Nadler announces sweeping document requests, says Trump obstructed justice

Let's play and see who has the most corrupt criminal empire. Sure looks like tRumPutin since so many in his orbit going to jail.

One has to wonder how many of those who dies under the Klinton's regime would have preferred at little jail time instead of what they got.

Cool story, I noticed however ewe do not deny the tRumPutin crime family issues. Just deflect to someone that hasn't held the top office in the country in over 18 years. Ya cool story, carry on please.
View attachment 248678

Who was Secretary Of State when Benghazi went down?



How many investigations into Benghazi by the Rethug controlled Congress to come up with, yup ewe guessed it a big fat zero. That is zip, nada, nothing in case ewe were wondering.

View attachment 248743

There shouldn't have been a embassy or consulate in a country who's government was bombed out of existence a year earlier by the biggest war mongering president the United States has ever known.



Yes Dubya certainly was, thank you for that.
Let's play and see who has the most corrupt criminal empire. Sure looks like tRumPutin since so many in his orbit going to jail.

One has to wonder how many of those who dies under the Klinton's regime would have preferred at little jail time instead of what they got.

Cool story, I noticed however ewe do not deny the tRumPutin crime family issues. Just deflect to someone that hasn't held the top office in the country in over 18 years. Ya cool story, carry on please.
View attachment 248678

Who was Secretary Of State when Benghazi went down?



How many investigations into Benghazi by the Rethug controlled Congress to come up with, yup ewe guessed it a big fat zero. That is zip, nada, nothing in case ewe were wondering.

Just read Chaffetz' book "The Deep State" and he said that Holder lied and lied to congress and then told congress to go fuck themselves. Congress couldn't do anything except hit Holder with "Contempt of Congress". So if you think congress has any enforcement capability, think again.

Lol, which party was in control of both houses of Congress. Yup there is your DEEP STATE!:21::21::21::21::21:
Regardless I am still waiting for the report! Where’s the beaf? Show us some validation that warrants the expense.

Unfortunately, most conservatives think the world is an episode of "CSI", where everything should wrap up in 60 minutes.

Liberals have longer attention spans, and understand that these things run for years.
I'm just taking you at your word and you're saying that's a stupid thing to do.
I didn't say that, and you are still pretending to be a retard. Do that long enough, and I have no choice but to believe you actually are a retard.
You said Mueller couldn't be trusted because there were too many Republicans around and when a prosecutor can't be trusted that is grounds to doubt all of his actions and statements. No honest intelligent person would claim Mueller held back because of pressure from Rosenstein, but since you are neither honest nor intelligent, you go on trying to scam people into believing the Congressional farce Nadler is trying to put together is needed because Mueller and Rosenstein can't be trusted.
You said Mueller couldn't be trusted
I never once said or implied that. So you're a liar pretending to be a retard, now. Good for you.
You may have no integrity but at least you are able to know when to be ashamed. The simple fact is everything Nadler wants to pretend to investigate has already been investigated by Mueller and his team of Justice Department lawyers, so there is no legitimate reason for the House to pretend to be carrying out an investigation.
The simple fact is everything Nadler wants to pretend to investigate has already been investigated by Mueller and his team of Justice Department lawyers
Of course, you could not possibly know the truth of that, so you are just lying to yourself out loud. Which is very odd to watch a grown man do.
The simple fact is everything Nadler wants to pretend to investigate has already been investigated by Mueller and his team of Justice Department lawyers
Of course, you could not possibly know the truth of that, so you are just lying to yourself out loud. Which is very odd to watch a grown man do.
We both know that my post is true, but truth is clearly not something you have any interest in.
i don't necessarily like Nadler, but i admit he's doing his patriotic duty!
Really? What country is he serving? Certainly not the US. Everything he is pretending to investigate has already been investigated by Mueller, so all Nadler is doing is campaigning at taxpayer expense. So what country is it you think he is serving?
i don't necessarily like Nadler, but i admit he's doing his patriotic duty!
Really? What country is he serving? Certainly not the US. Everything he is pretending to investigate has already been investigated by Mueller, so all Nadler is doing is campaigning at taxpayer expense. So what country is it you think he is serving?
i don't necessarily like Nadler, but i admit he's doing his patriotic duty!
Really? What country is he serving? Certainly not the US. Everything he is pretending to investigate has already been investigated by Mueller, so all Nadler is doing is campaigning at taxpayer expense. So what country is it you think he is serving?
So you think corruption and abuse of power is patriotism? What country are you in?
We both know that my post is true,
No, it's a steaming pile of bullshit, for exactly the reason i stated.
Nah, we both know it's true. 'fess up, you were just trying to pull a scam.
Nah, it's nothing but a trump cultist soothing himself by lying to himself out loud. You know it's nonsense, which is why you are throwing a Grade A toddler hissy fit over it in the first place.
lol You're the one who is upset, not me. I'm just pointing out that your attempt to try to justify the show Nadler wants to produce for TV wouldn't be necessary unless he thought Mueller was either incompetent or corrupt.

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