Nancy Pelosi drops another MASSIVELY racist remark in public: "We need them to pick the crops"

I haven't called you a racist.

We're talking about guest workers, farm workers and temporary visas.

I remember Trump suspending immigrant worker visas when the US needed 10 million workers. Anti- immigrant rhetoric is the Trumplican mantra.
Pelosi makes profits from illegal alien farm labor

You know what happened in the 60s when there was a program to get young high schoolers to pick crops?
I used to pick crops every summer, then the state started to regulate it and, regulated it so it is not doable anymore. Got to love regulations. Picked crops from 12-16 then at 17, I went to work in the summer and fall for the local cannery, which is now shut down.
Apparently, our top Democrat leaders are unaware of the H2A Visa program for farmers needing to hire seasonal migrant workers. The daily stupidity from the Democrats is getting old. :dunno:

We all used to work right with the migrant workers. They were all business and we had a lot of respect for them.
Isn't anyone telling these people to at least try to hide the fact that they hate immigrants and non-whites? Or did Joe Biden's blatant racism just make it ok for everyone else to do it now?

She needs to retire, her and several other political lifers.
A very small percentage of illegals in America actually work in the farm fields. By far most of them work in other areas such as food plants , hospitality and landscaping. The notion that they are mostly "fruit pickers" is out dated, and quite frankly, racist. Also I might add that a large number of "illegal aliens" are highly motivated people that are very capable of outperforming their ( American citizen) co-workers. If you are a "supervisor" that thinks the illegals are just there do do manual labor, you are sorely mistaken. Many of these "workers" could do your job much more effectively, and appreciate the opportunity far more than you do. Alexandro Castillo faked his papers and became a citizen under the last amnesty. His cousin, that had a body shop in San Diego, signed the necessary papers. Initially, his job at a seafood plant subjected him to racism and menial tasks. Almost instantly his past experience in the Mexican army, his leadership skills, his work ethic and his religious background made him a prime candidate to replace his supervisor. Alex was no "fruit picker".
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Marvin, there's different types of guest worker visas.

Once again, Pelosi was referring to illegal immigrants (meaning no right to work in the US), who are being sent to places like Martha's Vineyard. She believes their only purpose is picking crops. You seem to agree.
How is this racist???? The reason your grocery prices have gone up so much is because of a lack of immigrant labour to plant the crops, pick and process them. Did you think you could send millions of workers back to where ever they came from with no economic impact on all of the labour they contributed to GDP?

Of course you did, because you're a Republican. If a bumper sticker slogan doesn't cover it, it's too complicated for you to understand and it hurts your head to think about it.
Prices have gone up because the price of Diesel has gone sky high thanks to Biden's thanks to his bone headed rescinding of Trump's EO taking the shackles off our fossil fuel industry.
I grew up in a small farming town. At that time Mexican workers were not readily available. Teenagers made up a large portion of the "fruit pickers". We worked hard, long hours picking watermelons in the humid heat. But we grew to be strong, learned the beauty of hard labor, learned that hard work can pay off, and had money , that we earned, to buy our first car.... In todays world those teenagers are likely to be fat and lazy, have no notion of hard work or self-reliance, and cheer on the invaders doing the picking.... while they stare at their phones.
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Isn't anyone telling these people to at least try to hide the fact that they hate immigrants and non-whites? Or did Joe Biden's blatant racism just make it ok for everyone else to do it now?

Gee, I wonder how LEGAL immigrants, the ones that followed the rules and live in the U.S..... FEEL about Biden letting millions of illegals cross the border, shake their hands in sanctuary cities, give them water, clothes, money and a place to stay. I can tell you how they FEEL, they are angry!
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How is this racist???? The reason your grocery prices have gone up so much is because of a lack of immigrant labour to plant the crops, pick and process them. Did you think you could send millions of workers back to where ever they came from with no economic impact on all of the labour they contributed to GDP?

Of course you did, because you're a Republican. If a bumper sticker slogan doesn't cover it, it's too complicated for you to understand and it hurts your head to think about it.
The reason prices are increasing is because our fuel is expensive and it affects all shipping. Most immigrants do not, do not work in the fields, that is a misdated ignorant and racist statement. Maybe you should ditch your stereotyping of people and realize the world is much broader and less ignorant then what you seem to believe.

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