My Solution to Address North Korea Provocations

Our secretive and manipulative ruling class, whose only security lies in keeping the 99 percent ignorant and ignored, has purposely dragged out this fake crisis over a real provocation by a nonentity whose military can be made dysfunctional within hours.
WE CAN'T SIT BACK AND DO NOTHING! You had someone that rose to power in Germany by the name of Adolf Hitler. People saw him developing new war machines, restoring the German military, which was something he was not supposed to do...The fact that Hitler tested out some of these new war machines in the Spanish Civil War, and then all of a sudden when Hitler launched an attack to take over the Rhineland against France, there was nothing that was done.

We can't sit back and say this is crazy, this is irrational, this will never happen, we don’t need to get involved because there will be millions of people that will end up losing their lives.

we cannot try to put Kim Jong-un in any type of Western civilizational-type of eyes. This is a psychopath.

This is high intensity, technologically based warfare that we’re looking at – the cyberwarfare of North Korea, these ICBMs, the threat of an EMP attack. I think that we’re going to have to start looking at what do we do against some of these launch sites?

The biggest thing is, China should take over the situation, even though they have failed...They have promised and not delivered on the promises because they could take him out without any heartbeat. The most important thing is that those old generals that you see with all those medals and stuff out there, they’ve got to realize that time is running out for them, and this guy has gone too far. China is happy to have Kim Jong-un and North Korea there because everyone’s attention is focused on him and really not what China is doing. They are focusing on making themselves a very strong economic and military power. That is how they are keeping us distracted with North Korea while they continue to do these things
Yes, we can sit back and do nothing. We've been doing it for years, hoping for regime change and when it happened the problem has gotten worse.

Comparing the German build up before WWII and NK. Is not a valid comparison. For over 50 years the US refused to officially talk to NK. We have never had diplomacy relations with them and only once, in 2005 has a high level US official participated in a 6 party talk with them. We still don't even recognize them as nation. During the German build up before WWII there were strong lines of diplomatic communications between Germany and what would be the allied powers.

A meeting between South and North Korea is the first step toward getting normal relations. There should then be a meeting between the US and NK. We are going to have to recognize them as a nation and agree to deal with them as a Nuclear power. Until we do that nothing constructive is going to happen.

If you think China is going to be any help, forget it. China is NK's oldest and strongest supporter. In fact they have a mutual defense treaty with NK.

There's really is no good reason for China to do anything unless they are convinced the US is ready to go to war with NK. China wants to maintain the status quote, a divided Korea with the US looking down the barrel of an ICBM.
Our first step could be an attempt at shooting one of their missiles down, or let Japan do it since they have 4 Aegis Destroyers with technology to do so

It seems that firing an interceptor missile in international airspace and hitting some other missile in international airspace could not be interpreted as an act of war. It would also have to be proved who acted. If that happened each time a test were held, little technological progress on the part of North Korea could be made.
Otherwise, there is no possibility of a solution on the Korean Peninsula without the close co-operation of China. Unilateral, direct military action on the part of the U.S. would be catastrophic and extremely dangerous (read, foolhardy).
It seems that firing an interceptor missile in international airspace and hitting some other missile in international airspace could not be interpreted as an act of war. It would also have to be proved who acted. If that happened each time a test were held, little technological progress on the part of North Korea could be made.
Otherwise, there is no possibility of a solution on the Korean Peninsula without the close co-operation of China. Unilateral, direct military action on the part of the U.S. would be catastrophic and extremely dangerous (read, foolhardy).
Our military is only a deterrent if we are willing to use it. Otherwise, we are reduced to being a thirdrate power. Whoever has brainwashed you into believing in their scare stories about NoKo's present ability to fight back after we disintegrate their missile sights and air force has a special interest in keeping this easily squishable gnat as a viable threat in order to sell us even more weapons their chickenhawk narrative will make us afraid to use.
Our first step could be an attempt at shooting one of their missiles down, or let Japan do it since they have 4 Aegis Destroyers with technology to do so

That is not easy to do. An ICBM follows an elliptical course and is self guide. On average they reach an altitude of 750 miles which puts them in outer space. It's altitude and speed, which can reach as much as 15,000 mph is constantly changing. The exact target is difficult to determine until it re-enters the atmosphere which means there has be a lot of interceptors if defending a long coast line like the US Pacific Coast. Hitting a target going thousands of miles an hour when you're not sure of it's destination until mins before impact is a real challenge.

The US Missile Defense Shield is only 50% effective at shooting down ICBMs and it is easily fooled by decoys. A system that will bring down multiple targets with one shot is under development but is not scheduled for prime till 2025. Till then we simply shoot everything we have available and hope for the best.
The US just shot down an ICBM — but if North Korea attacks it won't be that easy
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Now you see why North Korea and Iran want nukes? Have one and no one fucks with you.

So you agree in Obama letting them gain that leverage?

Sure. Have it. If Russia and China aren't scared why are we?

The young people need to know who took us to war. Democrats are the anti war party

Yes. That's why we're still in the Middle East.
We're there because bush got hit on 9-11 and instead of winning that war spread us thin in Iraq.

Do I trust Republicans? Fuck no.

For anti government types you guys sure do trust this government. Shady as it is

I don't trust anyone.

All I know is Obama pulled all troops from Iraq, we had to go back, and fear of collateral damage keeps us from finishing in all theaters.
Never ending warfare on a for-profit basis? Only the right wing is for that.
It's a real disappointment that China ultimately had this little influence.

That's where you're wrong. What exactly has trump offered to China in exchange for their assistance in solving our problem? Such as a substantial drawdown of our military presence in South Korea. .
How is North Korea, Our Problem and not a local problem?
It's a real disappointment that China ultimately had this little influence.
That's where you're wrong. What exactly has trump offered to China in exchange for their assistance in solving our problem? Such as a substantial drawdown of our military presence in South Korea. .
I don't know. He's been on the job for six months. What did Obama offer?
Obamacare and to, "bailout the rich instead of blacks". He seems to have accomplished his goals instead of having nothing but repeal
Our secretive and manipulative ruling class, whose only security lies in keeping the 99 percent ignorant and ignored, has purposely dragged out this fake crisis over a real provocation by a nonentity whose military can be made dysfunctional within hours.

Until somebody convinces me otherwise, I agree. It's not like North Korea has a great Navy and Air Force, especially in regards to offensive capabilities. Read someplace over the weekend that stated his intent with these weapons is to refrain from ending up like Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi. I could see the logic in that, having the power and thought crazy enough to use it should he be threatened, warns others about messing with him.
It seems that firing an interceptor missile in international airspace and hitting some other missile in international airspace could not be interpreted as an act of war. It would also have to be proved who acted. If that happened each time a test were held, little technological progress on the part of North Korea could be made.
Otherwise, there is no possibility of a solution on the Korean Peninsula without the close co-operation of China. Unilateral, direct military action on the part of the U.S. would be catastrophic and extremely dangerous (read, foolhardy).
Our military is only a deterrent if we are willing to use it. Otherwise, we are reduced to being a thirdrate power. Whoever has brainwashed you into believing in their scare stories about NoKo's present ability to fight back after we disintegrate their missile sights and air force has a special interest in keeping this easily squishable gnat as a viable threat in order to sell us even more weapons their chickenhawk narrative will make us afraid to use.

The word is "sites".
It's a real disappointment that China ultimately had this little influence.

That's where you're wrong. What exactly has trump offered to China in exchange for their assistance in solving our problem? Such as a substantial drawdown of our military presence in South Korea. .
How is North Korea, Our Problem and not a local problem?
When NK builds a ICBM with a nuclear payload capable of hitting the US, it becomes a US problem.
I don't think so, JB. SK is capitalist to the bone, so what you suggest is unlikely. Taiwan has no desire to rejoin Red China.

You seem friendly a friendly voice for the RedChinese.
It seems that firing an interceptor missile in international airspace and hitting some other missile in international airspace could not be interpreted as an act of war. It would also have to be proved who acted. If that happened each time a test were held, little technological progress on the part of North Korea could be made.
Otherwise, there is no possibility of a solution on the Korean Peninsula without the close co-operation of China. Unilateral, direct military action on the part of the U.S. would be catastrophic and extremely dangerous (read, foolhardy).

News Flash!

We have been in a state of War with NoKo since the early 1950s.

It doesn't matter where we shoot down their missiles, just as long as we do shoot them down.

Besides, if we can shoot them down, the closer to launch he better. Once we can prove that NoKo's missiles are impotent...they got nothin'!
It would be better to keep the inception capacity of the present system a secret so that the enemy does not concentrate on ways to overcome them before the serious occasion arrises.

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