Muslim Propaganda pushes 9/11 Conspiracies


Nov 20, 2009
It's time to wake up people.

the goal of the extremist muslims is to destroy the great satan...... The USA!!

the goal of the 9/11 conspiracy nuts is to blame the government so they can destroy... The USA!!

They are one and the same group of people. Immediately after 9/11 the Muslim Apologists immediately started the disinformation campaign to blame their enemy for the attacks.

On Sept. 17 report on Lebanon's Al-Manar Television reported 4000 Jews did not report for work on 9/11. Al-Manar Television is run by terrorist group Hezbollah and even it's website claims that the station exists to "stage an effective psychological warfare with the Zionist enemy."

The next day at 6:26 a.m., the American Web site Information Times published an article headlined "4,000 Jews Did Not Go To Work At WTC On Sept. 11," and credited it to an "AL-MANAR Television Special Investigative Report." This was not the first time that Information Times had pointed the finger at Israel. The day after the attacks, it warned in an article that the "terrorist government of Israel … cannot be ruled out" as a suspect. Information Times purports to be edited by Syed Adeeb from the eighth floor of the National Press Club at 549 15th St. NW, Washington, DC, 20045. The Press Club says it has no such tenant.

On Sept. 26, Pakistan's Business Recorder printed the story about 4,000 Jews in language almost identical to the original Al-Manar article as a letter to the editor under the name "Hakeem." The same day, the New York Times reported that the allegation had appeared in a newsletter published by an Islamic charity and in lesson plans prepared by Egyptian middle-school teachers. On Oct. 4, the Chicago Tribune spotted the allegation in a Saudi paper, which it did not name. In the Oct. 8 issue of Time, Tim McGirk reported from Pakistan that the story had swept through the country's mosques and Urdu newspapers.

On Sept. 28, USA Today repeated the claim in the context that "Muslims the world over" had tried to pin the attack on Israel.

Meanwhile, while the Muslim propaganda machine goes into full swing against the American government by blaming them for attacking their own citizens, the Muslim invasion of the European Union continues. The European Union was set up by French with the backing of Arab money with one goal in mind.... to become more powerful than the USA.

Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, in a speech that aired on Al-Jazeera TV on April 10, 2006, said:

"We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe - without swords, without guns, without conquests. The 50 million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades."

"Allah mobilizes the Muslim nation of Turkey, and adds it to the European Union."
"That's another 50 million Muslims. There will be 100 million Muslims in Europe. Albania, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U."

"Bosnia, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U. Fifty percent of its citizens are Muslims."

"Europe is in a predicament, and so is America. They should agree to become Islamic in the course of time, or else declare war on the Muslims."

Today the Muslim Propaganda continues with people like "9/11 was an inside job", "Terral", "Christophera" and a few others trying desperately to blame anyone except the Muslims responsible for the horrors of 9/11.

Divide and Conquer is their game. Sharia law the world over is their goal.
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It's time to wake up people.

the goal of the extremist muslims is to destroy the great satan...... The USA!!

the goal of the 9/11 conspiracy nuts is to blame the government so they can destroy... The USA!!

They are one and the same group of people. Immediately after 9/11 the Muslim Apologists immediately started the disinformation campaign to blame their enemy for the attacks.

On Sept. 17 report on Lebanon's Al-Manar Television reported 4000 Jews did not report for work on 9/11. Al-Manar Television is run by terrorist group Hezbollah and even it's website claims that the station exists to "stage an effective psychological warfare with the Zionist enemy."

The next day at 6:26 a.m., the American Web site Information Times published an article headlined "4,000 Jews Did Not Go To Work At WTC On Sept. 11," and credited it to an "AL-MANAR Television Special Investigative Report." This was not the first time that Information Times had pointed the finger at Israel. The day after the attacks, it warned in an article that the "terrorist government of Israel … cannot be ruled out" as a suspect. Information Times purports to be edited by Syed Adeeb from the eighth floor of the National Press Club at 549 15th St. NW, Washington, DC, 20045. The Press Club says it has no such tenant.

On Sept. 26, Pakistan's Business Recorder printed the story about 4,000 Jews in language almost identical to the original Al-Manar article as a letter to the editor under the name "Hakeem." The same day, the New York Times reported that the allegation had appeared in a newsletter published by an Islamic charity and in lesson plans prepared by Egyptian middle-school teachers. On Oct. 4, the Chicago Tribune spotted the allegation in a Saudi paper, which it did not name. In the Oct. 8 issue of Time, Tim McGirk reported from Pakistan that the story had swept through the country's mosques and Urdu newspapers.

On Sept. 28, USA Today repeated the claim in the context that "Muslims the world over" had tried to pin the attack on Israel.

Meanwhile, while the Muslim propaganda machine goes into full swing against the American government by blaming them for attacking their own citizens, the Muslim invasion of the European Union continues. The European Union was set up by French with the backing of Arab money with one goal in mind.... to become more powerful than the USA.

Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, in a speech that aired on Al-Jazeera TV on April 10, 2006, said:

"We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe - without swords, without guns, without conquests. The 50 million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades."

"Allah mobilizes the Muslim nation of Turkey, and adds it to the European Union."
"That's another 50 million Muslims. There will be 100 million Muslims in Europe. Albania, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U."

"Bosnia, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U. Fifty percent of its citizens are Muslims."

"Europe is in a predicament, and so is America. They should agree to become Islamic in the course of time, or else declare war on the Muslims."

Today the Muslim Propaganda continues with people like "9/11 was an inside job", "Terral", "Christophera" and a few others trying desperately to blame anyone except the Muslims responsible for the horrors of 9/11.

Divide and Conquer is their game. Sharia law the world over is their goal.

I appreciate your post but I think fruit beetles are a greater threat to the USA as we know it than the truthers ever will be. Society has placed zero value on them and their arguments so they pose zero threat to anybody unless you accept their premise.

The premise that goes something like this:

* You actually CAN wire 3 occupied buildings for total demolition with nobody noticiing.
* Bush and company used totally novel technologies that are unproven, untested, and unconventional when the stakes were at their highest
* A corps of thousands and thousands of people are, to this day, covering up the 9/11 attacks and have walked around with this secret for over 10 years
* Today's unmerciful and unforgiving press corps has totally looked the other way on 9/11 when their Patron Saints--Woodward and Bernstein (who were two average reporters at best) were elevated to Saint status by reporting on Presidential crimes and are still household names nearly 40 years after the fact.

You needn't even get into the specifics with these boobs. Instead of arguing about the impossibilities of missiles taking down 5 light poles or how nobody who was at WTC that day saw any trace of thermite; just stick to the logic arguments listed above. America pretty much has subconsciously so the twoofers are no threat to anybody.

They are, in fact, just like a bunch of kids in the ball pit at their local McDonalds; the only injury they can inflict is on themselves.

I read your post and I understand where you're coming from. I :clap2: you. But I think you're giving more credence to the aura than the actors.
You would agree, though, eots, that the "Jews/Mossad were behind the attacks is anti-semitic propaganda.
You would agree, though, eots, that the "Jews/Mossad were behind the attacks is anti-semitic propaganda.

it would not be accurate... the systems of control that manipulate events of the magnitude do not think in terms of Arab or Jew or sovereignty or nationality they are loyal to themselves and each other and a hierarchy of global elite.a world government..elements within the mossad appear to have had prior knowledge and could well have played a role.. along with Arab royals.. just one big happy family

[ame=]YouTube - George W. Bush and the King of Saudi Arabia[/ame]
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You would agree, though, eots, that the "Jews/Mossad were behind the attacks is anti-semitic propaganda.

it would not be accurate the systems of control that manipulate events of the magnitude do not think in terms of Arab or Jew or sovereignty or nationality they are loyal to themselves and each other and a hierarchy of global elite.a world government..elements within the mossad appear to have had prior knowledge and could well have played a role.. along with Arab royals.. just one big happy family

[ame=]YouTube - George W. Bush and the King of Saudi Arabia[/ame]

if that's where Bush kisses him, I can't watch .
Hi Mr. Fizz:

It's time to wake up people.

the goal of the extremist muslims is to destroy the great satan...... The USA!!

the goal of the 9/11 conspiracy nuts is to blame the government so they can destroy... The USA!!

They are one and the same group of people ...

Today the Muslim Propaganda continues with people like "9/11 was an inside job", "Terral", "Christophera" and a few others trying desperately to blame anyone except the Muslims responsible for the horrors of 9/11.

Bullony! This Official Cover Story Govt Stooge is running diversion for Official Cover Story LIES that make no sense whatsoever! Let Mr. Fizz explain the Empty Hole outside Shanksville!

My Topic:



Bush and Rove and Cheney and Rumsfeld claim that we are looking at a crashed 100-ton Jetliner and 'not' Bearded Jihadist Radicals! This Empty Hole was already in the Empty Field on 9/11, which is easy to identify from this U.S. Geological Survey Photograph dated April 20, 1994!

Click Here

Mr. Fizz here is pointing his Official Govt Stooge Finger at people like this ...


... to justify wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and now Iran! No sir. The real Inside-Job Enemy (my Blog) has been working from the White House, Congress, the Justice Dept, the DoD, FBI, CIA, NSA and everyone in Govt down to the Arlington County Fire Dept.


This is what Mr. Fizz calls a crashed 100-ton Jetliner!


Here is another picture of the EMPTY HOLE, but Mr. Fizz wants you to believe that Osama and his band of Radicals made the 100-ton Jetliner disappear ...

[ame=""]Flight 93 Fraud!!![/ame]

... like the one at the Pentagon:

My Topic:


Here we go again with another EMPTY HOLE. The Hughes-Raytheon Hypersonic-class Missile plowed through the generator fence to strike the Column Line 14 location on a 45-degree angle from the south (our right). Check this out:


All of these construction trailers and these light poles are standing in the light path of any 100-ton Jetliner crash that never even happened:

[ame=""]These Experts Agree With Me[/ame]

None of these Aviation/Military Experts are standing with Muslims :)cuckoo:) in any attempt to overthrow the U.S. Govt. The Inside-Job Murderers of innocent Americans represent a 'rogue element' working inside our Federal, State and Local Govt's 'and' the Official Govt Documentation "Proves" 9/11 Was Definitely An Inside Job (my Topic)!

Mr. Fizz is running diversion for Inside-Job Murderers of innocent Americans and he is trying to point the finger at Muslims rather than LIARS hiding plain sight.

[ame=""]Here Is One Of The Inside-Job Murderers Now ...[/ame]

[ame=""]Lots Of Inside-Job Murderers LIE And Get Away With It, For Now ...[/ame]


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your questions have already been answered yet you still choose to LIE to push your agenda of taking blame off the muslim terrorists and blaming thousands of american people.

you show us pictures of a hole with airplane parts in it and say its empty. people saw a 757 crash into the pentagon and you say it never happened. the list goes on and on and one.

how stupid do you muslim agenda pushers think the american people are?:cuckoo:
you show us pictures of a hole with airplane parts in it and say its empty. people saw a 757 crash into the pentagon and you say it never happened. the list goes on and on and one.

Please post a video of someone saying they saw the 757 crash into the Pentagon.

Because I have never seen any eye witness testimony :doubt:

Thank You
you show us pictures of a hole with airplane parts in it and say its empty. people saw a 757 crash into the pentagon and you say it never happened. the list goes on and on and one.

Please post a video of someone saying they saw the 757 crash into the Pentagon.

Because I have never seen any eye witness testimony :doubt:

Thank You

[ame=]YouTube - Pentagon witness, Harry Gold, CBS, 11:52, 9/11[/ame]
It's time to wake up people.

the goal of the extremist muslims is to destroy the great satan...... The USA!!

the goal of the 9/11 conspiracy nuts is to blame the government so they can destroy... The USA!!

They are one and the same group of people. Immediately after 9/11 the Muslim Apologists immediately started the disinformation campaign to blame their enemy for the attacks.

On Sept. 17 report on Lebanon's Al-Manar Television reported 4000 Jews did not report for work on 9/11. Al-Manar Television is run by terrorist group Hezbollah and even it's website claims that the station exists to "stage an effective psychological warfare with the Zionist enemy."

The next day at 6:26 a.m., the American Web site Information Times published an article headlined "4,000 Jews Did Not Go To Work At WTC On Sept. 11," and credited it to an "AL-MANAR Television Special Investigative Report." This was not the first time that Information Times had pointed the finger at Israel. The day after the attacks, it warned in an article that the "terrorist government of Israel … cannot be ruled out" as a suspect. Information Times purports to be edited by Syed Adeeb from the eighth floor of the National Press Club at 549 15th St. NW, Washington, DC, 20045. The Press Club says it has no such tenant.

On Sept. 26, Pakistan's Business Recorder printed the story about 4,000 Jews in language almost identical to the original Al-Manar article as a letter to the editor under the name "Hakeem." The same day, the New York Times reported that the allegation had appeared in a newsletter published by an Islamic charity and in lesson plans prepared by Egyptian middle-school teachers. On Oct. 4, the Chicago Tribune spotted the allegation in a Saudi paper, which it did not name. In the Oct. 8 issue of Time, Tim McGirk reported from Pakistan that the story had swept through the country's mosques and Urdu newspapers.

On Sept. 28, USA Today repeated the claim in the context that "Muslims the world over" had tried to pin the attack on Israel.

Meanwhile, while the Muslim propaganda machine goes into full swing against the American government by blaming them for attacking their own citizens, the Muslim invasion of the European Union continues. The European Union was set up by French with the backing of Arab money with one goal in mind.... to become more powerful than the USA.

Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, in a speech that aired on Al-Jazeera TV on April 10, 2006, said:

"We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe - without swords, without guns, without conquests. The 50 million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades."

"Allah mobilizes the Muslim nation of Turkey, and adds it to the European Union."
"That's another 50 million Muslims. There will be 100 million Muslims in Europe. Albania, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U."

"Bosnia, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U. Fifty percent of its citizens are Muslims."

"Europe is in a predicament, and so is America. They should agree to become Islamic in the course of time, or else declare war on the Muslims."

Today the Muslim Propaganda continues with people like "9/11 was an inside job", "Terral", "Christophera" and a few others trying desperately to blame anyone except the Muslims responsible for the horrors of 9/11.

Divide and Conquer is their game. Sharia law the world over is their goal.

Just like always you do not provide any credible links or sources for what you spew.
It's time to wake up people.

the goal of the extremist muslims is to destroy the great satan...... The USA!!

the goal of the 9/11 conspiracy nuts is to blame the government so they can destroy... The USA!!

They are one and the same group of people. Immediately after 9/11 the Muslim Apologists immediately started the disinformation campaign to blame their enemy for the attacks.

On Sept. 17 report on Lebanon's Al-Manar Television reported 4000 Jews did not report for work on 9/11. Al-Manar Television is run by terrorist group Hezbollah and even it's website claims that the station exists to "stage an effective psychological warfare with the Zionist enemy."

The next day at 6:26 a.m., the American Web site Information Times published an article headlined "4,000 Jews Did Not Go To Work At WTC On Sept. 11," and credited it to an "AL-MANAR Television Special Investigative Report." This was not the first time that Information Times had pointed the finger at Israel. The day after the attacks, it warned in an article that the "terrorist government of Israel … cannot be ruled out" as a suspect. Information Times purports to be edited by Syed Adeeb from the eighth floor of the National Press Club at 549 15th St. NW, Washington, DC, 20045. The Press Club says it has no such tenant.

On Sept. 26, Pakistan's Business Recorder printed the story about 4,000 Jews in language almost identical to the original Al-Manar article as a letter to the editor under the name "Hakeem." The same day, the New York Times reported that the allegation had appeared in a newsletter published by an Islamic charity and in lesson plans prepared by Egyptian middle-school teachers. On Oct. 4, the Chicago Tribune spotted the allegation in a Saudi paper, which it did not name. In the Oct. 8 issue of Time, Tim McGirk reported from Pakistan that the story had swept through the country's mosques and Urdu newspapers.

On Sept. 28, USA Today repeated the claim in the context that "Muslims the world over" had tried to pin the attack on Israel.

Meanwhile, while the Muslim propaganda machine goes into full swing against the American government by blaming them for attacking their own citizens, the Muslim invasion of the European Union continues. The European Union was set up by French with the backing of Arab money with one goal in mind.... to become more powerful than the USA.

Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, in a speech that aired on Al-Jazeera TV on April 10, 2006, said:

"We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe - without swords, without guns, without conquests. The 50 million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades."

"Allah mobilizes the Muslim nation of Turkey, and adds it to the European Union."
"That's another 50 million Muslims. There will be 100 million Muslims in Europe. Albania, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U."

"Bosnia, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U. Fifty percent of its citizens are Muslims."

"Europe is in a predicament, and so is America. They should agree to become Islamic in the course of time, or else declare war on the Muslims."

Today the Muslim Propaganda continues with people like "9/11 was an inside job", "Terral", "Christophera" and a few others trying desperately to blame anyone except the Muslims responsible for the horrors of 9/11.

Divide and Conquer is their game. Sharia law the world over is their goal.

I appreciate your post but I think fruit beetles are a greater threat to the USA as we know it than the truthers ever will be. Society has placed zero value on them and their arguments so they pose zero threat to anybody unless you accept their premise.

The premise that goes something like this:

* You actually CAN wire 3 occupied buildings for total demolition with nobody noticiing.
* Bush and company used totally novel technologies that are unproven, untested, and unconventional when the stakes were at their highest
* A corps of thousands and thousands of people are, to this day, covering up the 9/11 attacks and have walked around with this secret for over 10 years
* Today's unmerciful and unforgiving press corps has totally looked the other way on 9/11 when their Patron Saints--Woodward and Bernstein (who were two average reporters at best) were elevated to Saint status by reporting on Presidential crimes and are still household names nearly 40 years after the fact.

You needn't even get into the specifics with these boobs. Instead of arguing about the impossibilities of missiles taking down 5 light poles or how nobody who was at WTC that day saw any trace of thermite; just stick to the logic arguments listed above. America pretty much has subconsciously so the twoofers are no threat to anybody.

They are, in fact, just like a bunch of kids in the ball pit at their local McDonalds; the only injury they can inflict is on themselves.

I read your post and I understand where you're coming from. I :clap2: you. But I think you're giving more credence to the aura than the actors.

The "logic" here is hilarious. You completely swallow the idea 19 rag tag terrorists could pull off the attacks by themselves but it would take "thousands and thousands" of Americans to do the same thing? Lol!
It's time to wake up people.

the goal of the extremist muslims is to destroy the great satan...... The USA!!

the goal of the 9/11 conspiracy nuts is to blame the government so they can destroy... The USA!!

They are one and the same group of people. Immediately after 9/11 the Muslim Apologists immediately started the disinformation campaign to blame their enemy for the attacks.

On Sept. 17 report on Lebanon's Al-Manar Television reported 4000 Jews did not report for work on 9/11. Al-Manar Television is run by terrorist group Hezbollah and even it's website claims that the station exists to "stage an effective psychological warfare with the Zionist enemy."

The next day at 6:26 a.m., the American Web site Information Times published an article headlined "4,000 Jews Did Not Go To Work At WTC On Sept. 11," and credited it to an "AL-MANAR Television Special Investigative Report." This was not the first time that Information Times had pointed the finger at Israel. The day after the attacks, it warned in an article that the "terrorist government of Israel … cannot be ruled out" as a suspect. Information Times purports to be edited by Syed Adeeb from the eighth floor of the National Press Club at 549 15th St. NW, Washington, DC, 20045. The Press Club says it has no such tenant.

On Sept. 26, Pakistan's Business Recorder printed the story about 4,000 Jews in language almost identical to the original Al-Manar article as a letter to the editor under the name "Hakeem." The same day, the New York Times reported that the allegation had appeared in a newsletter published by an Islamic charity and in lesson plans prepared by Egyptian middle-school teachers. On Oct. 4, the Chicago Tribune spotted the allegation in a Saudi paper, which it did not name. In the Oct. 8 issue of Time, Tim McGirk reported from Pakistan that the story had swept through the country's mosques and Urdu newspapers.

On Sept. 28, USA Today repeated the claim in the context that "Muslims the world over" had tried to pin the attack on Israel.

Meanwhile, while the Muslim propaganda machine goes into full swing against the American government by blaming them for attacking their own citizens, the Muslim invasion of the European Union continues. The European Union was set up by French with the backing of Arab money with one goal in mind.... to become more powerful than the USA.

Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, in a speech that aired on Al-Jazeera TV on April 10, 2006, said:

"We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe - without swords, without guns, without conquests. The 50 million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades."

"Allah mobilizes the Muslim nation of Turkey, and adds it to the European Union."
"That's another 50 million Muslims. There will be 100 million Muslims in Europe. Albania, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U."

"Bosnia, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U. Fifty percent of its citizens are Muslims."

"Europe is in a predicament, and so is America. They should agree to become Islamic in the course of time, or else declare war on the Muslims."

Today the Muslim Propaganda continues with people like "9/11 was an inside job", "Terral", "Christophera" and a few others trying desperately to blame anyone except the Muslims responsible for the horrors of 9/11.

Divide and Conquer is their game. Sharia law the world over is their goal.

I appreciate your post but I think fruit beetles are a greater threat to the USA as we know it than the truthers ever will be. Society has placed zero value on them and their arguments so they pose zero threat to anybody unless you accept their premise.

The premise that goes something like this:

* You actually CAN wire 3 occupied buildings for total demolition with nobody noticiing.
* Bush and company used totally novel technologies that are unproven, untested, and unconventional when the stakes were at their highest
* A corps of thousands and thousands of people are, to this day, covering up the 9/11 attacks and have walked around with this secret for over 10 years
* Today's unmerciful and unforgiving press corps has totally looked the other way on 9/11 when their Patron Saints--Woodward and Bernstein (who were two average reporters at best) were elevated to Saint status by reporting on Presidential crimes and are still household names nearly 40 years after the fact.

You needn't even get into the specifics with these boobs. Instead of arguing about the impossibilities of missiles taking down 5 light poles or how nobody who was at WTC that day saw any trace of thermite; just stick to the logic arguments listed above. America pretty much has subconsciously so the twoofers are no threat to anybody.

They are, in fact, just like a bunch of kids in the ball pit at their local McDonalds; the only injury they can inflict is on themselves.

I read your post and I understand where you're coming from. I :clap2: you. But I think you're giving more credence to the aura than the actors.

The "logic" here is hilarious. You completely swallow the idea 19 rag tag terrorists could pull off the attacks by themselves but it would take "thousands and thousands" of Americans to do the same thing? Lol!

For once I'll agree with you becasue the "thousands and thousands" quote is from Terral; You are right; the idea is totally full of shit that "thousands and thousands" of Americans pulled this off.

Shove that up your ass junior.
I appreciate your post but I think fruit beetles are a greater threat to the USA as we know it than the truthers ever will be. Society has placed zero value on them and their arguments so they pose zero threat to anybody unless you accept their premise.

The premise that goes something like this:

* You actually CAN wire 3 occupied buildings for total demolition with nobody noticiing.
* Bush and company used totally novel technologies that are unproven, untested, and unconventional when the stakes were at their highest
* A corps of thousands and thousands of people are, to this day, covering up the 9/11 attacks and have walked around with this secret for over 10 years
* Today's unmerciful and unforgiving press corps has totally looked the other way on 9/11 when their Patron Saints--Woodward and Bernstein (who were two average reporters at best) were elevated to Saint status by reporting on Presidential crimes and are still household names nearly 40 years after the fact.

You needn't even get into the specifics with these boobs. Instead of arguing about the impossibilities of missiles taking down 5 light poles or how nobody who was at WTC that day saw any trace of thermite; just stick to the logic arguments listed above. America pretty much has subconsciously so the twoofers are no threat to anybody.

They are, in fact, just like a bunch of kids in the ball pit at their local McDonalds; the only injury they can inflict is on themselves.

I read your post and I understand where you're coming from. I :clap2: you. But I think you're giving more credence to the aura than the actors.

The "logic" here is hilarious. You completely swallow the idea 19 rag tag terrorists could pull off the attacks by themselves but it would take "thousands and thousands" of Americans to do the same thing? Lol!

For once I'll agree with you becasue the "thousands and thousands" quote is from Terral; You are right; the idea is totally full of shit that "thousands and thousands" of Americans pulled this off.

Shove that up your ass junior.

Where did he say thousands and thousands?
It's time to wake up people.

the goal of the extremist muslims is to destroy the great satan...... The USA!!

the goal of the 9/11 conspiracy nuts is to blame the government so they can destroy... The USA!!

They are one and the same group of people. Immediately after 9/11 the Muslim Apologists immediately started the disinformation campaign to blame their enemy for the attacks.

On Sept. 17 report on Lebanon's Al-Manar Television reported 4000 Jews did not report for work on 9/11. Al-Manar Television is run by terrorist group Hezbollah and even it's website claims that the station exists to "stage an effective psychological warfare with the Zionist enemy."

The next day at 6:26 a.m., the American Web site Information Times published an article headlined "4,000 Jews Did Not Go To Work At WTC On Sept. 11," and credited it to an "AL-MANAR Television Special Investigative Report." This was not the first time that Information Times had pointed the finger at Israel. The day after the attacks, it warned in an article that the "terrorist government of Israel … cannot be ruled out" as a suspect. Information Times purports to be edited by Syed Adeeb from the eighth floor of the National Press Club at 549 15th St. NW, Washington, DC, 20045. The Press Club says it has no such tenant.

On Sept. 26, Pakistan's Business Recorder printed the story about 4,000 Jews in language almost identical to the original Al-Manar article as a letter to the editor under the name "Hakeem." The same day, the New York Times reported that the allegation had appeared in a newsletter published by an Islamic charity and in lesson plans prepared by Egyptian middle-school teachers. On Oct. 4, the Chicago Tribune spotted the allegation in a Saudi paper, which it did not name. In the Oct. 8 issue of Time, Tim McGirk reported from Pakistan that the story had swept through the country's mosques and Urdu newspapers.

On Sept. 28, USA Today repeated the claim in the context that "Muslims the world over" had tried to pin the attack on Israel.

Meanwhile, while the Muslim propaganda machine goes into full swing against the American government by blaming them for attacking their own citizens, the Muslim invasion of the European Union continues. The European Union was set up by French with the backing of Arab money with one goal in mind.... to become more powerful than the USA.

Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, in a speech that aired on Al-Jazeera TV on April 10, 2006, said:

"We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe - without swords, without guns, without conquests. The 50 million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades."

"Allah mobilizes the Muslim nation of Turkey, and adds it to the European Union."
"That's another 50 million Muslims. There will be 100 million Muslims in Europe. Albania, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U."

"Bosnia, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U. Fifty percent of its citizens are Muslims."

"Europe is in a predicament, and so is America. They should agree to become Islamic in the course of time, or else declare war on the Muslims."

Today the Muslim Propaganda continues with people like "9/11 was an inside job", "Terral", "Christophera" and a few others trying desperately to blame anyone except the Muslims responsible for the horrors of 9/11.

Divide and Conquer is their game. Sharia law the world over is their goal.

I appreciate your post but I think fruit beetles are a greater threat to the USA as we know it than the truthers ever will be. Society has placed zero value on them and their arguments so they pose zero threat to anybody unless you accept their premise.

The premise that goes something like this:

* You actually CAN wire 3 occupied buildings for total demolition with nobody noticiing.
* Bush and company used totally novel technologies that are unproven, untested, and unconventional when the stakes were at their highest
* A corps of thousands and thousands of people are, to this day, covering up the 9/11 attacks and have walked around with this secret for over 10 years
* Today's unmerciful and unforgiving press corps has totally looked the other way on 9/11 when their Patron Saints--Woodward and Bernstein (who were two average reporters at best) were elevated to Saint status by reporting on Presidential crimes and are still household names nearly 40 years after the fact.

You needn't even get into the specifics with these boobs. Instead of arguing about the impossibilities of missiles taking down 5 light poles or how nobody who was at WTC that day saw any trace of thermite; just stick to the logic arguments listed above. America pretty much has subconsciously so the twoofers are no threat to anybody.

They are, in fact, just like a bunch of kids in the ball pit at their local McDonalds; the only injury they can inflict is on themselves.

I read your post and I understand where you're coming from. I :clap2: you. But I think you're giving more credence to the aura than the actors.

The "logic" here is hilarious. You completely swallow the idea 19 rag tag terrorists could pull off the attacks by themselves but it would take "thousands and thousands" of Americans to do the same thing? Lol!

in order for "americans to do the same thing' your logic dictates that either:

1) 19 ragtag muslim terrorists used nano-thermite to blow up the twin towers, flew a raytheon missile into the pentagon, flew an A-3 with a special paint job into the pentagon, made the 757 that didnt crash in pennsylvania disappear into thin air including the passengers AND blew up WTC 7


2) that all the damage really was done by 4 jetliners but it was americans flying them.

please choose which ridiculous argument you wish to stand by!! :lol:
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I appreciate your post but I think fruit beetles are a greater threat to the USA as we know it than the truthers ever will be. Society has placed zero value on them and their arguments so they pose zero threat to anybody unless you accept their premise.

The premise that goes something like this:

* You actually CAN wire 3 occupied buildings for total demolition with nobody noticiing.
* Bush and company used totally novel technologies that are unproven, untested, and unconventional when the stakes were at their highest
* A corps of thousands and thousands of people are, to this day, covering up the 9/11 attacks and have walked around with this secret for over 10 years
* Today's unmerciful and unforgiving press corps has totally looked the other way on 9/11 when their Patron Saints--Woodward and Bernstein (who were two average reporters at best) were elevated to Saint status by reporting on Presidential crimes and are still household names nearly 40 years after the fact.

You needn't even get into the specifics with these boobs. Instead of arguing about the impossibilities of missiles taking down 5 light poles or how nobody who was at WTC that day saw any trace of thermite; just stick to the logic arguments listed above. America pretty much has subconsciously so the twoofers are no threat to anybody.

They are, in fact, just like a bunch of kids in the ball pit at their local McDonalds; the only injury they can inflict is on themselves.

I read your post and I understand where you're coming from. I :clap2: you. But I think you're giving more credence to the aura than the actors.

The "logic" here is hilarious. You completely swallow the idea 19 rag tag terrorists could pull off the attacks by themselves but it would take "thousands and thousands" of Americans to do the same thing? Lol!

in order for "americans to do the same thing' your logic dictates that either:

1) 19 ragtag muslim terrorists used nano-thermite to blow up the twin towers, flew a raytheon missile into the pentagon, flew an A-3 with a special paint job into the pentagon, made the 757 that didnt crash in pennsylvania disappear into thin air including the passengers AND blew up WTC 7


2) that all the damage really was done by 4 jetliners but it was americans flying them.

please choose which ridiculous argument you wish to stand by!! :lol:

I didn't say anything about nanothermite or missiles. Try not to put words in others mouths so much and pay attention before responding. It's well known your camp constantly claims it would take thousands to pull off a false flag op. You guys make that claim all the time then say since nobody has come forward it means the OCT is true. I'm simply pointing out how much you guys idolize terrorists and how little you think of Americans. How is it you believe it would take thousands of Americans to do what 19 rag tags did?

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