NBC/WSJ Poll - Republicans losing on almost every issue


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

NBC/WSJ poll: Public wary about sequester cuts, but Obama in stronger political position than GOP - First Read

GOP’s poor standing with the public

While Obama has seen his poll numbers drop – albeit within the survey’s margin of error – his political standing remains significantly stronger than Republicans’.

Only 29 percent of respondents say they agree “with most” of what Republicans in Congress have proposed (versus 45 percent for Obama and 40 percent for congressional Democrats).

An identical 29 percent have a favorable view of the Republican Party (compared with 49 percent for Obama and 41 percent for the Democratic Party).
By comparison, 64 percent say Republicans are taking a partisan approach, versus 22 percent who say it's focused on unity.

What’s more, the polls shows the Democratic Party beats the Republican Party on almost every issue – looking out for middle class (by 22 points), Medicare (by 18 points), health care (16 points), reducing gun violence (15 points), Social Security (14 points), immigration (7 points) and even taxes (3 points) and the economy (2 points).

The only issues where the GOP holds the advantage in the survey are reducing the federal deficit (by 6 points), controlling government spending (16 points) and ensuring a strong national defense (26 points).


NBC/WSJ poll: Public wary about sequester cuts, but Obama in stronger political position than GOP - First Read

GOP’s poor standing with the public

While Obama has seen his poll numbers drop – albeit within the survey’s margin of error – his political standing remains significantly stronger than Republicans’.

Only 29 percent of respondents say they agree “with most” of what Republicans in Congress have proposed (versus 45 percent for Obama and 40 percent for congressional Democrats).

An identical 29 percent have a favorable view of the Republican Party (compared with 49 percent for Obama and 41 percent for the Democratic Party).

Republicans will claim biased polls and people don't like them because they don't give "free stuff"
And lest the dimwitted rightwing nuts shout "LIBERAL MEDIA" at the NBC part of the pollster sponsor, just remember what the WSJ stands for .....and STFU. ahahahahahaha.

I read the WSJ almost daily and it's extremely pro-Republican and anti-Obama. In fact, I refer to pages 8-10 as the "We Hate Obama" section, otherwise known as the Op-Ed pages.
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They clearly oversampled Democrats in this poll and I bet Nate Silver had a hand in this somehow. I want to see Dick Morris and Karl Rove's polls.
" But a combined 53 percent prefer that Congress move ahead with the current sequester cuts or a plan that contains even more cuts. Thirty-seven percent want a plan with fewer cuts. "


" The percentage approving of the president’s handling of the economy has dropped five points, from 49 percent last month to 44 percent now. "
" And just 32 percent of Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction – down three points since January. "


" The only issues where the GOP holds the advantage in the survey are reducing the federal deficit (by 6 points), controlling government spending (16 points) and ensuring a strong national defense (26 points). "

What this tells me is that the repubs are fighting for the positions their constituents want them to take. And that Obama has the bully pulpit and reaches more people than does the Speaker or the other repubs. And of course the fact the the lapdog MSM is nowhere near unbiased in providing news coverage. So enjoy your time in the sun, it'll fade as the economy remains sluggish and the president remains unwilling to change his policies that have done nothing over the past 4 years.
From the OP link:

" But a combined 53 percent prefer that Congress move ahead with the current sequester cuts or a plan that contains even more cuts. Thirty-seven percent want a plan with fewer cuts. "


" The percentage approving of the president’s handling of the economy has dropped five points, from 49 percent last month to 44 percent now. "
" And just 32 percent of Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction – down three points since January. "


" The only issues where the GOP holds the advantage in the survey are reducing the federal deficit (by 6 points), controlling government spending (16 points) and ensuring a strong national defense (26 points). "

What this tells me is that the repubs are fighting for the positions their constituents want them to take. And that Obama has the bully pulpit and reaches more people than does the Speaker or the other repubs. And of course the fact the the lapdog MSM is nowhere near unbiased in providing news coverage. So enjoy your time in the sun, it'll fade as the economy remains sluggish and the president remains unwilling to change his policies that have done nothing over the past 4 years.
Did NBC edit this too?

Although, I surely can see obama voters agreeing that they haven't got enough free stuff and the GOP is stopping obama from giving it to them.
The public is being misled and lied to.. everything from the sequester being "cuts" to who is actually doing what... of course with the propaganda they are being fed and with no research on their own, they would go with the flow on a poll
Did NBC edit this too?

Although, I surely can see obama voters agreeing that they haven't got enough free stuff and the GOP is stopping obama from giving it to them.

There it is...Free Stuff

Winner, winner.....chicken dinner

More Americans dislike the GOP more than they dislike the DNC.

Hardly much to crow about for the DNC, but they'll take what they can get
They clearly oversampled Democrats in this poll and I bet Nate Silver had a hand in this somehow. I want to see Dick Morris and Karl Rove's polls.

It's laughable that you want to hear what Dick Morris and Karl Rove have to say, given that they were the laughing stock of the nation on election night with their "landslide" comments on Fox Noise. Even that harpy Megan Whats-Her-Face was mocking Rove.
I see we've gone past what is good policy to what is popular policy. In Greece they are rioting to keep the flow of money for bennies, regardless that the country cannot afford it any more.
A Winthrop University (Charlotte) poll of South Carolina last week showed President Obama had a higher approval rating, in SC, than Tea Party Queen Governor Nikki Haley.

Yes. In the reddest of red states, SC, Obama out-polled the Tea Party Governor.

Yep. This landslide is picking up steam.
What issues are Republicans losing on?

Gun control
Gay Rights
Global Warming

Once again, on the wrong side of history
What issues are Republicans losing on?

Gun control
Gay Rights
Global Warming

Once again, on the wrong side of history

Add in their zeal for foreign wars, their bipolar border policy of demanding a sealed border with deportation----but----loving the free cheap labor their businesses get, their bitter attitude in public towards cops, teachers, firemen, their 1950's attitude towards women, their obesity rate (yes, right wingers, look at a map- blue areas are FAR LESS obese than red areas. If you are serious about healthcare, start with your own fat ass).

All together, awful for the GOP.
What issues are Republicans losing on?

Gun control
Gay Rights
Global Warming

Once again, on the wrong side of history

DEMs pandering to give out freebies, force taxpayers to pay for others, and lie about increasing costs have snoballed many... especially those who chant for the freebies while also chanting to take more from others

And again, of course people want less taxes while others pay more.. but with govt spending, soon those who have been promised no taxes will have to be taxed... you can't think the rich can pay for it all

2nd amendment trumps whatever popularity

Gays already have rights, just as every other citizen has... protected status for a choice and personal decision is something quite different

The REPs can't be on the wrong side of that myth

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