Muslims of early America


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays
Muslims were not a part of early American history.

Your story is about Spanish colonialism and they outlawed bringing Muslims over, so that was the end of that.

So stop trying to justify bringing millions more of them over today. Islam is incompatible with Western values and democracy.

So you don't think there were any Hebrews in hiding that came to the America's with those Spaniards thus making them the second monotheistic religion from the Old World to come to the Americas.

And what makes you think that there weren't monotheistic Native American tribes prior to the coming of the Old World to the Americas?


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Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays
Who do you think taught Europeans about enslaving blacks?
LITERATE? oh come off it------the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF MUSLIMS -----even today are either completely illiterate or-----almost----
knowing how to write an aleph and a bais ------if any knew----is not LITERACY. In my working years-----the only healthy young females with
which I came into contact were----muslimahs-----I mean REALLY ILLITERATE---unable to mark an X on a consent form once the issue was explained in their own language (some males too)

So you don't think there were any Hebrews in hiding that came to the America's with those Spaniards thus making them the second monotheistic religion from the Old World to come to the Americas.

And what makes you think that there weren't Native American tribes that were monotheistic prior to the coming of the Old World to the Americas?



The K!kes were integral to the slave trade the same as Muslims who castrated and sold some 80M Africans over a 700 year period. Yet like the typical groid you sit and praise both.
The African cannot be domesticated.

So you don't think there were any Hebrews in hiding that came to the America's with those Spaniards thus making them the second monotheistic religion from the Old World to come to the Americas.

And what makes you think that there weren't Native American tribes that were monotheistic prior to the coming of the Old World to the Americas?



The K!kes were integral to the slave trade the same as Muslims who castrated and sold some 80M Africans over a 700 year period. Yet like the typical groid you sit and praise both.
The African cannot be domesticated.


Where do you come up with all that about me?



So you don't think there were any Hebrews in hiding that came to the America's with those Spaniards thus making them the second monotheistic religion from the Old World to come to the Americas.

And what makes you think that there weren't Native American tribes that were monotheistic prior to the coming of the Old World to the Americas?



The K!kes were integral to the slave trade the same as Muslims who castrated and sold some 80M Africans over a 700 year period. Yet like the typical groid you sit and praise both.
The African cannot be domesticated.


Where do you come up with all that about me?



Sorry dude...I thought you were the groid who started the thread. My bad.

So you don't think there were any Hebrews in hiding that came to the America's with those Spaniards thus making them the second monotheistic religion from the Old World to come to the Americas.

And what makes you think that there weren't Native American tribes that were monotheistic prior to the coming of the Old World to the Americas?



The K!kes were integral to the slave trade the same as Muslims who castrated and sold some 80M Africans over a 700 year period. Yet like the typical groid you sit and praise both.
The African cannot be domesticated.


Where do you come up with all that about me?



Sorry dude...I thought you were the groid who started the thread. My bad.


Eyeglasses might help that.


Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays

Muslims are slave traders.
Why do the Left Wingers admire them so much.
BTW, muslims did not contribute anything to America's founding.
Muslims were not a part of early American history.

Your story is about Spanish colonialism and they outlawed bringing Muslims over, so that was the end of that.

So stop trying to justify bringing millions more of them over today. Islam is incompatible with Western values and democracy.
The history facts that i'm gonna list to you, I studied in Morocco in elementary school. I'm well aware of the general education here in the US and I wouldn't be surprised if most of you in here don't know these facts.

1. The first country that Recognized the independence of the US was a Muslim Country. (google it)

2. The first US embassy or building outside the US, also was in a Muslim country.

3. The founding fathers recognized the Islamic faith, and it's all documented here
The Founding Fathers and Islam (May 2002) - Library of Congress Information Bulletin

Your hate unsurprisingly stems from ignorance, and you need to educate yourself.
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays
Who do you think taught Europeans about enslaving blacks?
It was a wide practice in the old world, Pharaohs, Persians, Africans, Arabs you name it....the Moors enslaved Europeans as well.
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays

Muslims are slave traders.
Why do the Left Wingers admire them so much.
BTW, muslims did not contribute anything to America's founding.
Nope....They didn't participate in the slaughtering of millions of Natives, and enslaving millions of take the whole credit.
lol what a bad propaganda thread. Reminds me of how those 2,000 Chinese strike breakers in California in the 1860's-1870's have been magically re-invented by modern 'historians' into having built the entire railroad system of the U.S.
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays

Muslims are slave traders.
Why do the Left Wingers admire them so much.
BTW, muslims did not contribute anything to America's founding.
Nope....They didn't participate in the slaughtering of millions of Natives, and enslaving millions of take the whole credit.

lol the natives slaughtered millions of natives, especially those Plains tribes, the ones they throw the biggest Pity Parties for. The Aztecs were probably the bloodiest people on Earth, with the exception of Muslims. And of course Africans enslaved far more Africans than anybody else as well.
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays

Muslims are slave traders.
Why do the Left Wingers admire them so much.
BTW, muslims did not contribute anything to America's founding.
Nope....They didn't participate in the slaughtering of millions of Natives, and enslaving millions of take the whole credit.

lol the natives slaughtered millions of natives, especially those Plains tribes, the ones they throw the biggest Pity Parties for. The Aztecs were probably the bloodiest people on Earth, with the exception of Muslims. And of course Africans enslaved far more Africans than anybody else as well.

Hummm... those are ancient civilization....can you talk as a bit about who has been bombing different countries and killing thousands of Civilians for the past decades? Like maybe Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and backing dictators in so many other countries...destabilizing dozens of others countries.....spending trillions of dollars on bases and weapons and bullying countries all over the world?
And how about killing each other by the thousand each year?

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