Muslim immigration lawyer shows us just how right Trump is


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
I saw a Muslim immigration lawyer this morning on Fox fit to be tied over this 90-day partial ban on a few countries getting visas. She saw it as an attack on "all Muslims".

She offered no counter to any perceived threat mass Muslim immigration might pose to native-born Americans.
Her goal is to bring as many of her tribe as possible regardless of the menace to the people of her adopted country.

Make no mistake, this fight is over whether we have the right to decide who may and may not immigrate to the US, how many, and under what conditions.

Anyone who opposes Trump on this is a deadly enemy.
Yes, of course, in our first season of Reality America, anyone who notices the Emperor is naked is the enemy. Anyone who questions the power structure is a terrorist. Keep your head down and do as you’re told.

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