Nba players expected to kneel around BLM logo on the court during national anthem

I stand with the kneelers even though they are approaching it the wrong way.instead of kneeling,they should leave as I always do.i always have left when they sang the national anthem to go to the restroom because people who sing the song and put their hand over their Hearts are gullible blind brainwashed makes me nauseated to hear those propaganda words land of the free and home of the brave.this is no free country,it’s been a facist dictatership for decades now with so many new laws that come out year after year it’s a joke people think they live in a free country.

Our forefathers never would have stood for this.the American people have become cowards letting politicians control our lives with us serving the government instead of them serving us as the constituition says they are suppose to.

The constitution got burned and shredded to pieces decades ago,this isn’t the land of the free,more accurate is land of the oppressed.

When is this virtue signaling bonanza and disrespectful behavior by spoiled jocks going to end?
Yeah, that'll make me want to pay to go see or watch on TV as a white person! That's sure to unite the country! Blacks uniting as Blacks playing their Black national anthem. :smoke:
Not all blacks support BLM either. Plenty don’t.

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