Muslim savages treated like crap in Germany

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
If you believe Propaganda MSM then you'd think the Muslim savages are living it up, a great many aren't and are so depressed that the poor lambs are returning to their own nations by CHOICE.

Here are some articles, yes from MSM, but with proper interviews....I have other stories of them being treated like crap everywhere from Netherlands to Finland....Sweden being exception as it's the Official Lunatic Aslylum of Europa.

Some Migrants in Germany Want to Go Home

The Expulsion Hubs for the African savages now planned:

Germany eyes expulsion hubs for North African migrants

Iraqi's going home "disenchanted with Germany":

“They gather people in horrible camps with no space to sleep, bathe or relax. There is no hope here in Germany. I hope nobody will leave their home to come here,” he said."

Migrant crisis: Iraqis return home, disenchanted with life in Germany

Germany follows Switzerland and Denmark seizing cash and valuables from "refugees". I LOVE this one, German guards leaving the savages almost destitute....making life as DIFFICULT as possible for them and this is LEGAL under German law for them to do:

Germany is forcing refugees to hand over their cash, jewellery and valuables

These are just some stories. It is the beginning and we know at the end of this Europa will be saved. I am not a Defeatist, I am an Optimist.
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It will be hard to regain your way of life. It will also be hard for your women to get over their leaders telling them to accept their savage culture.
How are the "Muslem savages" treated in their own native country? Surely Germany must be a step up with all those pretty western girls ripe for the picking.
Germany has a history of dealing with non Germans so the Muslim guests might want to mind their manners.
If you believe Propaganda MSM then you'd think the Muslim savages are living it up, a great many aren't and are so depressed that the poor lambs are returning to their own nations by CHOICE.

Here are some articles, yes from MSM, but with proper interviews....I have other stories of them being treated like crap everywhere from Netherlands to Finland....Sweden being exception as it's the Official Lunatic Aslylum of Europa.

Some Migrants in Germany Want to Go Home

The Expulsion Hubs for the African savages now planned:

Germany eyes expulsion hubs for North African migrants

Iraqi's going home "disenchanted with Germany":

“They gather people in horrible camps with no space to sleep, bathe or relax. There is no hope here in Germany. I hope nobody will leave their home to come here,” he said."

Migrant crisis: Iraqis return home, disenchanted with life in Germany

Germany follows Switzerland and Denmark seizing cash and valuables from "refugees". I LOVE this one, German guards leaving the savages almost destitute....making life as DIFFICULT as possible for them and this is LEGAL under German law for them to do:

Germany is forcing refugees to hand over their cash, jewellery and valuables

These are just some stories. It is the beginning and we know at the end of this Europa will be saved. I am not a Defeatist, I am an Optimist.
They won't give them apartments, cars, jobs, and the girls won't make sex with them when they ask. So they go home to rape boys and goats.
Gee, ya think so?...

Crowds cheer as migrant shelter burns in Germany
Feb. 21, 2016 - Police are investigating the incident as arson.
Crowds of onlookers cheered as the roof of a hotel being converted into a migrant shelter in went up in flames early Sunday.

Police are treating the fire in eastern Saxony as an arson. No one was injured in the blaze, but the Guardian quoted police as saying a crowd of locals that had gathered at the scene "reacted to the arson with derogatory comments and undisguised joy," and some reportedly tried to prevent firefighters from dousing the flames. The German state of Saxony is reportedly home to an anti-Islam, anti-immigration group known as Pegida.


The incident comes three days after about 100 anti-refugee protesters in Clausnitz, also in Saxony, blocked the arrival of a bus of migrants on the way to the town's shelter -- which is reportedly directed by a member of the anti-immigrant Alternativ fuer Deutschland party. While Germany has been lauded for opening its borders to refugees from Middle East conflict zones, the country has also experienced a surge in attacks against refugee camps -- 924 in 2015, up from 199 the year prior, according to federal statistics.

Crowds cheer as migrant shelter burns in Germany

See also:

Suspected arson at planned refugee center in Germany
February 21, 2016 - People commented with 'unashamed joy' as the fire damaged a former hotel being converted into refugee housing in Bautzen
Onlookers celebrated as a suspected arson fire damaged a former hotel being converted into a refugee home in eastern Germany, police said Sunday, raising new concerns about violence toward migrants in a nation that registered more than a million asylum-seekers last year. The blaze in the roof of the building in Bautzen, in the eastern state of Saxony, broke out overnight. Police said no one was injured but a group of people gathered outside, some "commenting with derogatory remarks or unashamed joy" at the fire. While most Germans have been welcoming toward refugees, a vocal minority has staged protests in front of refugee homes, especially in the east. Germany last year saw a surge in violence against such lodgings.

Police ordered three people to leave the fire scene because they were hampering firefighters' work and then temporarily detained two of them, whom they described as intoxicated 20-year-old locals, after they ignored the order. Investigators found traces of a fire accelerant at the scene and believe the fire was caused by arson, police said. It wasn't immediately clear whether the building can be restored. Saxony is home to the anti-Muslim and anti-immigration group PEGIDA, and incidents there have caused concern before. In August, a mob in Heidenau, outside Dresden, hurled bottles and fireworks at police protecting a shelter being set up for refugees.

PEGIDA, an acronym for Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West, was formed in Germany in 2014, has gained supporters in other Western European countries and has seen a surge capitalizing on anxieties over mass migration. Earlier this month, the group staged rallies in Dresden, Prague, Amsterdam, Birmingham and elsewhere. Far-right groups see Europe's refugee crisis as an opportunity to broadcast their anti-immigrant message. Saxony Governor Stanislaw Tillich called the two incidents "appalling and shocking" and described the perpetrators as "criminals." "This is abhorrent and disgusting," Tillich told the Funke newspaper group. He pledged that authorities will investigate and "bring everyone responsible to account."

Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said that everyone in Germany is entitled to express their concerns "but there is a threshold of decency and law that must not be crossed — and this threshold was clearly crossed in the incidents in Saxony," the news agency dpa reported. "It is completely unacceptable for people who are seeking protection from persecution here to be greeted with hatred and agitation," de Maiziere added. Later Sunday, the minister defended police actions in Clausnitz, saying they were right to get all the migrants off the bus quickly and into the building. If the bus had been backed away from the refugee home, "these bawling people would have had their way," de Maiziere said on ARD television.

Suspected arson at planned refugee center in Germany
German police justify handling of migrant bus incident - BBC News

"A video posted online shows some 100 hostile demonstrators surrounding the bus as it pulls up to deliver migrants to accommodation in eastern Germany.

Another appears to show police roughly dragging a young boy off the vehicle.

Police said they needed to get the migrants into the hostel quickly as the situation was tense.

The incident took place on Thursday night in the eastern village of Clausnitz, south of Dresden, and the video footage from the scene has been widely shared online.

Demonstrators tried to prevent migrants getting off the bus, chanting "we are the people" in a scene the state Interior Minister, Markus Ulbig, described as "deeply shameful".



Upset children can be seen in the video on board the bus, which was blocked for two hours.

Defending the police response, regional police chief Uwe Reissmann said on Saturday that there were too few officers to keep the protesters away from the bus and it was necessary to get the migrants into the building quickly.

He said three of those inside the bus had provoked the crowd - one "showing the finger" to the protesters.

Referring to the removal of the boy, Mr Reissmann said "only physical force" could ensure his transfer to the hostel.

"In my opinion, the police should not face repercussions," he said at a news conference.

The boy and a youth from the bus face an investigation over the "finger" incident, Mr Reissmann added.


awesome, eh?

the migrants will face an investigation, and the good germans screaming "wir sind das volk" are excused. most awesome policing once again, in saxony.
Germany loves it's pork schnitzel with Jager sauce. My favorite also. What can possibly go wrong?

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