My prediction


Active Member
Jul 15, 2004
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Looking over the last polls I came to the conclusion that Kerry is
coming up and probably will win the election. (this is not an endorsement just my perception) Bush has <50 on the essential polls if he deservers a
second term, the Nickolodeon little kids poll had Kerry up and Rasmussen
shows a rise of Kerry.

this is a state by state poll comparison. Bush needs Florida (which he might
get) but lacks Ohio.

Kerry's campaign runs the explosives in iraq news very well and has
the President on defense. If Bush can not change the topic in the
coming days I assume he will loose.

Whats your perception, sources conclusions ?
I’m predicting Bush will win. It will be close but Bush will win.
Evil dirty tricks win every time.

How many people are you predicting will stop posting on USMB after the elections?
After this new weapons dump thing I am also pretty sure Kerry will win. Even though the timeline provided by the Dems is flaky beyond belief. The truth doesn't matter, only the little soundbytes you give to the ignorant masses matter.

We recovered after Carter, I only hope Kerry's Global Test lets us survive long enough to recover after him.
the link I provided has Kerry up by 282 to 246.

I do not see a landslide for either one.

Kerry is a weak candidate that live only of Bush's perceived weak
performance in the aftermath of Iraq.

The weakness of America historically (and that is my German perspective)
is that the Us is very weak in sustaining casualties. Iraq is not Nazi Germany
and the Islamic threat is (unfortunatly) not seen as a major threat overall.

So with "only" 1000 casualties both parties already talk about getting
out as fast as possible. People have become complacent and dont have
to suffer for the war effort and react with a "I dont want to pay a dime
attitude" to the war effort.

Whoever wins the election has to balance the budget , raise a war tax
to finance our war effort and if necessary take out Iran next.
I should also add that I expect Kerry to win by using somewhat, shall we say dubious methods. With all the dead people, felons, and illegal aliens being registered by Democrats, there will be now way to make sure all their voters are legal.

If Bush loses Florida he's toast.
He can survive losing Ohio if he wins both Wisconsin and Minnesota

Since all those states are dead even, I am not feeling good about Bush's chances.
What makes you say that Z? MN is a very liberal state. I have hopes for WI, not MN.
White knight said:
I&#8217;m predicting Bush will win. It will be close but Bush will win.
Evil dirty tricks win every time.

How many people are you predicting will stop posting on USMB after the elections?

It depends. Some people, even though they spout half-baked theories and bizarre assumptions without a shred of proof, still retain remnants of a sense of shame.

You, I imagine, will be back.
Based on an article I read in NR.

According to the article Minnesota is one of those states that elects very conservative Democrats. Wisconsin is another. Those states are in transition, and like the rest of the country, are trending towards the Republicans. These two stops however seem to be moving faster than the rest of the country. Minnesota elected Gov. Ventura which the article pointed out as a transition phase from Democrats to Republicans. They predicted the President would pull it out and that would be the death knell of the DNC in that part of the country. (Bye bye Sen. Daschle)

Aside from all that, common sense tells me that a northern farming state like Minnesota should vote Republican. Why on Earth they of all people would vote for a perfumed dandy like Sen. Kerry is quite beyond me.

But, we'll see.
I think Bush will clean up. Kerry has done himself in with his last cowardly false accusation of Bush.

But get prepared for some disgusting legal fights. Hopefully Bush will win big enough to stop them in their tracks.

If the international "observors" have any "legal say" in anything, I am going to go ballistic. :321:
theim said:
I should also add that I expect Kerry to win by using somewhat, shall we say dubious methods. With all the dead people, felons, and illegal aliens being registered by Democrats, there will be now way to make sure all their voters are legal.
You got a link for some of these half-baked theories? I would like to bash them too; If I could get some dirt on them. I guess the liberal media likes to keep all their skeletons in the closet.
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