myth of Native Americans

How about addressing the thread topic?

..... don't have any problem with native Americans. They're so rare, white americans fawn over them like they're gods. That's the truth. .....


That's about as far from the truth as possible.

Prove otherwise.

Among the poorest, most addicted communities in America? The lowest levels of education ? I think we would treat gods better.
Among the poorest, most addicted communities in America? The lowest levels of education ? I think we would treat gods better.

You confuse the government with citizens. Also consider that I cannot be held responsible for other people's personal choices.
Among the poorest, most addicted communities in America? The lowest levels of education ? I think we would treat gods better.

You confuse the government with citizens. Also consider that I cannot be held responsible for other people's personal choices.

No one asked you to be, but give the "treat them like gods" bullshit a rest, because it's absurd.
Among the poorest, most addicted communities in America? The lowest levels of education ? I think we would treat gods better.

You confuse the government with citizens. Also consider that I cannot be held responsible for other people's personal choices.

No one asked you to be, but give the "treat them like gods" bullshit a rest, because it's absurd.

Just leave me the fuck alone, hater.
Show no quarter taken, none given, is the code and strategy by which ALL the native tribes lived.

If you went to war (and they were always at war) you could expect to be wantonly raped, killed, tortured. And victory was engaging in those acts against your enemies.
Before Columbus, America Was a Throwaway Land

The most important thing was that they didn't build anything after winning. Once they had hunted out their new territory, they'd abandon it and wander until they could wipe out another tribe.
You're Jewish?

For you, it's all about White Christians being evil.

I had her pegged as a native american even though it's difficult to envision one of them using a political message board tbh.
Chippewa Wah Wah

I guess they quit using their smoke-signal social media. They are a ridiculous race--after we've been subjected to the insults of Little Big Man and Dances With Wolves, we should not care about hurting their feelings. In fact, we should go out of our way to do so.
Actually torture was quite a part of European culture.

The funny part is that this thread is about supposed myths of native Americans- and yet here you are promoting myths about our European culture.
wrong again--the whole ''tribe'' didn't participate ... the childrren weren't involved

Torture was routine in Europe.
Elizabethan Era Torture,death,punishment,crime,methods,prisoner,Crossbar
The Medieval Tortures of the Roman Catholic Church
No doubt many native American tribes(but not all) had elaborate torture rituals- but they didn't invent entire machines designed just for torture like our European ancestors did.

But more on point- Europeans in America commonly tortured each other- and of course native Americans.

I just read an account in "Don't Know Much About History"- of our glorious ancestors ordering a native American castrated- and then flayed alive- and being forced to eat his own skin.
Actually torture was quite a part of European culture.

The funny part is that this thread is about supposed myths of native Americans- and yet here you are promoting myths about our European culture.

Torture was routine in Europe.
Elizabethan Era Torture,death,punishment,crime,methods,prisoner,Crossbar
The Medieval Tortures of the Roman Catholic Church
No doubt many native American tribes(but not all) had elaborate torture rituals- but they didn't invent entire machines designed just for torture like our European ancestors did.

But more on point- Europeans in America commonly tortured each other- and of course native Americans.

I just read an account in "Don't Know Much About History"- of our glorious ancestors ordering a native American castrated- and then flayed alive- and being forced to eat his own skin.

and they didn't invent machines for it because they were not intelligent enough

'not intelligent enough'?

Well thank you racist boy.
they didn't have the wheel, alphabet, etc....were obviously they were not as advanced/intelligent/etc as the whites......racism has nothing to do with this

You were the one who claimed that an entire race was not an 'intelligent' as another race (Native Americans versus Europeans).

And yeah that is racist.

Native Americans didn't 'invent' the wheel in the same way that the Europeans of 1776 had not not 'invented' the airplane or the semi-conductor.

Europeans didn't invent the wheel. Europeans didn't invent the alphabet- they learned about those- usually from their conquerors.

Just as Native Americans learned about the wheel and the alphabet from their conquerors. And after learning about them- they adopted them- which is why Seqouyah created their own alphabet and written language after exposure to the Europeans- just as Europeans adopted the alphabet(eventually) after the Greeks were exposed to the alphabet of the Phoenicians.

You claimed that native Americans are less intelligent than Europeans. Want to retract that? Want to rephrase that? This is your opportunity.

If not- either prove it- or let it stand that you are just a racist who started this thread because of your racist ideas.
are you saying some cultures/races/countries can't be less intelligent??
NAs score less on SATs
SAT scores drop and racial gaps remain large
Prometheus Castrated

The source of this is the way Americans treat High IQs like freaks and losers; the ruling-class parasites even makes us turn them into disgusting little wimpy nerds.
You were the one who claimed that an entire race was not an 'intelligent' as another race (Native Americans versus Europeans).

Natives Americans don't score IQ's on par with Whites, Ashkenazi Jews, or East Asians

I heard that the Europeans with the lowest IQ scores are Estonians....

(and yes- that is me joking)

Estonia just became the #1 in Europe for PISA scores.

By Egalitarian anti-Racist logic, this shouldn't true.

Estonia was colonized for nearly 1,000 years, and that ended in 1992 when Estonia broke away from the Soviet Union proper.

Furthermore, Estonia had big death tolls in WW2.

None the less, Estonia has been since 1992, among the fastest growing economies of Europe, have produced some good tech for such a little country, including Kazaa, and Skype, and Estonia has become Europe's leader in PISA scores.

Well goodie for Estonia.

I heard that the Europeans with the lowest IQ scores are Estonians.

(and yes- that is me joking again)
You're Jewish?

For you, it's all about White Christians being evil.

I had her pegged as a native american even though it's difficult to envision one of them using a political message board tbh.
Chippewa Wah Wah

I guess they quit using their smoke-signal social media. They are a ridiculous race--after we've been subjected to the insults of Little Big Man and Dances With Wolves, we should not care about hurting their feelings. In fact, we should go out of our way to do so.

Thats all your asshole trolls know how to do.
"A fight," hero? Who or what are you imagining yourself fighting, and how do you imagine doing it? Should be funny...

Do you ever bother to read an entire conversation before you barge in?

Do you ever answer a question?

Ask a serious question and I'll consider it.

I have

I'll fight to protect my right to exist and for my children to live without oppression.

Tell us all about the threat to your right to exist.......and the threat of oppression to your children.....
You were the one who claimed that an entire race was not an 'intelligent' as another race (Native Americans versus Europeans).

Natives Americans don't score IQ's on par with Whites, Ashkenazi Jews, or East Asians

And? Lots of racists like to quote IQ scores......I heard that the Europeans with the lowest IQ scores are Estonians....

(and yes- that is me joking)
sure--stating facts and truth is racist--got it

Racists like you don't care about the truth- you care only about advancing your myth of racial superiority.

Natives Americans don't score IQ's on par with Whites, Ashkenazi Jews, or East Asians

And? Lots of racists like to quote IQ scores......I heard that the Europeans with the lowest IQ scores are Estonians....

(and yes- that is me joking)
sure--stating facts and truth is racist--got it

Racists like you don't care about the truth- you care only about advancing your myth of racial superiority.
please prove anything I said was racist?
I'm white and I think some Asian cultures/peoples are ''better'' than ours
does that make me a racist?
and they are gorgeous
Anybody seriously think Aztecs were 'hapless victims', or any of the eastern tribes? That's hilarious idiocy. All the tribes enjoyed torture for sport and entertainment, kept slaves, beat their wives, raided and murdered farmers, stole everything they could, hired out as mercenaries to any European power who paid them the most, liked to get stinking drunk and would murder for kegs of cheap crappy rum, and worse. They genocided each other at any opportunity, especially the Plains tribes, the Sioux were particularly deadly.

LOL speaking of 'myths'.

Yes- Native Americans- the original Americans- did do many of those things- not all Native Americans- they were no more monolithic than Europeans were- the Cherokee were as different from the Aztecs as the Finnish tribes were different from the Turks.

lol nonsense. Find where Finns were cutting off people's heads and playing football with them, or tossing children into volcanoes and fires. True, Cherokees didn't have any volcanoes to toss people in, but they had fires, and they tortured for sport and fun, and murdered their neighbors and stole their lands like every other tribe did.


Oh Europeans had all of their own fun ways to kill and torture people.

Starting of with Vlad the Impaler- we would call Romanian- known for his impaling of men, women and children. But some he didn't impale- some he burned alive.

There were large stakes there on which, as it was said, about twenty thousand men, women, and children had been spitted, quite a sight for the Turks and the sultan himself.

Then of course there were those lovable Vikings

Wormald notes that the kings of East Anglia and Northumbria were defeated and then seemingly killed in a sickeningly gruesome Viking ritual known as "the blood-eagle", which involved "ripping a victim's lungs out of his rib-cage, and draping them across his shoulders like eagles' wings".

And of course the delightful practices of the peaceful Christians during the Inquisition.....where the Pope gave the authorization to torture people to combat heretics and Jews......

And of course the Romans towards the defeated Celts- cutting off the hands and feet and leaving them to die.....

And of course the Europeans who came to America

“The Spaniards with their horses, their spears and lances, began to commit murders and other strange cruelties. They entered into towns and villages, sparing neither children nor old men and women. They ripped their bellies and cut them to pieces as if they had been slaughtering lambs in a field. They made bets with each other over who could thrust a sword into the middle of a man or who could cut off his head with one stroke. They took little ones by their heels and crushed their heads against the cliffs. Others they threw into the rivers laughing and mocking them as they tumbled into the water. They put everyone they met to the edge of the sword.

One time the Indians came to meet us and receive us with food and good cheer! Instead, the devil, which had put himself in the Spaniards, put them all to the edge of the sword in my presence, without any cause whatsoever, more than three thousand souls. I saw there such great cruelties, that never any man living either have or shall see the like.

Yes- those of us with European ancestry have no 'cousins' who ever acted barbarously towards other human beings...

European history- frankly all human history- is full of accounts of humans being horrible people.

It is a myth that Europeans were just all kind benevolent benefactors to the world.

Natives Americans don't score IQ's on par with Whites, Ashkenazi Jews, or East Asians

And? Lots of racists like to quote IQ scores......I heard that the Europeans with the lowest IQ scores are Estonians....

(and yes- that is me joking)
sure--stating facts and truth is racist--got it

Racists like you don't care about the truth- you care only about advancing your myth of racial superiority.
please prove anything I said was racist?
I'm white and I think some Asian cultures/peoples are ''better'' than ours
does that make me a racist?
and they are gorgeous

I already have proven you are racist- when you claimed that Native Americans are not as smart as Europeans- and challenged you to prove it.

That you are enamored by 'some Asian Cultures' doesn't mean you aren't a racist.
How about addressing the thread topic?

I already did, several times. Since you're so keen on living in the past, how about you address the first post I made in this thread instead of stirring the pot? I don't have any problem with native Americans. They're so rare, white americans fawn over them like they're gods. That's the truth. Nobody is forcing them to stay on their reservations anyway. My Canadian friends privately share with me some of the most bigoted, hateful opinions about natives I've ever heard. I never knew until I connected with them online how much they're hated up there. So go find a Canadian to harass...

When we have a Canadian making the same racist claims as you- I will respond to that Canadian the same way.
another thing about torture....for the whites, it was more of a law and order deal...part of the ''criminal' 'system.....the families/etc did not participate and did not pass it on as tradition
whereas for the NAs it was part of the culture---for captives/etc

For some Native Americans it was part of culture- again- you are painting a broad brush for cultures that ranged from Alaska to Tierra Del Fuego.

For Europeans - there certainly were cultures that had a tradition of torturing and slaughtering captives- look to accounts of the pre-Roman Celts.

But lets say you are right- that for Europeans- torture was 'more of a law and order deal'- as in a legally defined and acceptable method for torture.

Tell me how that makes Europeans 'better' than native Americans?
Compared to most of the planet, Europeans were indeed more peaceful, especially after the rise of Christianity, compared to pagans and savages.

Europeans were in a state of almost constant war- right up until about the time of Napolean.

And then of course the peaceful Europeans in the 1940's instituted that peaceful genocide of Jews and Gypsies and others.....
Natives Americans don't score IQ's on par with Whites, Ashkenazi Jews, or East Asians

And? Lots of racists like to quote IQ scores......I heard that the Europeans with the lowest IQ scores are Estonians....

(and yes- that is me joking)
sure--stating facts and truth is racist--got it

Racists like you don't care about the truth- you care only about advancing your myth of racial superiority.
please prove anything I said was racist?
I'm white and I think some Asian cultures/peoples are ''better'' than ours
does that make me a racist?
and they are gorgeous

I already have proven you are racist- when you claimed that Native Americans are not as smart as Europeans- and challenged you to prove it.

That you are enamored by 'some Asian Cultures' doesn't mean you aren't a racist.
I linked test scores to prove it

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