My Childhood Brainwashing

Now for the rest of your reply you spend all those years doing the things you claim you did and all of a sudden you stop? Really dude I can smell the fraud in your post even on the internet. Something must have happen to you that was traumatic. Did you get busted for stealing church funds? caught cheating with the pastors wife? Deacon's wife? No one loses the faith their faith in God and do the things you say you did unless something they did was bad and are trying to run from their wicked way.

This is quite a leap in logic. I know the stories that the sheep tell themselves to provide comfort and reassurance, but for some of us, Christianity just becomes increasingly illogical.

For me, I was tasked with researching alternative religions for my job. Looking at them objectively impacted my view of my own beliefs. I realized that there was little or no evidence supporting my own paradigms (Southern Baptist). I did more research, and found that the foundation was even flimsier than I ever suspected.

This is why so many pastors talk about their years in seminary as the most challenging of their lives. They learn a lot about the faith that isn't much discussed in church. MANY seminary students have a resultant loss of faith. Looking at your faith in a scholarly way poses intellectual problems for many people.

Undermining the Faith – The Problem with Seminary « Porter's Progress
Oh I'm Real:

My grandmother began to brainwash me with that hogwash when I was an infant about two years old. If I made a mistake or did something she didn't like she admonished me, "Ol' Scratch Will Get You!" When I was in the third and fourth grades at Milan Tennessee in the early 40's the teachers started the day with the pledge of allegiance and the lord's prayer. On Monday's the class was each assigned a bible verse to memori e and recite back to the class on Fridays. Christmas and Easter celebrations, prayers before anything from a cockfight to a NASCAR race, reinforcement by preachers, teachers and other authority figures. What chance does an innocent child have

I lived in the church for most of my adult life. We tithed our gross plus gifts to Lottie Moon and other selected missions, I was a Sunday school teacher for young adults, I coached and refereed for RA boys, I was a member of the brotherhood and the building committee, I visited those who were sick on Tuesdays, Prayer meetings on Wednesdays, I gave personal testimony at small churches in towns close by and I had most of the new testament committed to memory while I was still in my twenties. When time came to be drafted the preacher wanted me to become an ordained Baptist preacher but you know what I go into the army. I never believed all that major bullshit about prophesy, virgin birth, healing leprosy by touching, walking on water, turning water into fine wine, raising from the dead, feeding 6000-8000 with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers, hanging a man on a tree, bleeding him like a hog then seeing him fit as a fiddle two days later, etc.

I stayed in the church till I was over 60 years old and I used to sit in the pews on Sunday mornings, look around at the faces of others and wonder how in the world intelligent people actually believed all that bullshit.

If the south sea islands are included there are over 4000 ancient gods being worshipped today. Break down the Christian faith and add over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults etc. If it's the most important thing in the world why is it so complicated and confusing.

P.T. Barnum said, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute." Religion proves he knew what he was talking about.

I grew up in a similar family, and was basically indoctrinated to believe in a fundamentalist, evangelical version of Christianity. When I left the church in my late 30s, I was really angry. I felt misled and like I'd made a lot of decisions about my life on the basis of a bunch of lies. I got over it, and I hope you do, too. I still don't believe, but for the most part, I'm not angry about it anymore. I freely chose the course of my adult life. I have made it a goal to live the rest of my life being happy, every single day.

Carpe diem. Seize the day and stop ruining your future by looking back and being angry about your past.

Because of all the years I was in the church two of my three kids ended up more into it than I ever was. Both of them have masters degrees and between the two of them are parents of six of my eight grandchildren. All of those grandchildren have attended some church school but my son's three kids are all three presently enrolled in a K-12 Presbyterian school. Those kids were taught prayer and horseshit about a hereafter from the time they were six months old. I mean we're talking a baptismal ceremony including sprinkling at age six months. I'll never get over it because I'm not interested in even trying. The day I die if i've still got enough wind left in my lungs I'll still be speaking out with all my ability.

My youngest daughter is like me. Her two boys are anything but Christians. One of them, 16 years old is presently studying the history of all ancient god worship. The last time I was at their house he explained to me about the parallels between the Egyptian sun god Horus and Jesus. I listened quietly like I had never heard of it before.
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Because of all the years I was in the church two of my three kids ended up more into it than I ever was. Both of them have masters degrees and between the two of them are parents of six of my grandchildren. All of the grandchildren have attended some church school but my son's three kids are all three presently enrolled in a K-12 Presbyterian school. Those kids were taught prayer and horseshit about a hereafter from the time they were six months old. I mean we're talking a baptismal ceremony including sprinkling at age six months.

I'll never get over it because I'm not interested in even trying. The day I die if i've still got enough wind left in my lungs I'll still be speaking out with all my ability.

I think that it's okay to share your experiences, but I'm not sure that this anger you are apparently carrying is what should define you as a person...
Because of all the years I was in the church two of my three kids ended up more into it than I ever was. Both of them have masters degrees and between the two of them are parents of six of my grandchildren. All of the grandchildren have attended some church school but my son's three kids are all three presently enrolled in a K-12 Presbyterian school. Those kids were taught prayer and horseshit about a hereafter from the time they were six months old. I mean we're talking a baptismal ceremony including sprinkling at age six months.

I'll never get over it because I'm not interested in even trying. The day I die if i've still got enough wind left in my lungs I'll still be speaking out with all my ability.

I think that it's okay to share your experiences, but I'm not sure that this anger you are apparently carrying is what should define you as a person...

People often forget that religion isn't something children understand, and in much the same way you wouldn't teach a child about certain things at a young age because they wouldn't understand, you shouldn't teach a child about religion until they are old enough to understand it and can choose freely or not at all.

Remember: There are no Christian children. There are no Muslim children, there are no Hindu, Ba'hi, etc children. There are children of Muslim parents, children of Hindu parents, etc.
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People often forget that religion isn't something children understand, and in much the same way you wouldn't teach a child about certain things at a young age because they wouldn't understand, you shouldn't teach a child about religion until they are old enough to understand it and can choose freely or not at all.

Really? So you don't teach children that fire is hot, that if you drop something it falls, or that knives are sharp? You don't teach them basic things in basic ways appropriate for their level of comprehension? You just wait until they are 'ready' to study advanced physics before you teach them a single thing so they "can choose freely or not at all"? That sounds pretty stupid.
Because of all the years I was in the church two of my three kids ended up more into it than I ever was. Both of them have masters degrees and between the two of them are parents of six of my grandchildren. All of the grandchildren have attended some church school but my son's three kids are all three presently enrolled in a K-12 Presbyterian school. Those kids were taught prayer and horseshit about a hereafter from the time they were six months old. I mean we're talking a baptismal ceremony including sprinkling at age six months.

I'll never get over it because I'm not interested in even trying. The day I die if i've still got enough wind left in my lungs I'll still be speaking out with all my ability.

I think that it's okay to share your experiences, but I'm not sure that this anger you are apparently carrying is what should define you as a person...

People often forget that religion isn't something children understand, and in much the same way you wouldn't teach a child about certain things at a young age because they wouldn't understand, you shouldn't teach a child about religion until they are old enough to understand it and can choose freely or not at all.

Remember: There are no Christian children. There are no Muslim children, there are no Hindu, Ba'hi, etc children. There are children of Muslim parents, children of Hindu parents, etc.

Tell that to Presbyterians. All three of my son's children started out their religious lives at six months. When my son's youngest daughter was about 14 months old she called me down in a Bahama Bree e restaurant for not praying. Her mother knows how I am and she removed her from the table while she was screaming, "I Wan To Pray To Da Fadah!"
Really dude I can smell the fraud in your post even on the internet. .

His whole little 'persona' is just a bit of bad fiction.

No, this is sadly what most people in the US have to grow up with.

The only difference is you bought into it and he realized it isn't truth, but the absence of it.

So YOU know what "most people in the US" grow up with? (obviously you don't) AND you know how I was brought up and what I "bought into"? Really, Kreskin?

Are you trying to be extra stupid today?
Kids love fairy tales so why not teach the big one while they're still young enough to enjoy it.

I'm a Jack and the Beanstalk man myself. At least he had a bean vine to climb. These folks think a dead man is gonna come back on a cloud and take them with him.
His whole little 'persona' is just a bit of bad fiction.

No, this is sadly what most people in the US have to grow up with.

The only difference is you bought into it and he realized it isn't truth, but the absence of it.

So YOU know what "most people in the US" grow up with? (obviously you don't) AND you know how I was brought up and what I "bought into"? Really, Kreskin?

Are you trying to be extra stupid today?

Given that 80% of the US is theistic, I would say this is EXTREMELY common.
I think that it's okay to share your experiences, but I'm not sure that this anger you are apparently carrying is what should define you as a person...

People often forget that religion isn't something children understand, and in much the same way you wouldn't teach a child about certain things at a young age because they wouldn't understand, you shouldn't teach a child about religion until they are old enough to understand it and can choose freely or not at all.

Remember: There are no Christian children. There are no Muslim children, there are no Hindu, Ba'hi, etc children. There are children of Muslim parents, children of Hindu parents, etc.

Tell that to Presbyterians. All three of my son's children started out their religious lives at six months. When my son's youngest daughter was about 14 months old she called me down in a Bahama Bree e restaurant for not praying. Her mother knows how I am and she removed her from the table while she was screaming, "I Wan To Pray To Da Fadah!"

Them screaming for God doesn't mean they are old enough to comprehend what it entails. They don't know any better.
It started from my parents and grandparents when I was two...My grandmother telling me "OL' Scratch Will Get You." first recollections.

In grammar school I was required to memorize bible verses and pray. Wednesday night prayer meetings in Baptist or primitive Baptist churches. Prayers before every public event.

Add to that nearly forty years in the church until I finally gave up about 15 years ago and knew I wouldn't believe all that BS if I live to 100. 'Course that ain't that far away.

poor fella, must be in your mid to late 20's or a late editon to the poor me train.

So abusive your childhood. So traumatic. I just can't stand another story of such abuse.

So since you figured it all out, tell me.

Was sent to a Lutheran church by a stepfather who used to throw me down the stairs when he was pissed until I was 6.

Was sent to a Catholic school from 6 to 8 by a stepfather who used to beat both me and my mother on a weekly basis.

Was taken to Episcopalian churches by friends of my aunt and uncle while living with them.

When I lived with a foster family, had to attend Baptist church until I ran away at 16.

Quit going to church after that, because everyone told me that the way I'd originally believed in God was the wrong way and I had to learn a new one.

Never lost my belief in God, just didn't like the way others told me I had to believe in Him.

Started studying Tao at age 30, and haven't gone back since. Incidentally, since starting to study Tao, I've also started to delve into a couple of other belief systems.

Interestingly enough........many belief systems are pretty similar. Tao and Judaic theology are pretty closely related in their approach to a Higher Being, and what Buddha taught is pretty much what Yeshua (Jesus) taught.

I'm of the opinion that if you look for the similarities rather than the differences, you'll get a lot farther ahead spiritually.
It started from my parents and grandparents when I was two...My grandmother telling me "OL' Scratch Will Get You." first recollections.

In grammar school I was required to memorize bible verses and pray. Wednesday night prayer meetings in Baptist or primitive Baptist churches. Prayers before every public event.

Add to that nearly forty years in the church until I finally gave up about 15 years ago and knew I wouldn't believe all that BS if I live to 100. 'Course that ain't that far away.

poor fella, must be in your mid to late 20's or a late editon to the poor me train.

So abusive your childhood. So traumatic. I just can't stand another story of such abuse.

So since you figured it all out, tell me.

Was sent to a Lutheran church by a stepfather who used to throw me down the stairs when he was pissed until I was 6.

Was sent to a Catholic school from 6 to 8 by a stepfather who used to beat both me and my mother on a weekly basis.

Was taken to Episcopalian churches by friends of my aunt and uncle while living with them.

When I lived with a foster family, had to attend Baptist church until I ran away at 16.

Quit going to church after that, because everyone told me that the way I'd originally believed in God was the wrong way and I had to learn a new one.

Never lost my belief in God, just didn't like the way others told me I had to believe in Him.

Started studying Tao at age 30, and haven't gone back since. Incidentally, since starting to study Tao, I've also started to delve into a couple of other belief systems.

Interestingly enough........many belief systems are pretty similar. Tao and Judaic theology are pretty closely related in their approach to a Higher Being, and what Buddha taught is pretty much what Yeshua (Jesus) taught.

I'm of the opinion that if you look for the similarities rather than the differences, you'll get a lot farther ahead spiritually.

Right if the south sea islands are included there are more than 4000 ancient gods being worshipped. Add to that the over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults and other variations of Christianity and VOILA!! The biggest conglomeration of major horse shit in the history of the world.
Sorry bout that,

poor fella, must be in your mid to late 20's or a late editon to the poor me train.

So abusive your childhood. So traumatic. I just can't stand another story of such abuse.

So since you figured it all out, tell me.

Was sent to a Lutheran church by a stepfather who used to throw me down the stairs when he was pissed until I was 6.

Was sent to a Catholic school from 6 to 8 by a stepfather who used to beat both me and my mother on a weekly basis.

Was taken to Episcopalian churches by friends of my aunt and uncle while living with them.

When I lived with a foster family, had to attend Baptist church until I ran away at 16.

Quit going to church after that, because everyone told me that the way I'd originally believed in God was the wrong way and I had to learn a new one.

Never lost my belief in God, just didn't like the way others told me I had to believe in Him.

Started studying Tao at age 30, and haven't gone back since. Incidentally, since starting to study Tao, I've also started to delve into a couple of other belief systems.

Interestingly enough........many belief systems are pretty similar. Tao and Judaic theology are pretty closely related in their approach to a Higher Being, and what Buddha taught is pretty much what Yeshua (Jesus) taught.

I'm of the opinion that if you look for the similarities rather than the differences, you'll get a lot farther ahead spiritually.

Right if the south sea islands are included there are more than 4000 ancient gods being worshipped. Add to that the over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults and other variations of Christianity and VOILA!! The biggest conglomeration of major horse shit in the history of the world.

1. So what your saying is, there are so many religions 4000 ancient ones, plus some 44k denominations, thats why you are now set against God?
2. I guess you can choose whatever you want, its your life, but I wouldn't want it.
3. You keep it, you sad pathetic person.
4. We all pity you.
5. If anyone agrees with you then they are just about as evil.
6. Lets get to the heart of the matter, though, seeing you spent the greater part of your life as a phony baloney Christian, why were you faking it that long?
7. You hated what you were learning from the beginning, and yet, you faked it, why?
8. Did you use God, to get somewhere?
9. Was it a cliquish thing to get in with the *IN CROWD*?
10. There had to be some reason why you were hiding in the church.
11. Was a girl involved in this?
12. Some fifty years ago ofcourse.
13. She died am I right?

No, this is sadly what most people in the US have to grow up with.

The only difference is you bought into it and he realized it isn't truth, but the absence of it.

So YOU know what "most people in the US" grow up with? (obviously you don't) AND you know how I was brought up and what I "bought into"? Really, Kreskin?

Are you trying to be extra stupid today?

Given that 80% of the US is theistic, I would say this is EXTREMELY common.

So you ARE trying to be extra stupid today. Job well done.
Sorry bout that,

Was sent to a Lutheran church by a stepfather who used to throw me down the stairs when he was pissed until I was 6.

Was sent to a Catholic school from 6 to 8 by a stepfather who used to beat both me and my mother on a weekly basis.

Was taken to Episcopalian churches by friends of my aunt and uncle while living with them.

When I lived with a foster family, had to attend Baptist church until I ran away at 16.

Quit going to church after that, because everyone told me that the way I'd originally believed in God was the wrong way and I had to learn a new one.

Never lost my belief in God, just didn't like the way others told me I had to believe in Him.

Started studying Tao at age 30, and haven't gone back since. Incidentally, since starting to study Tao, I've also started to delve into a couple of other belief systems.

Interestingly enough........many belief systems are pretty similar. Tao and Judaic theology are pretty closely related in their approach to a Higher Being, and what Buddha taught is pretty much what Yeshua (Jesus) taught.

I'm of the opinion that if you look for the similarities rather than the differences, you'll get a lot farther ahead spiritually.

Right if the south sea islands are included there are more than 4000 ancient gods being worshipped. Add to that the over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults and other variations of Christianity and VOILA!! The biggest conglomeration of major horse shit in the history of the world.

1. So what your saying is, there are so many religions 4000 ancient ones, plus some 44k denominations, thats why you are now set against God?
2. I guess you can choose whatever you want, its your life, but I wouldn't want it.
3. You keep it, you sad pathetic person.
4. We all pity you.
5. If anyone agrees with you then they are just about as evil.
6. Lets get to the heart of the matter, though, seeing you spent the greater part of your life as a phony baloney Christian, why were you faking it that long?
7. You hated what you were learning from the beginning, and yet, you faked it, why?
8. Did you use God, to get somewhere?
9. Was it a cliquish thing to get in with the *IN CROWD*?
10. There had to be some reason why you were hiding in the church.
11. Was a girl involved in this?
12. Some fifty years ago ofcourse.
13. She died am I right?


God is in your mind. Three things brought all religion to bear. Man's inability to accept his mortality, control over the weak minded and a way to get in their pocketbooks. Each new generation is brainwashed by the one before. That's the only reason the rest of us still have to put up with that bullshit.
So YOU know what "most people in the US" grow up with? (obviously you don't) AND you know how I was brought up and what I "bought into"? Really, Kreskin?

Are you trying to be extra stupid today?

Given that 80% of the US is theistic, I would say this is EXTREMELY common.

So you ARE trying to be extra stupid today. Job well done.

Insulting someone does not take the place of a valid argument. Put up or shut up.
Sorry bout that,

Was sent to a Lutheran church by a stepfather who used to throw me down the stairs when he was pissed until I was 6.

Was sent to a Catholic school from 6 to 8 by a stepfather who used to beat both me and my mother on a weekly basis.

Was taken to Episcopalian churches by friends of my aunt and uncle while living with them.

When I lived with a foster family, had to attend Baptist church until I ran away at 16.

Quit going to church after that, because everyone told me that the way I'd originally believed in God was the wrong way and I had to learn a new one.

Never lost my belief in God, just didn't like the way others told me I had to believe in Him.

Started studying Tao at age 30, and haven't gone back since. Incidentally, since starting to study Tao, I've also started to delve into a couple of other belief systems.

Interestingly enough........many belief systems are pretty similar. Tao and Judaic theology are pretty closely related in their approach to a Higher Being, and what Buddha taught is pretty much what Yeshua (Jesus) taught.

I'm of the opinion that if you look for the similarities rather than the differences, you'll get a lot farther ahead spiritually.

Right if the south sea islands are included there are more than 4000 ancient gods being worshipped. Add to that the over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults and other variations of Christianity and VOILA!! The biggest conglomeration of major horse shit in the history of the world.

1. So what your saying is, there are so many religions 4000 ancient ones, plus some 44k denominations, thats why you are now set against God?
2. I guess you can choose whatever you want, its your life, but I wouldn't want it.
3. You keep it, you sad pathetic person.
4. We all pity you.
5. If anyone agrees with you then they are just about as evil.
6. Lets get to the heart of the matter, though, seeing you spent the greater part of your life as a phony baloney Christian, why were you faking it that long?
7. You hated what you were learning from the beginning, and yet, you faked it, why?
8. Did you use God, to get somewhere?
9. Was it a cliquish thing to get in with the *IN CROWD*?
10. There had to be some reason why you were hiding in the church.
11. Was a girl involved in this?
12. Some fifty years ago ofcourse.
13. She died am I right?



Gottcher' crystal ball working there cybershrink You are so goddamed brainwashed you can't even entertain the idea that I continuously studied the new testament most of my life trying to believe it and after my whole family had been indoctrinated with that horse shit finally made up my mind that it was never going to happen to me.

Basically my grandmother began to brainwash me when I was an infant and my grammar school teachers reinforced everything she had done and it took me nearly all my life to undo it. You people who believe a mythological crock of shit from the stone age are on automatic pilot and you are just like someone being led over a cliff by a bunch of dumb assed sheep. C'mon here wise man. Think deeply about virgin birth of a god by a god. Think deeply about healing by touching. Think deeply about walking on water. Think deeply about hanging a man on a tree, bleeding him like a hog and seeing him fit as a fiddle two days later. I feel sorry for anyone hung up on a stone age tale like that...especially since many versions of the same stories went around N. Africa and the middle east thousands of years before the Jewish version.

What you need to do is read that load of shit in it's entirety and at the same time study ancient religious history which verifies that it's nothing more than another ancient myth which can be verifed in only one place...the Jewish bible.

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