That would make sense Chris, if the Stimulus Bill was a targeted, and temporary fix, However it is not. Most of the spending does not even happen for 3 years or more. That is not a stimulus Chris, no matter how many times they say it is. This is a spending bill, that may indeed give us some short term help, but the long term costs will cancel our any Temporary gain....
This is the scariest time I can remember as an American, ....
Chill Charley! Damn, man ya gonna have a heart attack. Lighten up. The reality is that 90% or more of the spending bill is for projects that the states and cities already had on their project list. They could not do them because of revenue shortfalls, so the Federal Government is now footing the bill. This really isn't increased spending. It is the same projects that were originally going to be done in this time frame funded by another source.
The sad thing is that all we are trying to do is hold back a tidal wave with a hastily shoveled loose dirt birm. I don't think it is going to work. We need to do these projects and about one trillion dollars more of Make Work.
We are not doing enough to stop the collapse of the world's economy. It is not just our house of cards that is falling down
neu a stimulus is not meant to be the sole answer to the problem. a stimulus is designed to help people weather the storm. its not meant to fix the problem by itself. to fix the problem they have got to get credit flowing again. that's the only thing that will fix the problem.
Credit flow is not the answer at all. In fact, it is the problem. The idea in itself suggest racking up more debt. That is no solution.
Without going through the whole usury spill, I will only say that the practice of turning profits by putting others into debt is a dead end road. Explain to me where the end is ? Where do the usury dollars come from ? Not in the form of the paper that notes are printed upon, but where do the actual goods come from that the notes represent ? How do you justify, better yet, actually produce usury dollars ? It's an extremely fundamental principle and there is a mountain of history that can teach you a lot about what happens with unchecked usury. For heavens sake, let's look at what's going on here. Nothing will be repaired for the long run until we look at the fundamentals that have to change. I'm not on the socialist wagon here, just looking at the adjustments to make our system work. Credit is surely needed but in very tight and limited markets. You can wager on risk all day but so long as money = power, you can bet that everyone gets to eat the risk of the few, in the end.
The prime example is the Fed. I've laid this out before. Let's start from zero. We are busted and need money. We ask this money of the Fed. We ask for 1 billion. We sell the Fed government bonds at interest, for 1 billion dollars. The Fed grants the money and 1 billion dollars is printed, minted and circulated. So, there is a billion dollars being traded around. Where, I ask you, is the INTEREST ? They don't print it. It does not exist. Any payments made back to the Fed simply feeds the overlords cash to live with, at our expense. Don't you guys understand that ? If they only give us 1 billion, how do we pay them back 1 billion + interest ? They control the notes. They will never print the interest money.
This is where the holes in Neubarth's theory are. Abvsolutely, we have resources above the debt. But the money doesn't exist to pay for them and the people who we owe it to will not allow the money to exist. That's the game. It's called usury.
Read the story of Jesus and the money changers. Not from a religious point of view, but from common sense. The money changers were in control of the notes. That was the whole deal.
There is less than 900 billion dollars of US currency in circulation. If we collected every dime of US currency and appled it to the national debt, it would barely make a dent. Not to mention we would immediately have to borrow more money from the reserve in order to have trade currency......maning more interest racked up to represent money that does not exist.
Another vicous force is deposit money. This is your checking, savings and CDs. You might deposit real money into these but that money is quickly doubled by the bank. The bank is allowed to create an almost equal amount to it's deposits. As soon as hard cash comes in, it is both recorded as existing in your account and the actual notes dispersed, nearly in it's entirity. The money now exist in two forms: cash and deposit. There are two representations of the same notes. The bank has created money from nothing, on which to draw interest from and do the same all over again.
Folks, the entire concept of trade in US currency is the biggest scam in human history. Until you understand that, you are working with a crooked deck.