Nadler will grill AG Barr again today


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
ABC News " Democrats hope to grill him over a long list of controversies and his repeated interventions in matters of interest to President Donald Trump."
"Democratic committee sources told ABC News the members plan to highlight how they believe Barr's actions have benefitted Trump and his reelection campaign over the national interest "

Jerry Nadler wants to stick his finger in the fan again to see if it still hurts.
Numpty Nadler is accusing Mr. Barr of politicized the DOJ.
Barr is actually trying to do the exact opposite and depoliticize the DOJ.
The Dems/Press are on a mission to discredit Barr before his indictments come down.
Barr is on a mission for JUSTICE.
The Coupsters have to be held responsible for their crimes in the 2016 election and for undermining our democracy*.
If they can get away with this our country's is future is in doubt.

Democrats to grill AG Barr over interventions in matters of interest to Trump
AG Bill Barr condemns 'violent rioters' and 'bogus Russiagate scandal'
Good he deserves to be grilled, as he is the attorney for Tramp. But he will lie and get out of the questions like he has done before.

Not at all. Mr. Barr in the nation's Beloved Attorney General.

The Tremendous Rudolph Giuliani is our President's personal attorney.

He has 1 attorney that takes care of him, Giuliani is just a friend (but he uses the excuse he is tramps lawyer)
when the Democrates attack instaed of asking Questions will the Capitol Poliice be callerd to arrest them for assult or will we need the marines in the Room to defend Free Speech? I would like to just have Hells Angels their and let them take care of the Democrats, or AG Barr will him self
No need to worry folks, the Dems and Barr are on the same team, they just make it appear they are adversaries to dupe the people.
If the democrats had as much sense as a dead bird they would drop their little political theater they are putting on for their base that they lead around by the nose. But they won't because they really hope they can get something, any little tidbit. They aren't smart enough to realize that this will be turned against them.
Good he deserves to be grilled, as he is the attorney for Tramp. But he will lie and get out of the questions like he has done before.
Watching Barr talk about why we need to protect black neighborhoods, while democrats say they should burn down will be epic.. haha
The Senate should start an investigation into BLM and Antifa's organized crimes
Good he deserves to be grilled, as he is the attorney for Tramp. But he will lie and get out of the questions like he has done before.
Yeah.....shoot the bastard.
Let's kill everyone that works for Trump.

No I said grilled and I didn't say shoot him, but you did. Do you want his dead?
You've already assumed that Barr is a lying fuck....just because he was appointed by Trump.
Trump appointed him because of his reputation for not allowing himself to be manipulated or become political.....and you don't like that.
You have no problem with Obama appointing people that take bribes and are down for the cause....but Trump can't have an AG he can trust to enforce the law, not your two-tiered social justice that favors the crooks in Washington.
Good he deserves to be grilled, as he is the attorney for Tramp. But he will lie and get out of the questions like he has done before.
Watching Barr talk about why we need to protect black neighborhoods, while democrats say they should burn down will be epic.. haha
The Senate should start an investigation into BLM and Antifa's organized crimes

They should be declared domestic terrorists and be treated accordingly.

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