My war with Paul supporters is over

Nice fallacy. But what I did say is that refusing to avoid allowing the worst person to continue his destructive actions is the same thing as voting for it.

So you ARE voting for the worst statist.

Your spinning will make you dizzy.

So by actively not voting, I'm really voting for Obama? And I'm the one that's dizzy?

You are in essence (and you're not in essence). But hey, that's what happens when you have competing principles. It's a conundrum for sure.

The guys a whiner who has picked up his ball and is going home. He had no problem with Paul running on the GOP ticket- There are several stripes of republicans within the GOP from libertarian in one direction to socially moderate in the other- with everything in between. The same goes for the democrat party. They have far left progressives to center left moderates. The idea that either party is "purist" is a myth. This is the system we have- work with it people.
You have mis-identified "the problem."

Voting for Romney might help us GET Romney which, by definition, means we get RID of the Obamination.

First things first.

With President Obama at the helm, we can't undo any of the obvious damage he has already caued. And with him at the helm for a second term, we get HIS fucking SCOTUS nominations to make the bench even more fucking liberal instead of trying to steer it back to the right.

We already (just) saw how a liberal infested bench can undermine the Constitutional basis of our Republic.

Do we REALLY want to enable The ONE to push the Court even further to the fucking left?

Yeah, but I don't want Romney any more or any less than I want Obama, which is what you apparently can't comprehend. No, we won't be able to do away with the damage Obama has done with him as President, but we won't be able to do away with the damage that Romney will do with him as President.

As for the SCOTUS, how did that great conservative Chief Justice work out?

"As president, Mitt will nominate judges in the mold of Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito... The judges that Mitt nominates will exhibit a genuine appreciation for the text, structure, and history of our Constitution and interpret the Constitution and the laws as they are written."

Personally, I don't want anymore Chief Justice Roberts, or Justices Scalia, Thomas, or Alito on the Court. I don't want to enable Obama to push the Court further to the left, but neither am I interested in Romney pushing the Court further to the right.

As I already said, I reject statism, and that goes for left and right.

THAT is a different matter. THAT is just your stupidity at work.

You can think that Romney sucks. You might even have a point.

But to even PRETEND that he is no different than the incumbent is intellectually baseless and dishonest.

You don't reject Statism. You embrace it if you aren't willing to hold your nose and vote for the BETTER of two candidates and the better of the two candidates is the one most likely to start undoing some of the incumbent's efforts to massively increase the STATIST hold on our society.

I can't help but notice that you flat out avoided the Roberts issue after you used supreme court nominations as a benchmark for presidential candidate selection.

I don't know about you, but I just can't WAIT for Romney to pick another conservative stalwort like Roberts for the court :rolleyes:
I wish Ron Paul would just GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

am I alone in my opnion??
Holy shit......I tried to use the olive branch of peace to only been spat on by some highly rabid people....I posted the same OP in other forums and mostly what I get is pissed libertarians saying to stop mixing them with Paul supporters. Maybe they are right....Maybe I am reaching out to the wrong people cause obviously they refuse to even discuss things.

To many of you seem quite happy with Obama getting a second term just for revenge that the majority of republicans dont believe Paul would make a good candidate....Hell President. I sure don't think he would. But this wasnt to be about the president but more with the congress....But instead I get children mocking my post or feeling the need to make asinine statements about Romney....I dont frankly care for Romney myself much but at least I can see he is not a radical ideologue hellbent on a socialist America. To me only a fool refuses to move from a speeding train cause the train isnt the right model.

You know what guys? I honestly tried.......What did I get ? Childish venom .......

I think it's mostly that nobody cares. Oh you want to hold out an olive branch now when the primary is already over. Big deal.
So by actively not voting, I'm really voting for Obama? And I'm the one that's dizzy?

You are in essence (and you're not in essence). But hey, that's what happens when you have competing principles. It's a conundrum for sure.

The guys a whiner who has picked up his ball and is going home. He had no problem with Paul running on the GOP ticket- There are several stripes of republicans within the GOP from libertarian in one direction to socially moderate in the other- with everything in between. The same goes for the democrat party. They have far left progressives to center left moderates. The idea that either party is "purist" is a myth. This is the system we have- work with it people.

I'm whining? Have you seen the Romney supporters in this thread crying about how we Ron Paul supporters aren't going to support their candidate? Get real.
You are in essence (and you're not in essence). But hey, that's what happens when you have competing principles. It's a conundrum for sure.

The guys a whiner who has picked up his ball and is going home. He had no problem with Paul running on the GOP ticket- There are several stripes of republicans within the GOP from libertarian in one direction to socially moderate in the other- with everything in between. The same goes for the democrat party. They have far left progressives to center left moderates. The idea that either party is "purist" is a myth. This is the system we have- work with it people.

I'm whining? Have you seen the Romney supporters in this thread crying about how we Ron Paul supporters aren't going to support their candidate? Get real.

It's not whining to be pissed that some Paul supporters are being big babies. Their guy ran on the GOP ticket- He didn't win the primary race. Libertarians are but one voice within the GOP- like the democrats have an array of voices, so does the GOP. If Paul wanted to run on a Libertarian ticket he should have done so during the primaries!

If Paul had won the primary it would be the responsibility of the voters whose guy/gal did not win to join in and support Paul- That's the way the two party system is designed.
The guys a whiner who has picked up his ball and is going home. He had no problem with Paul running on the GOP ticket- There are several stripes of republicans within the GOP from libertarian in one direction to socially moderate in the other- with everything in between. The same goes for the democrat party. They have far left progressives to center left moderates. The idea that either party is "purist" is a myth. This is the system we have- work with it people.

I'm whining? Have you seen the Romney supporters in this thread crying about how we Ron Paul supporters aren't going to support their candidate? Get real.

It's not whining to be pissed that some Paul supporters are being big babies. Their guy ran on the GOP ticket- He didn't win the primary race. Libertarians are but one voice within the GOP- like the democrats have an array of voices, so does the GOP. If Paul wanted to run on a Libertarian ticket he should have done so during the primaries!

If Paul had won the primary it would be the responsibility of the voters whose guy/gal did not win to join in and support Paul- That's the way the two party system is designed.

Yes, it is whining to complain that Paul supporters vote based on the actual issues rather than party affiliation. Romney is the complete opposite of Ron Paul on nearly every issue, and yet we're supposed to fall in line and vote for him because Ron Paul ran as a Republican? Again, get real.
The guys a whiner who has picked up his ball and is going home. He had no problem with Paul running on the GOP ticket- There are several stripes of republicans within the GOP from libertarian in one direction to socially moderate in the other- with everything in between. The same goes for the democrat party. They have far left progressives to center left moderates. The idea that either party is "purist" is a myth. This is the system we have- work with it people.

I'm whining? Have you seen the Romney supporters in this thread crying about how we Ron Paul supporters aren't going to support their candidate? Get real.

It's not whining to be pissed that some Paul supporters are being big babies. Their guy ran on the GOP ticket- He didn't win the primary race. Libertarians are but one voice within the GOP- like the democrats have an array of voices, so does the GOP. If Paul wanted to run on a Libertarian ticket he should have done so during the primaries!

If Paul had won the primary it would be the responsibility of the voters whose guy/gal did not win to join in and support Paul- That's the way the two party system is designed.

That's great and all, but the GOP doesn't adopt a single libertarian ideal and actually put it to work. The reason we still seek a home there though, is because they at least say they WANT to. Which means to us that at some point, if we work hard enough, we may be able to eventually have a real home there and enjoy the spoils of our efforts in one of the only 2 parties that ever has a shot of winning...the other, of course, having ZERO chance of ever giving us a home.

We work very hard for our ideals, and they line up very closely with many mainstream we don't really think it's asking a lot that we get at least SOMETHING in the way of policy action.
The Ron Paul Revolution can use all the help it can get. With our numbers many, we can change things.
Ron Paul says a LOT of things pretty well. He says enough stupid shit and takes enough stupid positions, though, to undermine his stature.

As a possible 3P candidate, he is nothing but a possible distraction and to that extent, he poses a problem FOR this Republic.
The Ron Paul Revolution can use all the help it can get. With our numbers many, we can change things.

With responses I got from most of you supporters I would say you don't have a revolution you have a clique.

I can't speak for anyone else. I can only speak for myself. And i welcome all to join the Ron Paul Revolution. I don't care about past political ideologies or party affiliations. Today is all that matters.
Ron Paul says a LOT of things pretty well. He says enough stupid shit and takes enough stupid positions, though, to undermine his stature.

As a possible 3P candidate, he is nothing but a possible distraction and to that extent, he poses a problem FOR this Republic.
I agree.

Ron Paul says a LOT of things pretty well. He says enough stupid shit and takes enough stupid positions, though, to undermine his stature.

As a possible 3P candidate, he is nothing but a possible distraction and to that extent, he poses a problem FOR this Republic.

Ron Paul says a LOT of things pretty well. He says enough stupid shit and takes enough stupid positions, though, to undermine his stature.

As a possible 3P candidate, he is nothing but a possible distraction and to that extent, he poses a problem FOR this Republic.
I agree.


Money should be worth more than just paper. There should be something tangible behind it to give it value. If there's not, then the Federal Reserve can print all they want and make it less valuable than paper.
Falling on def ears it seems. Well you know what I can't help it if like children you would rather destroy it all if you can't have your way....

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