National Security Threat - Organized, Funded Illegal Force of Thousands Blow Through Mexican Police, Barricade On Way To US


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
A caravan of several thousand people is moving through Mexico on its way north to the U.S. border. On Saturday they forced their way through a barricade formed by Mexican law enforcement, continuing on with their march.

This is a well-organized effort. It is being reported that the migrants had to register with a QR code on their phones or a web link to participate. They learn about the caravan through social media. One organizer blames the Mexican government for not welcoming the migrants and providing a way for them to stay in Mexico. He says many don’t want to go to the United States but Mexico won’t provide paperwork that would allow them to stay and find work.

Why would Mexico WELCOME thousands of criminal illegals who have violated Mexico's laws and intends to violate US laws, who overwhelmed Mexican forces, blowing through their roadblock, determined to force their way into the U.S.?

Why should the US allow proven criminals force their way into the US?

Should we consider a worst scenario possible??

These creatures have hate in their hearts

Let's just do a Jan 6th...We know there might be trouble, so we'll run a skeleton crew
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Every border state should have the NG at their border with orders to shoot anyone trying to invade the US.
You make it sound like the only people at the border are people attempting to cross into the US illegally. The fact is, it's a very populated area with thousands of legal people crossing in both directions all day and all through the nights. There's no way to shoot there without hitting innocent bystanders.

What's your plan B?
I call bull shit on that.

We are being overrun by illegals. Another million under Bidung's watch.

These illegals cost us billions each year. If they came over legally no problem. If the snuck over, which thousands do every day, then big problem.

The border states having their NG at their borders would stop loads from just walking across the border which they do by the thousands each day. If they came legally they would come through the gates.
A caravan of several thousand people is moving through Mexico on its way north to the U.S. border. On Saturday they forced their way through a barricade formed by Mexican law enforcement, continuing on with their march.

This is a well-organized effort. It is being reported that the migrants had to register with a QR code on their phones or a web link to participate. They learn about the caravan through social media. One organizer blames the Mexican government for not welcoming the migrants and providing a way for them to stay in Mexico. He says many don’t want to go to the United States but Mexico won’t provide paperwork that would allow them to stay and find work.

Why would Mexico WELCOME thousands of criminal illegals who have violated Mexico's laws and intends to violate US laws, who overwhelmed Mexican forces, blowing through their roadblock, determined to force their way into the U.S.?

Why should the US allow proven criminals force their way into the US?

quick joe get their welfare and foodstamps ready
Should we consider a worst scenario possible??

These creatures have hate in their hearts

Let's just do a Jan 6th...We know there might be trouble, so we'll run a skeleton crew
After Jan 6th, the Democrap CongressRats, decided to put up a wall around the Capitol, with guys with machine guns ordered to shoot to kill. Those elite pieces of shit felt all secure in their walled up building, but tell US that walls dont work.

"Mr. President!! Mr. President!!!"

"Uh... let me see the list they gave me... uh... yeah Jill go ahead.."


"Any comment on the mad rushes getting into the U.S. Border?"

I call bull shit on that.

We are being overrun by illegals. Another million under Bidung's watch.

These illegals cost us billions each year. If they came over legally no problem. If the snuck over, which thousands do every day, then big problem.

The border states having their NG at their borders would stop loads from just walking across the border which they do by the thousands each day. If they came legally they would come through the gates.
It's a good thing that the legal people that cross through the gates remain in a column and don't spread out on the other side.

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