused by vaccines.

It was a misleading statement. The reporting of a death to VAERS indicates nothing about what caused it, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) subsequent investigations have found no indication that deaths were caused by COVID-19 vaccines, save in a small subset with an extremely rare clotting disorder linked to one vaccine. But the TV segment pulled VAERS, a 31-year-old early warning system widely relied on by scientists, even deeper into the culture wars over vaccination. After the broadcast, a new phalanx of antivaccine activists began plumbing VAERS for data to scare the public about vaccination, says Angelo Carusone, president of Media Matters for America, a left-leaning nonprofit that is monitoring anti–COVID-19 vaccine activity on social media. “We have been tracking these attacks since February and this one resonated in a different way after Tucker hit it,” Carusone says.”

The OP is just regurgitating old news. Tucker “only fools believe what he has to say” Carlson used the same fear tactic.

“On 5 May, Fox News host Tucker Carlson delivered a 10-minute monologue casting doubt on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines on his show, Tucker Carlson Tonight. He announced that almost 4000 people had died after getting COVID-19 vaccines, and added that those data “comes from VAERS,”—the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, a U.S. government program that collects reports of side effects possibly caused by vaccines.

It was a misleading statement. The reporting of a death to VAERS indicates nothing about what caused it, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) subsequent investigations have found no indication that deaths were caused by COVID-19 vaccines, save in a small subset with an extremely rare clotting disorder linked to one vaccine. But the TV segment pulled VAERS, a 31-year-old early warning system widely relied on by scientists, even deeper into the culture wars over vaccination. After the broadcast, a new phalanx of antivaccine activists began plumbing VAERS for data to scare the public about vaccination, says Angelo Carusone, president of Media Matters for America, a left-leaning nonprofit that is monitoring anti–COVID-19 vaccine activity on social media. “We have been tracking these attacks since February and this one resonated in a different way after Tucker hit it,” Carusone says.”

Here is are a couple of what look to be typical comments on a VAERS entry -

My grandmother died a few hours after receiving the moderna covid vaccine booster 1. While I don?t expect that the events are related, the treating hospital did not acknowledge this and I wanted to be sure a report was made.

Within 24 hours of receiving the vaccine, fever and respiratory distress, and anxiety developed requiring oxygen, morphine and ativan. My Mom passed away on the evening of 12/26/2020.

I agree that they are not establishing cause. There should be autopsies on these deaths to determine cause. They are not even trying to find out.
To put this in perspective, the 1976 the swine flu vaccination was pulled after 50 deaths.

VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.​

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC

So old people who were about to die died anyway. Film at 11.
Yeah, what was all the fuss in the lockdowns. Old people were pretty much the only ones at risk and who cares about the old, am I right?

Whether or not you care about the elderly (or just want to pretend to do so), does not change the reality is that the vaccines were first given to those closest to the top of the Grim Reaper's To Do List, so it is only natural that a great many people died of other causes after being given the shots as they were destined to die anyway. In addition, none of the vaccines have been billed as 100% effective to begin with.
To put this in perspective, the 1976 the swine flu vaccination was pulled after 50 deaths.

VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.​

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC

So old people who were about to die died anyway. Film at 11.
Yeah, what was all the fuss in the lockdowns. Old people were pretty much the only ones at risk and who cares about the old, am I right?

Whether or not you care about the elderly (or just want to pretend to do so), does not change the reality is that the vaccines were first given to those closest to the top of the Grim Reaper's To Do List, so it is only natural that a great many people died of other causes after being given the shots as they were destined to die anyway. In addition, none of the vaccines have been billed as 100% effective to begin with.
A great many people died of "other causes" during the height of the pandemic. Those "other people" were listed as Covid deaths. A lie. If you care about the truth, you'll acknowledge that.
To put this in perspective, the 1976 the swine flu vaccination was pulled after 50 deaths.

VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.​

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC

So old people who were about to die died anyway. Film at 11.
Yeah, what was all the fuss in the lockdowns. Old people were pretty much the only ones at risk and who cares about the old, am I right?

Whether or not you care about the elderly (or just want to pretend to do so), does not change the reality is that the vaccines were first given to those closest to the top of the Grim Reaper's To Do List, so it is only natural that a great many people died of other causes after being given the shots as they were destined to die anyway. In addition, none of the vaccines have been billed as 100% effective to begin with.
A great many people died of "other causes" during the height of the pandemic. Those "other people" were listed as Covid deaths. A lie. If you care about the truth, you'll acknowledge that.

I believe that doctors do not always fill out death certificates the way people think they should. They have been doing this for eons. Is it possible people died from other things who also had covid, sure. Is it possible that doctors only suspected covid but put on the death certificate, sure. None of that changes that a lot of these people were in care homes for their terminal illnesses and many may have been given the vaccines to try to open up the homes to visitors or whatever. Doesn't mean the vaccine killed them. People in nursing homes are not there because they can still run a mile in 5 minutes at age 80.
The OP is just regurgitating old news. Tucker “only fools believe what he has to say” Carlson used the same fear tactic.

“On 5 May, Fox News host Tucker Carlson delivered a 10-minute monologue casting doubt on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines on his show, Tucker Carlson Tonight. He announced that almost 4000 people had died after getting COVID-19 vaccines, and added that those data “comes from VAERS,”—the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, a U.S. government program that collects reports of side effects possibly caused by vaccines.

It was a misleading statement. The reporting of a death to VAERS indicates nothing about what caused it, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) subsequent investigations have found no indication that deaths were caused by COVID-19 vaccines, save in a small subset with an extremely rare clotting disorder linked to one vaccine. But the TV segment pulled VAERS, a 31-year-old early warning system widely relied on by scientists, even deeper into the culture wars over vaccination. After the broadcast, a new phalanx of antivaccine activists began plumbing VAERS for data to scare the public about vaccination, says Angelo Carusone, president of Media Matters for America, a left-leaning nonprofit that is monitoring anti–COVID-19 vaccine activity on social media. “We have been tracking these attacks since February and this one resonated in a different way after Tucker hit it,” Carusone says.”

Here is are a couple of what look to be typical comments on a VAERS entry - Search Results from the VAERS Database

My grandmother died a few hours after receiving the moderna covid vaccine booster 1. While I don?t expect that the events are related, the treating hospital did not acknowledge this and I wanted to be sure a report was made.

Within 24 hours of receiving the vaccine, fever and respiratory distress, and anxiety developed requiring oxygen, morphine and ativan. My Mom passed away on the evening of 12/26/2020.

I agree that they are not establishing cause. There should be autopsies on these deaths to determine cause. They are not even trying to find out.
Hippocratic medicine would want to find out the cause so it would not happen to others.
To put this in perspective, the 1976 the swine flu vaccination was pulled after 50 deaths.

VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.​

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC
To put this into perspective you need the following information:

1. What is the total number of vaccinated?
2. How many deaths are directly attributed to the vaccine?
3. How many (unvaccinated) have gotten covid?
4. How many of those have been hospitalized, died or left with permanent health damage?

Data from other vaccines is incomplete because unlike covid, there was no requirement to report it.

Do you have any of that info or is this just a empty declaration?
To put this in perspective, the 1976 the swine flu vaccination was pulled after 50 deaths.

VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.​

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC
To put this into perspective you need the following information:

1. What is the total number of vaccinated?
2. How many deaths are directly attributed to the vaccine?
3. How many (unvaccinated) have gotten covid?
4. How many of those have been hospitalized, died or left with permanent health damage?

Data from other vaccines is incomplete because unlike covid, there was no requirement to report it.

Do you have any of that info or is this just a empty declaration?

The CDC keeps track of that.

10,991 Post-vax Deaths Reported to CDC, & FDA New J&J Warning | Principia Scientific Intl.
To put this in perspective, the 1976 the swine flu vaccination was pulled after 50 deaths.

VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.​

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC

So old people who were about to die died anyway. Film at 11.
Yeah, what was all the fuss in the lockdowns. Old people were pretty much the only ones at risk and who cares about the old, am I right?

Whether or not you care about the elderly (or just want to pretend to do so), does not change the reality is that the vaccines were first given to those closest to the top of the Grim Reaper's To Do List, so it is only natural that a great many people died of other causes after being given the shots as they were destined to die anyway. In addition, none of the vaccines have been billed as 100% effective to begin with.
A great many people died of "other causes" during the height of the pandemic. Those "other people" were listed as Covid deaths. A lie. If you care about the truth, you'll acknowledge that.

I believe that doctors do not always fill out death certificates the way people think they should. They have been doing this for eons. Is it possible people died from other things who also had covid, sure. Is it possible that doctors only suspected covid but put on the death certificate, sure. None of that changes that a lot of these people were in care homes for their terminal illnesses and many may have been given the vaccines to try to open up the homes to visitors or whatever. Doesn't mean the vaccine killed them. People in nursing homes are not there because they can still run a mile in 5 minutes at age 80.
In fact, they have admitted to doing exactly that. Putting in COVID as the reason for death when in fact, the person died from something else but happen to have covid.

They flat out admitted it last summer.

What we do know is that incidents of vaccine reactions, up to and including death, are vastly underreported in the VAERS system. It would not be an exaggeration to double the reported incidents (even the deaths) that this vaccine is causing.

As always, people who want the vaccine, please feel free to go get one. More power to you.

Those who don't should not be demonized for exercising their rights and because some of you are "a fearin' a survivable virus.
To put this in perspective, the 1976 the swine flu vaccination was pulled after 50 deaths.

VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.​

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC

So old people who were about to die died anyway. Film at 11.
Yeah, what was all the fuss in the lockdowns. Old people were pretty much the only ones at risk and who cares about the old, am I right?

Whether or not you care about the elderly (or just want to pretend to do so), does not change the reality is that the vaccines were first given to those closest to the top of the Grim Reaper's To Do List, so it is only natural that a great many people died of other causes after being given the shots as they were destined to die anyway. In addition, none of the vaccines have been billed as 100% effective to begin with.
A great many people died of "other causes" during the height of the pandemic. Those "other people" were listed as Covid deaths. A lie. If you care about the truth, you'll acknowledge that.

I believe that doctors do not always fill out death certificates the way people think they should. They have been doing this for eons. Is it possible people died from other things who also had covid, sure. Is it possible that doctors only suspected covid but put on the death certificate, sure. None of that changes that a lot of these people were in care homes for their terminal illnesses and many may have been given the vaccines to try to open up the homes to visitors or whatever. Doesn't mean the vaccine killed them. People in nursing homes are not there because they can still run a mile in 5 minutes at age 80.
In fact, they have admitted to doing exactly that. Putting in COVID as the reason for death when in fact, the person died from something else but happen to have covid.

They flat out admitted it last summer.

What we do know is that incidents of vaccine reactions, up to and including death, are vastly underreported in the VAERS system. It would not be an exaggeration to double the reported incidents (even the deaths) that this vaccine is causing.

As always, people who want the vaccine, please feel free to go get one. More power to you.

Those who don't should not be demonized for exercising their rights and because some of you are "a fearin' a survivable virus.

If you don't want one, then don't get one. You don't need to invent giant conspiracies or rationalize your decision to anyone.
What total bullshit. 300 million jabs and 10,000 died since? Even if true, that would be a LOWER death rate than you'd see whether they got the jab or not.

Uncanceled News? :rofl:
Look at their other hard-hitting stories!!

The OP has no facts to support vaers.

VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences to CDC and FDA. VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem, but is especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine. This way, VAERS can provide CDC and FDA with valuable information that additional work and evaluation is necessary to further assess a possible safety concern.
It doesn't strike you as odd that the CDC and FDA have no active trackers for an experimental vaccine that is blanket distributed, nationwide?
Maybe because there is no one held accountable?
Let them eat cake.

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