My goodness I didn't think I'd hear this circularity again!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A much-quoted statement from Clinton's grand jury testimony showed him questioning the precise use of the word "is."
Bill Clinton "It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is.
Impeachment and acquittal of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama On Clinton’s Emails:
‘There’s Classified, And Then There’s Classified’

Obama On Clinton's Emails: 'There's Classified, And Then There's Classified'

Is there any wonder that politicians are the least believable people around!
Translation is that this is a shot across the bow of the fbi and justice dept. to not indict Hilary. It is unconscionable that a president would interfere in an investigation like this. He has so much to lose if Hilary is indicted or trump,or Cruz gets in. His whole house of cards will come falling down.

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