Muslim Hatred. Is it healthy for Islam?

Sure many muslims were ashamed and alarmed at 911 because they live with the types who did it. Hell we have our Tim McVeighs, but who supports what they do...who cheers?

Sneaky, sneaky. if you really were as slick as you pretend to be you'd switch sides and argue the opposite side now. But you took the easy path...

Oh no!!!! Someone just tried to run me over in a crosswalk!!!

(Do you know who you sound like?)
I implied nothing of the sort. I stated a fact. You hate facts? So sue me.

por que? Then answer the fucking question, zioinist. DO YOU THINK THERE IS A RISE OF HATRED BY JEWS IN ISRAEL? come on, dude.. don't be a giant bleeding pussy.
okay showgimp. why do Muslims outside the mideast want to kill Jews and especially Israeli Jews?

Gosh, stupid, probably for the same reason jews outside of israel don't have the slightest fucking problem with dead palis and cluster bombed lebonese civilians.

you sure are a quick one, arent you, slick?
Is there rising hatred in Israel? hmmm, I wonder why you would think that.

and tell what's her name that show me any posts of mine that approach sunnidip's posts about jews.

Stop using diversion and deceit and mistaking it for brilliance or intelligence.When you grow up a little more (you've done better in this last post) we ca talk.

Indeed, motherfucker.. go ahead and play your antisemite card now. I've grown immune to that laughable strategy of your kind.

Probably the funniest thing about this artivle is that is WAS called "Racist Sentiment on the Rise in Israel". I guess that was a little too honest for a jewish news source to keep.

Poll: 50% of Israeli Jews support state-backed Arab emigration

The poll participants were also asked about work relations with Arabs. 50 percent said they would refuse to work at a job in which their direct supervisor would be Arab. This number represents a 47 percent increase since the 2005 poll on the same topic.

Center for the Campaign Against Racism director Baher Awdeh called on the state of Israel on Tuesday to "wake up" in light of these findings, and utilize its judicial and education systems to combat this rise in racist sentiments. Awdeh said that the fact that Israel is defined as the "Jewish state" is discriminatory against Arabs in and of itself. "Jewish citizens interpret this definition to mean that they are superior or entitled to more rights than Arab citizens," he said.

Poll: 50% of Israeli Jews support state-backed Arab emigration<br><br> - Haaretz - Israel News

Kaplow, motherfucker.
so are you saying you would not let me buy you a drink? what kind of a man are you?

show me one post where I say bad things about Islam or Muslims.

I take my scotch like Agnapostate takes his girlfriends: aged 12 years.

Ok, I'll retract some of the Insta-pounce. I do not think that observations of rising hatred of muslims can separated from the exact same rise of hatred by jews. both groups are human and are responding to protect their own. The difference lies in who supports whom and whose hatred becomes legitimized. In this case, it seems that you are legitimizing jewish hatred by avoiding the same direct question applied to jews. This is why I was holding that haartz article long enough for you to answer the question.

What you might want to remember is that I enjoy the shit talking and will quickly offer riposte to the same.
I take my scotch like Agnapostate takes his girlfriends: aged 12 years.

Ok, I'll retract some of the Insta-pounce. I do not think that observations of rising hatred of muslims can separated from the exact same rise of hatred by jews. both groups are human and are responding to protect their own. The difference lies in who supports whom and whose hatred becomes legitimized. In this case, it seems that you are legitimizing jewish hatred by avoiding the same direct question applied to jews. This is why I was holding that haartz article long enough for you to answer the question.

What you might want to remember is that I enjoy the shit talking and will quickly offer riposte to the same.
I know more than you give me credit for. I learned at a very early age not to underestimate an opponent or a friend. may I suggest you learn the same?

I am not legitimizing any hate. I think any hate on the part of Jews in Israel is understandavle as long as it is hate directed towards those responsible for causing harm. Islam is not the enemy of Israel, nor do I think all Muslims are. But when I see Muslims not from the mideast call for the destruction of Israel (hatred) I question what is happening to Islam.

I take no offense.

Where are you originally from? It's not the east coast.
I know more than you give me credit for. I learned at a very early age not to underestimate an opponent or a friend. may I suggest you learn the same?

I am not legitimizing any hate. I think any hate on the part of Jews in Israel is understandavle as long as it is hate directed towards those responsible for causing harm. Islam is not the enemy of Israel, nor do I think all Muslims are. But when I see Muslims not from the mideast call for the destruction of Israel (hatred) I question what is happening to Islam.

I take no offense.

Where are you originally from? It's not the east coast.

I hear what you are saying, but you clearly did not read the sentence where I make the same arguement regarding jewish zionism found outside of israel that calls for, if even wreapped up in plausible deniability, the total domination of muslims; from palis to bombing iran.

You must have missed DavidS's fun little thread calling for the bombing of muslims observing a religious cerimony at Temple mount. Any guess on the ethnic background of DavidS?

And I'm from the coolest state in the midwest: the show me state.
First, you fail to avoid the comparative context you assuemd applied only to Allah loving muslims despite the burning bush excuse to carve out israel. Do you really think it surprises anyone that you'd ignore the mythical excuse to carve out israel after bringing up muslim dedication to Allah?

Second, being part of a nation as defined by your ethnicentrism doesn't invalidate a people living on a land in the mid east any more than it did in north america. And we saw THAT conflict last 150 years. Trust me, dude, not wearing shoes like you or having a currency like yours is not validation to marginalize and victimize a population.

EVEN if your burning bush mythology states that the land was given to jews by god. Again, an ironic piece of context that you try and avoid in equal application.

try one of the other 87 keys, beethoven.
As impressive as internet threats are you might wanna grab something else from your bag of stupidity that that, dude. Hell, all you really had to do was answer the turnabout question that you seem to think applies only to muslims:


Now, after your tucked tail stops quaking and you crawl out from under the porch feel free to reply with more than your ironic combination of shit talked crying about shit talking.

you're really pathetic, but i bet you look snappy in those jackboots.
Don't play dumb. Why was he not killed?

Because the person who called for his death had no authority and was using the Koran in ways contrary to how it is used by mainstream Muslims. If there was a serious threat to his life he would have been dead in 5 minutes, ripped apart by mobs of Muslims who live in London or wheeever he was living at the time. 20 years later he is still a public figure and very much alive. He has been been out of hiding for 10 years and has said in interviews that he lives no more protected than any celebrity. He probably wories more about his beautiful celebrity wife being harmed by a stalker than about his not so famous self anymore.

"His fourth novel, The Satanic Verses (1988), was at the center of protests from Muslims in several countries. Some of the protests were violent and Rushdie faced death threats and a fatw&#257; (religious edict) issued by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, then Supreme Leader of Iran. In response to the call for him to be killed, Rushdie spent nearly a decade largely underground, appearing in public only sporadically, but was outspoken on the fatw&#257;'s censoring effect on him as an author and the threat to freedom of expression it embodied. "

I hear what you are saying, but you clearly did not read the sentence where I make the same arguement regarding jewish zionism found outside of israel that calls for, if even wreapped up in plausible deniability, the total domination of muslims; from palis to bombing iran.

You must have missed DavidS's fun little thread calling for the bombing of muslims observing a religious cerimony at Temple mount. Any guess on the ethnic background of DavidS?

And I'm from the coolest state in the midwest: the show me state.

I couldn't care less about some nitwit named David if I tried.

I did not start a thread asking about the state of Israel or any other nation. If one cannot speak about an issue without being forced to somehow defend some other issue where are we? What is it with the comparative idiocies I see all over this place passing for argument and debate? It's like I say evil sucks and teh come back is well so does good sometimes. D'oh!

I did not make my argument about Arabs or the Palestinians until others did in relation to Jews. Why can't I mention Muslim hate without you assuming I am speaking only about arabs in the mideast? I did use an example of an Arab woman speaking of the muslim hate for Jews, but I thought I made it clear that I was speaking about the greater Islam and not Arabic Islam.

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