Nazi quotes just for fun!!

What's with this "eugenics" kick you've engaged in, Koshergrl? I don't know where you got this from.
What's with this "eugenics" kick you've engaged in, Koshergrl? I don't know where you got this from.

Just pointing out that the most vile practices the Nazis engaged in, and for which they are best known, are practices that progressives whole heartedly endorse.

Which is explained in detail through the thread. I recommend you read it if you don't understand.

And no sand ****** mayors, either!

Hitler's nazis and today's progressives are pretty much the same thing.

They wear different clothes...

And while nazis were after a blonde haired blue eyes populace, today's progressives are for many of the same things...except the blonde/blue combination. They think they can weed out poverty, illness, unhappiness, stupidity by negative eugenics.

It's all SSDD.

As I look back, KosherGrl, it appears that this is the point that you introduced eugenics into the thread. Why? There was no mention at all of eugenics in the original post.
Hitler's nazis and today's progressives are pretty much the same thing.

They wear different clothes...

And while nazis were after a blonde haired blue eyes populace, today's progressives are for many of the same things...except the blonde/blue combination. They think they can weed out poverty, illness, unhappiness, stupidity by negative eugenics.

It's all SSDD.

As I look back, KosherGrl, it appears that this is the point that you introduced eugenics into the thread. Why? There was no mention at all of eugenics in the original post.

Nazis and eugenics are KG's favorite subject. She loooooooooves them.
The thread is about the parallels between liberals and Nazis. The most appalling belief they share is the belief that negative eugenics should be applied to the population.

Which I already explained. So stop trolling the thread, loser.

"The intellectual foundation of the progressive movement, though, can be traced farther back — to the French Revolution inspired by Rousseau and Robespierre. The central faith was that the “collective” was more important than the “person.” Robespierre said, “The people is always worth more than individuals. ... The people is sublime, but individuals are weak.”

Following the progressivism of Wilson were communism, fascism and Nazism. All believed in the state and tried to marginalize religion. (These leaders desired that the least feel comforted only by the generosity of the state.)
Progressivism and its progeny all believed in the fairness and wisdom of decisions made by the state — often at the expense of the individual, who, it was believed, made selfish decisions. All demanded that the state have an increased role in raising children. Adolf Hitler scoffed at those who remained opposed to him, saying he already had control of their children.
All believed in the minimum wage, state control of private property for the public good, unionization and environmentalism. And they believed in eugenics to purify the gene pool.

Read more: Opinion: Progressivism? Not so fast, folks - Rep. John Linder -

"The intellectual foundation of the progressive movement, though, can be traced farther back — to the French Revolution inspired by Rousseau and Robespierre. The central faith was that the “collective” was more important than the “person.” Robespierre said, “The people is always worth more than individuals. ... The people is sublime, but individuals are weak.”

Following the progressivism of Wilson were communism, fascism and Nazism. All believed in the state and tried to marginalize religion. (These leaders desired that the least feel comforted only by the generosity of the state.)
Progressivism and its progeny all believed in the fairness and wisdom of decisions made by the state — often at the expense of the individual, who, it was believed, made selfish decisions. All demanded that the state have an increased role in raising children. Adolf Hitler scoffed at those who remained opposed to him, saying he already had control of their children.
All believed in the minimum wage, state control of private property for the public good, unionization and environmentalism. And they believed in eugenics to purify the gene pool.

Read more: Opinion: Progressivism? Not so fast, folks - Rep. John Linder -

Whoa. That's just crazy. By the same "stream of consciousness" approach to logic, you can also point to the Conservative's insistance on breeding programs for low wage workers. At some point, you have to use reason.

I know that you lump all "progressives" into one homogenous group, but that is wrong. That would be equal to me lumping all conservatives into the Nazi right wing. Do you want to kill all Communists, KosherGrl? or all socialists? Is your approach to instituting the "correct" form of governance somehow better than "eugenics?"

Holy crap, people are individuals. We form governments so that we can successfully live together as a society. That's sort of important, you know.
KosherGrl said:

The thread is about the parallels between liberals and Nazis. The most appalling belief they share is the belief that negative eugenics should be applied to the population.
Do you not understand the irony in this statement? Hell, fascists/Nazis are definitively right wing--and they allegedly were quite big on your "negative eugenics." In fact, you might say that the difference between the right wing and the "progressives" in terms of "negative eugenics" might be that the right wing actually practiced it with great enthusiasm.

Have you heard of lynching, KosherGrl? Conservatives/right wingers are known to be somewhat racist. Does that not count toward eugenic purification? Segregation of the races; apartheid?

Holy crap, what a conversation.
....breeding programs for low wage workers? What the hell are you talking about, loon?

Nazis weren't right wing. That's the point. They enjoyed the support of the biggest democrats the world has ever known..Hearst, DuPont, Kennedy. The ideology that the Nazis sold is left wing ideology...state over individual, population control, negative eugenics, all those are the darlings of today's leftist weirdoes.
KosherGrl said:

The thread is about the parallels between liberals and Nazis. The most appalling belief they share is the belief that negative eugenics should be applied to the population.
Do you not understand the irony in this statement? Hell, fascists/Nazis are definitively right wing--and they allegedly were quite big on your "negative eugenics." In fact, you might say that the difference between the right wing and the "progressives" in terms of "negative eugenics" might be that the right wing actually practiced it with great enthusiasm.

Have you heard of lynching, KosherGrl? Conservatives/right wingers are known to be somewhat racist. Does that not count toward eugenic purification? Segregation of the races; apartheid?

Holy crap, what a conversation.

Lynchings were undertaken by Democrats, you fucking idiot. And just because the lefties claim that NOW racism is the hallmark of the right doesn't make it so. You morons are currently insisting that being black and female precludes incompetence. Though you claimed something different when Condi Rice was in the news...
My point, which you are helping me to make, and the point of the OP, is that today's liberals use the same methods and spout the same nonsense that the Nazis did.

And you're just affirming it with every keystroke you subject us to.

"In Mississippi, Louisiana, the Carolinas and Florida especially, the Democratic Party relied on paramilitary "White Line" groups such as the White Camelia to terrorize, intimidate and assassinate African American and white Republicans in an organized drive to regain power. In Mississippi, it was the Red Shirts; in Louisiana, the White League that were paramilitary groups carrying out goals of the Democratic Party to suppress black voting. Insurgents targeted politically active African Americans and unleashed violence in general community intimidation. Grant's desire to keep Ohio in the Republican aisle and his attorney general's maneuvering led to a failure to support the Mississippi governor with Federal troops.[citation needed] The campaign of terror worked. In Yazoo County, for instance, with a Negro population of 12,000, only seven votes were cast for Republicans. In 1875, Democrats swept into power in the state legislature.[12]
Once Democrats regained power in Mississippi, Democrats in other states adopted the Mississippi Plan to control the election of 1876, using informal armed militias to assassinate political leaders, hunt down community members, intimidate and turn away voters, effectively suppressing African American suffrage and civil rights. In state after state, Democrats swept back to power.[13] From 1868 to 1876, most years had 50–100 lynchings.
White Democrats passed laws and constitutional amendments making voter registration more complicated, to further exclude black voters from the polls.["

Fucking idiot. Don't prate to me about Republican lynchings. Spend time getting a real education.
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....breeding programs for low wage workers? What the hell are you talking about, loon?

Nazis weren't right wing. That's the point. They enjoyed the support of the biggest democrats the world has ever known..Hearst, DuPont, Kennedy. The ideology that the Nazis sold is left wing ideology...state over individual, population control, negative eugenics, all those are the darlings of today's leftist weirdoes.

Democrats were no angels in that era, but it was a Democrat that urged the nation (including industrialist Republicans that supported Nazis) to wage war on Hitler. Remember Prescott Bush?If you equate "left wing" with despotism, fascism, and dictatorships--well, so goes the "right wing." Ideologues of both groups tend to be narcisistic crazies, and I avoid both. When you get to the extremes of the right and left, they tend to converge--they both seek total control of everyone else.

"state over individual"
Anti-abortion lobby of the Republicans, insertion of Christian religious dogma into public and government institutions

"population control"
Anti-immigration policies of the right wing, elimination of child welfare programs that disproportionately impacts minorities

"negative eugenics"
The Republican/right wing eternal thirst for warfare to solve problems--particularly in the Middle East

See, neither side has a lock on craziness.
Lynchings were undertaken by Democrats, you fucking idiot. And just because the lefties claim that NOW racism is the hallmark of the right doesn't make it so.

O rly?

That would be valid if Muslims weren't a huge threat to our safety and security.

Again, its' not fear mongering if it's true, and it's not extremism if it's valid.

Nope, no racism there!

May I interest you in a NO SAND ****** MAYORS sign?

KosherGrl said:

The thread is about the parallels between liberals and Nazis. The most appalling belief they share is the belief that negative eugenics should be applied to the population.
Do you not understand the irony in this statement? Hell, fascists/Nazis are definitively right wing--and they allegedly were quite big on your "negative eugenics." In fact, you might say that the difference between the right wing and the "progressives" in terms of "negative eugenics" might be that the right wing actually practiced it with great enthusiasm.

Have you heard of lynching, KosherGrl? Conservatives/right wingers are known to be somewhat racist. Does that not count toward eugenic purification? Segregation of the races; apartheid?

Holy crap, what a conversation.

Lynchings were undertaken by Democrats, you fucking idiot. And just because the lefties claim that NOW racism is the hallmark of the right doesn't make it so. You morons are currently insisting that being black and female precludes incompetence. Though you claimed something different when Condi Rice was in the news...
My point, which you are helping me to make, and the point of the OP, is that today's liberals use the same methods and spout the same nonsense that the Nazis did.

And you're just affirming it with every keystroke you subject us to.

"In Mississippi, Louisiana, the Carolinas and Florida especially, the Democratic Party relied on paramilitary "White Line" groups such as the White Camelia to terrorize, intimidate and assassinate African American and white Republicans in an organized drive to regain power. In Mississippi, it was the Red Shirts; in Louisiana, the White League that were paramilitary groups carrying out goals of the Democratic Party to suppress black voting. Insurgents targeted politically active African Americans and unleashed violence in general community intimidation. Grant's desire to keep Ohio in the Republican aisle and his attorney general's maneuvering led to a failure to support the Mississippi governor with Federal troops.[citation needed] The campaign of terror worked. In Yazoo County, for instance, with a Negro population of 12,000, only seven votes were cast for Republicans. In 1875, Democrats swept into power in the state legislature.[12]
Once Democrats regained power in Mississippi, Democrats in other states adopted the Mississippi Plan to control the election of 1876, using informal armed militias to assassinate political leaders, hunt down community members, intimidate and turn away voters, effectively suppressing African American suffrage and civil rights. In state after state, Democrats swept back to power.[13] From 1868 to 1876, most years had 50–100 lynchings.
White Democrats passed laws and constitutional amendments making voter registration more complicated, to further exclude black voters from the polls.["

Lynching in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fucking idiot. Don't prate to me about Republican lynchings. Spend time getting a real education.

And those former racist southern Democrats are now southern Republicans. Your point?
No, they aren't. You all hid for a while in the Republican party, but you're back on your own side now.

Our party, unlike yours, can absorb such unfortunate migrations because at the end of the day, we stand for individual liberty and freedom. Despite the attempt to putrify us from within by flooding us with Dems in sheep's clothing, our party never did become the "lynching" party. We're still the party that fought against (and eventually won) such practices.

Progressives. I refer you back to the OP. You still employ the same tactics.

And you're dismissed as a hysterical know-nothing..I'd call you a propagandist but I think you're just ignorant.
Our party, unlike yours, can absorb such unfortunate migrations because at the end of the day, we stand for individual liberty and freedom.

NO. Absolutely not--you, like the Democrats, want the entire population to yield to your belief system. That makes you dangerous.

No political movement that is as nationalist as yours can ever make a claim of promoting "individual liberty and freedom."
No, they aren't. You all hid for a while in the Republican party, but you're back on your own side now.

Our party, unlike yours, can absorb such unfortunate migrations because at the end of the day, we stand for individual liberty and freedom.

Except when it comes to people who are the wrong religion.

Despite the attempt to putrify us from within by flooding us with Dems in sheep's clothing, our party never did become the "lynching" party. We're still the party that fought against (and eventually won) such practices.

Just don't put a mosque in your town, or your kind will come out in force.

Progressives. I refer you back to the OP. You still employ the same tactics.

And you're dismissed as a hysterical know-nothing..I'd call you a propagandist but I think you're just ignorant.

Some serious nazi tendencies in you.

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Shut up and take a seat, loons. In the front of the class, with the other retards.

Today's leftists, socialists and progressives would bristle at the suggestion that their agenda differs little from those of Nazi, Soviet and Maoist mass murderers. One does not have to be in favor of death camps or wars of conquest to be a tyrant. The only requirement is that one has to believe in the primacy of the state over individual rights.
The unspeakable horrors of Nazism didn't happen overnight. They were simply the end result of a long evolution of ideas leading to consolidation of power in central government in the quest for "social justice." It was decent but misguided earlier generations of Germans -- who would have cringed at the thought of genocide -- who created the Trojan horse for Hitler's ascendancy. Today's Americans are similarly accepting the massive consolidation of power in Washington in the name of social justice.
If you don't believe it, just ask yourself: Which way are we headed tiny steps at a time -- toward greater liberty or toward more government control over our lives?
Perhaps we think that we are better human beings than the German people who created the conditions that brought Hitler to power. I say, don't count on it."

BTW, a black guy wrote this, so any criticism of or disagreement with it is racist and sexist.

Liberals, Progressives and Socialists - Walter E. Williams - [page]
And those former racist southern Democrats are now southern Republicans. Your point?

Horseshit. The racist Democrats stayed in the Democrat party. George Wallace, Bull Conner, Robert Byrd, Senator J. William Fulbright and Senator Albert Gore Sr. were all Democrats until they day they died.

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