Must See! Jim Jordon Destroys John Dean — Catches Him in Major Lie — Forces Him to Retract

Congressman Jim Jordan destroyed Creepy, Sleezy Dean. Congressman Jordan should have inquired into Fat Jerry Nadler's medical issues in addition to his mental issues.

Was that lie anything like Gym Jordan's lies about not knowing his wrestlers were being molested and him doing nothing about it even law...he was a mandatory reporter?

Fake news.

Sure...for those who don't want Mandatory Reporting to be enforced for................................reasons.
Congressman Jim Jordan destroyed Creepy, Sleezy Dean. Congressman Jordan should have inquired into Fat Jerry Nadler's medical issues in addition to his mental issues.

I looked for a smackdown. all I saw was a pro-tRump nutbar quoting Breightbart.

You need to get out more kid.
The Republicans kicked Dean's and Nadler's asses. Setting the stage for Barr, Huber, Durham and Howowitz to start the indictments and turn the Muller Report on its head. The deep state conspirators are the criminals, not Trump.
Congressman Jim Jordan destroyed Creepy, Sleezy Dean. Congressman Jordan should have inquired into Fat Jerry Nadler's medical issues in addition to his mental issues.

Don't you mean Dean caught Rape Enabler Gym Jordan lying about Dean going to jail.
Congressman Jim Jordan destroyed Creepy, Sleezy Dean. Congressman Jordan should have inquired into Fat Jerry Nadler's medical issues in addition to his mental issues.

Was that lie anything like Gym Jordan's lies about not knowing his wrestlers were being molested and him doing nothing about it even law...he was a mandatory reporter?

15 Former Wrestlers Defend Jim Jordan from Accusations He Covered Up Sexual Abuse

Republicans don’t care about rape
Congressman Jim Jordan destroyed Creepy, Sleezy Dean. Congressman Jordan should have inquired into Fat Jerry Nadler's medical issues in addition to his mental issues.

Don't you mean Dean caught Rape Enabler Gym Jordan lying about Dean going to jail.

Anyone else would have gone to jail....what does that tell you lib?....
Congressman Jim Jordan destroyed Creepy, Sleezy Dean. Congressman Jordan should have inquired into Fat Jerry Nadler's medical issues in addition to his mental issues.

Was that lie anything like Gym Jordan's lies about not knowing his wrestlers were being molested and him doing nothing about it even law...he was a mandatory reporter?

15 Former Wrestlers Defend Jim Jordan from Accusations He Covered Up Sexual Abuse

Republicans don’t care about rape

You are right...she can rape me anytime....

All you have is a sick fake meme.
Congressman Jim Jordan destroyed Creepy, Sleezy Dean. Congressman Jordan should have inquired into Fat Jerry Nadler's medical issues in addition to his mental issues.

Was that lie anything like Gym Jordan's lies about not knowing his wrestlers were being molested and him doing nothing about it even law...he was a mandatory reporter?

15 Former Wrestlers Defend Jim Jordan from Accusations He Covered Up Sexual Abuse

Republicans don’t care about rape
You could go to the park and ask 100 people who in the heck is John Dean and MAYBE one would know.

Why is John Dean on Capitol Hill and what is he supposed to have witnessed?

What the heck is going on in Congress?
Republicans don’t care about rape

That comment seems to be more accurate about Democrats. See the late Ted Kennedy and who can forget Bill Clinton?

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat
Sexual Assault

Women have been charging Bill Clinton with sexual assault since his days as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford 30 years ago.

Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)

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