Myth of nazi strength


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
The Myth of the Nazi War Machine

I read this somewhere else. And some pro-nazis were upset though. I dont know whether this article is pro or anti nazi though nor do I give a shit. But in my opinion the nazi strength is indeed exaggerated. The USA used not more then 20% of their actual power, the USA was much stronger then Germany and Japan, so was Britain. Some think the nazis were brought to power by some elites and such, it could be because germany was in WW1 the bad guy so it was the perfect country for this evil role in WW2. Opinions?
Germany waged war with some success on quite a few fronts against many enemies before Russia finally exhausted it.
The Myth of the Nazi War Machine

I read this somewhere else. And some pro-nazis were upset though. I dont know whether this article is pro or anti nazi though nor do I give a shit. But in my opinion the nazi strength is indeed exaggerated. The USA used not more then 20% of their actual power, the USA was much stronger then Germany and Japan, so was Britain. Some think the nazis were brought to power by some elites and such, it could be because germany was in WW1 the bad guy so it was the perfect country for this evil role in WW2. Opinions?

It isn't always about sheer power, but also timing and guile. THREE things saved Britain from Hitler's conquest:
  1. The development of radar aided by American research and manufacturing which allowed Britain to see exactly where and when to apply their sparse air defenses just as needed to barely stay on top of overwhelming German attacks.
  2. A mistake by the Germans of scanning the wrong band of frequencies which allowed them to miss the fact that Britain had an effective radar net in place for early detection of their attacks---- again mostly a result of ongoing aid and assistance by the USA to refine radar resolution.
  3. The use of a radar "trick" as the Germans caught up with radar technology which fooled the Nazis into thinking the Brits were massing a huge attack to the north and spread their forces out to cover it, while the real British counterattack happened far away, giving them the edge to penetrate German forces and break the Germans.
The principle failing of the Germans which led to their defeat wasn't a lack of strength, but was due mostly to miscalculations by Hitler himself fueled by his own ego. His biggest mistake was to name the Americans an enemy and drag us into the war, then turn around and attack Russia as well.
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The Myth of the Nazi War Machine

I read this somewhere else. And some pro-nazis were upset though. I dont know whether this article is pro or anti nazi though nor do I give a shit. But in my opinion the nazi strength is indeed exaggerated. The USA used not more then 20% of their actual power, the USA was much stronger then Germany and Japan, so was Britain. Some think the nazis were brought to power by some elites and such, it could be because germany was in WW1 the bad guy so it was the perfect country for this evil role in WW2. Opinions?
The Wehrmacht was the single most powerful army.

Interesting article. By any measure Germany was one of the most powerful nations on earth. Just not powerful enough to stand up to America and the British Empire together.
It’s been suggested, in “The Death of Money” among others, that Germany’s expansion was driven by the need to loot neighboring central banks’s gold reserves to pay for Hitler’s deficit spending pre-war. As the article points out Germany had few natural resources beside coal and to import everything.
Both Germany and Japan were motivated by madmen who convinced the military and the civilians to believe that they were destined to rule the world. The leadership of the Japanese military was seriously flawed all the way down to the basic soldier but the German military was well trained and equipped and motivated. Germany wasn't able to gobble up enough resources from conquered nations in time to confront the Allied industrial superiority in the air and at sea and later on land and the leadership became detached and unmotivated and incoherent and they ran out of manpower and supplies on all fronts..
Both Germany and Japan were motivated by madmen who convinced the military and the civilians to believe that they were destined to rule the world.

I'm not so sure that "world domination" was in either country's plans. Both wanted to establish their status as major players on the world stage, but invading the Americas or even eliminating the British Empire was not a strategic objective. Hitler admired the British and wanted to make peace with them, while the Japanese expansion was based on acquiring raw materials for their industries. Russia and China were simply viewed as good agricultural land which needed to have its current occupants removed.
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Nazi Germany had advantage over many of its competitors due to having Soviets hand them a bunch of fuel, and other resources.

Once Nazis invaded Soviets, those resources dwindled.

Of course, Nazis would've failed 1 vs 1 against Soviets.

But, commonly left out of knowledge, is that some other countries like Italy, Romania, Finland, Hungary, Croatia & Slovakia had invaded Soviets too, in Operation Barbarossa.
Nazi Germany had advantage over many of its competitors due to having Soviets hand them a bunch of fuel, and other resources.

Once Nazis invaded Soviets, those resources dwindled.

Of course, Nazis would've failed 1 vs 1 against Soviets.

But, commonly left out of knowledge, is that some other countries like Italy, Romania, Finland, Hungary, Croatia & Slovakia had invaded Soviets too, in Operation Barbarossa.

Barbarossa was delayed six weeks because of Mussolini's misadventure against Greece. Otherwise, the German army might have taken Moscow, which was the hub of Soviet rail transportation, in 1941. That would have eliminated a coordinated counter attack and allowed the German army to mop up Soviet units piecemeal the following year. By the time Allied military equipment could begin arriving in 1943, the Soviets might have been pushed back behind the Urals and lost the capability of invading Europe.
The Myth of the Nazi War Machine

I read this somewhere else. And some pro-nazis were upset though. I dont know whether this article is pro or anti nazi though nor do I give a shit. But in my opinion the nazi strength is indeed exaggerated. The USA used not more then 20% of their actual power, the USA was much stronger then Germany and Japan, so was Britain. Some think the nazis were brought to power by some elites and such, it could be because germany was in WW1 the bad guy so it was the perfect country for this evil role in WW2. Opinions?

It isn't always about sheer power, but also timing and guile. THREE things saved Britain from Hitler's conquest:
  1. The development of radar aided by American research and manufacturing which allowed Britain to see exactly where and when to apply their sparse air defenses just as needed to barely stay on top of overwhelming German attacks.
  2. A mistake by the Germans of scanning the wrong band of frequencies which allowed them to miss the fact that Britain had an effective radar net in place for early detection of their attacks---- again mostly a result of ongoing aid and assistance by the USA to refine radar resolution.
  3. The use of a radar "trick" as the Germans caught up with radar technology which fooled the Nazis into thinking the Brits were massing a huge attack to the north and spread their forces out to cover it, while the real British counterattack happened far away, giving them the edge to penetrate German forces and break the Germans.
The principle failing of the Germans which led to their defeat wasn't a lack of strength, but was due mostly to miscalculations by Hitler himself fueled by his own ego. His biggest mistake was to name the Americans an enemy and drag us into the war, then turn around and attack Russia as well.
1. it doesn't mean Britain would've lost with out radar
2. we bombed the crap out of Japan and Germany yet they still didn't surrender until the Abombs and Russia was in Berlin
The Myth of the Nazi War Machine

I read this somewhere else. And some pro-nazis were upset though. I dont know whether this article is pro or anti nazi though nor do I give a shit. But in my opinion the nazi strength is indeed exaggerated. The USA used not more then 20% of their actual power, the USA was much stronger then Germany and Japan, so was Britain. Some think the nazis were brought to power by some elites and such, it could be because germany was in WW1 the bad guy so it was the perfect country for this evil role in WW2. Opinions?

It isn't always about sheer power, but also timing and guile. THREE things saved Britain from Hitler's conquest:
  1. The development of radar aided by American research and manufacturing which allowed Britain to see exactly where and when to apply their sparse air defenses just as needed to barely stay on top of overwhelming German attacks.
  2. A mistake by the Germans of scanning the wrong band of frequencies which allowed them to miss the fact that Britain had an effective radar net in place for early detection of their attacks---- again mostly a result of ongoing aid and assistance by the USA to refine radar resolution.
  3. The use of a radar "trick" as the Germans caught up with radar technology which fooled the Nazis into thinking the Brits were massing a huge attack to the north and spread their forces out to cover it, while the real British counterattack happened far away, giving them the edge to penetrate German forces and break the Germans.
The principle failing of the Germans which led to their defeat wasn't a lack of strength, but was due mostly to miscalculations by Hitler himself fueled by his own ego. His biggest mistake was to name the Americans an enemy and drag us into the war, then turn around and attack Russia as well.
1. it doesn't mean Britain would've lost with out radar
2. we bombed the crap out of Japan and Germany yet they still didn't surrender until the Abombs and Russia was in Berlin

I think it absolutely does. England was totally beaten by the Germans. The English were a civilized country living in cities out in the open, not a post-feudal Japan dug into caves like ticks prepared to kill themselves before surrendering. The only thing that gave them the edge to just barely keep their teeth afloat from the overwhelming German air campaign was the radar edge, and a few lucky breaks that were brought with it.
Germany waged war with some success on quite a few fronts against many enemies before Russia finally exhausted it.

Aided by the ridiculously strong Russian winter.

You would think that the Germans with all their clearly brilliant military minds, would have known better, or at least had plans to deal with tanks rendered useless in icy conditions.

I'm not a scholar, but am I wrong that Napoleon was wrecked by the Russian winter? And that wasn't 500 years ago.

How many times does history have to be repeated before people figure it out.
The Myth of the Nazi War Machine

I read this somewhere else. And some pro-nazis were upset though. I dont know whether this article is pro or anti nazi though nor do I give a shit. But in my opinion the nazi strength is indeed exaggerated. The USA used not more then 20% of their actual power, the USA was much stronger then Germany and Japan, so was Britain. Some think the nazis were brought to power by some elites and such, it could be because germany was in WW1 the bad guy so it was the perfect country for this evil role in WW2. Opinions?

It isn't always about sheer power, but also timing and guile. THREE things saved Britain from Hitler's conquest:
  1. The development of radar aided by American research and manufacturing which allowed Britain to see exactly where and when to apply their sparse air defenses just as needed to barely stay on top of overwhelming German attacks.
  2. A mistake by the Germans of scanning the wrong band of frequencies which allowed them to miss the fact that Britain had an effective radar net in place for early detection of their attacks---- again mostly a result of ongoing aid and assistance by the USA to refine radar resolution.
  3. The use of a radar "trick" as the Germans caught up with radar technology which fooled the Nazis into thinking the Brits were massing a huge attack to the north and spread their forces out to cover it, while the real British counterattack happened far away, giving them the edge to penetrate German forces and break the Germans.
The principle failing of the Germans which led to their defeat wasn't a lack of strength, but was due mostly to miscalculations by Hitler himself fueled by his own ego. His biggest mistake was to name the Americans an enemy and drag us into the war, then turn around and attack Russia as well.
1. it doesn't mean Britain would've lost with out radar
2. we bombed the crap out of Japan and Germany yet they still didn't surrender until the Abombs and Russia was in Berlin

I think it absolutely does. England was totally beaten by the Germans. The English were a civilized country living in cities out in the open, not a post-feudal Japan dug into caves like ticks prepared to kill themselves before surrendering. The only thing that gave them the edge to just barely keep their teeth afloat from the overwhelming German air campaign was the radar edge, and a few lucky breaks that were brought with it.
..plain and simple, England was not beaten
...AND they still had their Navy to attack any invasion/etc
..air power does not win wars in 99.99% of the cases

..and the big one--22 June 1941 the war was over
..AND there were resistance groups all over Europe...Germany bit off more than she could chew
The Myth of the Nazi War Machine

I read this somewhere else. And some pro-nazis were upset though. I dont know whether this article is pro or anti nazi though nor do I give a shit. But in my opinion the nazi strength is indeed exaggerated. The USA used not more then 20% of their actual power, the USA was much stronger then Germany and Japan, so was Britain. Some think the nazis were brought to power by some elites and such, it could be because germany was in WW1 the bad guy so it was the perfect country for this evil role in WW2. Opinions?

It isn't always about sheer power, but also timing and guile. THREE things saved Britain from Hitler's conquest:
  1. The development of radar aided by American research and manufacturing which allowed Britain to see exactly where and when to apply their sparse air defenses just as needed to barely stay on top of overwhelming German attacks.
  2. A mistake by the Germans of scanning the wrong band of frequencies which allowed them to miss the fact that Britain had an effective radar net in place for early detection of their attacks---- again mostly a result of ongoing aid and assistance by the USA to refine radar resolution.
  3. The use of a radar "trick" as the Germans caught up with radar technology which fooled the Nazis into thinking the Brits were massing a huge attack to the north and spread their forces out to cover it, while the real British counterattack happened far away, giving them the edge to penetrate German forces and break the Germans.
The principle failing of the Germans which led to their defeat wasn't a lack of strength, but was due mostly to miscalculations by Hitler himself fueled by his own ego. His biggest mistake was to name the Americans an enemy and drag us into the war, then turn around and attack Russia as well.
1. it doesn't mean Britain would've lost with out radar
2. we bombed the crap out of Japan and Germany yet they still didn't surrender until the Abombs and Russia was in Berlin

I think it absolutely does. England was totally beaten by the Germans. The English were a civilized country living in cities out in the open, not a post-feudal Japan dug into caves like ticks prepared to kill themselves before surrendering. The only .. that gave them the edge to just barely keep their teeth afloat from the overwhelming German air campaign was the radar edge, and a few lucky breaks that were brought with it.
.....air superiority is a continuous campaign--it doesn't happen overnight or a week or a month......even if they knocked out the radar, England had many other plans in place for air defense......if the Germans knocked out the radar, that doesn't mean they will knock out England's air power
I never will understand why the most people are thinking the criminal murderous extremist Adolf Hitler liked to win world war 2.

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The Myth of the Nazi War Machine

I read this somewhere else. And some pro-nazis were upset though. I dont know whether this article is pro or anti nazi though nor do I give a shit. But in my opinion the nazi strength is indeed exaggerated. The USA used not more then 20% of their actual power, the USA was much stronger then Germany and Japan, so was Britain. Some think the nazis were brought to power by some elites and such, it could be because germany was in WW1 the bad guy so it was the perfect country for this evil role in WW2. Opinions?

It isn't always about sheer power, but also timing and guile. THREE things saved Britain from Hitler's conquest:
  1. The development of radar aided by American research and manufacturing which allowed Britain to see exactly where and when to apply their sparse air defenses just as needed to barely stay on top of overwhelming German attacks.
  2. A mistake by the Germans of scanning the wrong band of frequencies which allowed them to miss the fact that Britain had an effective radar net in place for early detection of their attacks---- again mostly a result of ongoing aid and assistance by the USA to refine radar resolution.
  3. The use of a radar "trick" as the Germans caught up with radar technology which fooled the Nazis into thinking the Brits were massing a huge attack to the north and spread their forces out to cover it, while the real British counterattack happened far away, giving them the edge to penetrate German forces and break the Germans.
The principle failing of the Germans which led to their defeat wasn't a lack of strength, but was due mostly to miscalculations by Hitler himself fueled by his own ego. His biggest mistake was to name the Americans an enemy and drag us into the war, then turn around and attack Russia as well.
1. it doesn't mean Britain would've lost with out radar
2. we bombed the crap out of Japan and Germany yet they still didn't surrender until the Abombs and Russia was in Berlin

I think it absolutely does. England was totally beaten by the Germans. The English were a civilized country living in cities out in the open, not a post-feudal Japan dug into caves like ticks prepared to kill themselves before surrendering. The only thing that gave them the edge to just barely keep their teeth afloat from the overwhelming German air campaign was the radar edge, and a few lucky breaks that were brought with it.
. Raeder thought of this [ Operation Sea Lion ] as nonsense,
never mind the absolute imperative of having to neutralize the British Home Fleet before they could be transported across the English Channel.
AGAIN--as I've said in many threads---LOGISTICS determines everything probably don't know that it took the US--with THREE times the war making potential of Germany, YEARS to get the logistics ready for the DDay invasion!!
..Germany doesn't have the logistics to invade England in 1940 or 1941= England doesn't lose
..and the Allies had MUCH experience in large seaborne assaults/logistics--the Germans none = much failure if they tried
..Dieppe raid was a failure
Dieppe Raid - Wikipedia
Operation Sea Lion: Germany's Plan to Invade Britain in WWII
Inside Operation Sea Lion: The Nazis' Aborted Plan To Invade Britain
Grim Economic Realities
The Myth of the Nazi War Machine

I read this somewhere else. And some pro-nazis were upset though. I dont know whether this article is pro or anti nazi though nor do I give a shit. But in my opinion the nazi strength is indeed exaggerated. The USA used not more then 20% of their actual power, the USA was much stronger then Germany and Japan, so was Britain. Some think the nazis were brought to power by some elites and such, it could be because germany was in WW1 the bad guy so it was the perfect country for this evil role in WW2. Opinions?

It isn't always about sheer power, but also timing and guile. THREE things saved Britain from Hitler's conquest:
  1. The development of radar aided by American research and manufacturing which allowed Britain to see exactly where and when to apply their sparse air defenses just as needed to barely stay on top of overwhelming German attacks.
  2. A mistake by the Germans of scanning the wrong band of frequencies which allowed them to miss the fact that Britain had an effective radar net in place for early detection of their attacks---- again mostly a result of ongoing aid and assistance by the USA to refine radar resolution.
  3. The use of a radar "trick" as the Germans caught up with radar technology which fooled the Nazis into thinking the Brits were massing a huge attack to the north and spread their forces out to cover it, while the real British counterattack happened far away, giving them the edge to penetrate German forces and break the Germans.
The principle failing of the Germans which led to their defeat wasn't a lack of strength, but was due mostly to miscalculations by Hitler himself fueled by his own ego. His biggest mistake was to name the Americans an enemy and drag us into the war, then turn around and attack Russia as well.
1. it doesn't mean Britain would've lost with out radar
2. we bombed the crap out of Japan and Germany yet they still didn't surrender until the Abombs and Russia was in Berlin

I think it absolutely does. England was totally beaten by the Germans. The English were a civilized country living in cities out in the open, not a post-feudal Japan dug into caves like ticks prepared to kill themselves before surrendering. The only thing that gave them the edge to just barely keep their teeth afloat from the overwhelming German air campaign was the radar edge, and a few lucky breaks that were brought with it.
..plain and simple, England was not beaten
...AND they still had their Navy to attack any invasion/etc
..air power does not win wars in 99.99% of the cases

..and the big one--22 June 1941 the war was over
..AND there were resistance groups all over Europe...Germany bit off more than she could chew

Look, you think what you want but I just studied the matter not too long ago by historians who researched the topic well. If England wasn't beaten, it was Radar more than anything that saved their ass. And their Navy was subject to heavy attack by German subs until they developed Sonar which grew out of Radar research. Had just a few details gone slightly differently in Germany's favor, they might have won WWII at least as far as Europe is concern. Vanity by Hitler combined with just a few technological edges granted their victims by the west along with a few timing happenstances helped a great deal in stopping a frighteningly well-thought out and effective German campaign.
The Myth of the Nazi War Machine

I read this somewhere else. And some pro-nazis were upset though. I dont know whether this article is pro or anti nazi though nor do I give a shit. But in my opinion the nazi strength is indeed exaggerated. The USA used not more then 20% of their actual power, the USA was much stronger then Germany and Japan, so was Britain. Some think the nazis were brought to power by some elites and such, it could be because germany was in WW1 the bad guy so it was the perfect country for this evil role in WW2. Opinions?

It isn't always about sheer power, but also timing and guile. THREE things saved Britain from Hitler's conquest:
  1. The development of radar aided by American research and manufacturing which allowed Britain to see exactly where and when to apply their sparse air defenses just as needed to barely stay on top of overwhelming German attacks.
  2. A mistake by the Germans of scanning the wrong band of frequencies which allowed them to miss the fact that Britain had an effective radar net in place for early detection of their attacks---- again mostly a result of ongoing aid and assistance by the USA to refine radar resolution.
  3. The use of a radar "trick" as the Germans caught up with radar technology which fooled the Nazis into thinking the Brits were massing a huge attack to the north and spread their forces out to cover it, while the real British counterattack happened far away, giving them the edge to penetrate German forces and break the Germans.
The principle failing of the Germans which led to their defeat wasn't a lack of strength, but was due mostly to miscalculations by Hitler himself fueled by his own ego. His biggest mistake was to name the Americans an enemy and drag us into the war, then turn around and attack Russia as well.
1. it doesn't mean Britain would've lost with out radar
2. we bombed the crap out of Japan and Germany yet they still didn't surrender until the Abombs and Russia was in Berlin

I think it absolutely does. England was totally beaten by the Germans. The English were a civilized country living in cities out in the open, not a post-feudal Japan dug into caves like ticks prepared to kill themselves before surrendering. The only thing that gave them the edge to just barely keep their teeth afloat from the overwhelming German air campaign was the radar edge, and a few lucky breaks that were brought with it.
..plain and simple, England was not beaten
...AND they still had their Navy to attack any invasion/etc
..air power does not win wars in 99.99% of the cases

..and the big one--22 June 1941 the war was over
..AND there were resistance groups all over Europe...Germany bit off more than she could chew

Look, you think what you want but I just studied the matter not too long ago by historians who researched the topic well. If England wasn't beaten, it was Radar more than anything that saved their ass. And their Navy was subject to heavy attack by German subs until they developed Sonar which grew out of Radar research. Had just a few details gone slightly differently in Germany's favor, they might have won WWII at least as far as Europe is concern. Vanity by Hitler combined with just a few technological edges granted their victims by the west along with a few timing happenstances helped a great deal in stopping a frighteningly well-thought out and effective German campaign.
way way way WAY WRONG!!
...what?? so your scenario is we get rid of radar altogether?!!!???
Germany was not going to win WW2 at all...there are so many reasons why
..a few technological edges????!!!!!????!!!! and some timely happenstances ??!!= like maybe Operation Barbarossa....??!!
..the Germans were much more technologically advanced than the Russians--but they are not beating the Russians

etc etc ???!!!!

..I've been reading and researching WW2 for over 40 years
1. it would've been very very hard for Germany to beat England--then
2. it would've been even MUCH MORE harder [ just about impossible ] for Germany to beat Russia--WITHOUT England involved -then
3. so--the war is won on June 22 1941
4. THEN the US gets in it
and you think Germany could've won??

let's hear about these ''happenstances''
An interesting side note is that recent research has revealed that a large portion of SS soldiers were being given an addictive stimulant in the early part of the war. Just another example of how sick and twisted the Nazi regime was.

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