Muscovite "Russian" artist Denis Tsyrenzhapov painted portrait of Vovka Putin as a Khan.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Finlay Muscovites begin to return to their roots ...


"Muscovite "Russian" artist Denis Tsyrenzhapov painted portrait of Vovka Putin as a Khan.

Here’s what the author said: “Modern Russia – the successor of the Golden Horde. Russian culture took over from the Golden Horde Mongol culture and formed government that kind of power. At the end of the 15th century (and finally under Ivan the Terrible) Khan’s bid has been moved to the Kremlin, Khan moved to the Kremlin and the king became Khan. Do not forget that the Mongols created two super powers – Russia and China. But once we all lived in the same country!" After the publication of Putin's photos at a pro-Kremlin youth forum in a summer camp on Lake Seliger in the Russian Tver Region , 350 km north of Moscow, discussions about a strange unrecognizable face of the Russian leader erupted on Russian Internet blogs. * Many Russians state that Putin now has a Mongolian-type eye shape and cheek. "Putin is a Mongol!", says a young Democratic opposition leader Roman Dobrokhotov who is also known in the West. Seeing a close-up photo of Putin with two narrow slits as eyelids. Based on Francis Fukuyama, the Russian government strucuture is based on the traditional Mongol predatory techniques. Russia never had democracy. Stalin applied same government principles as the Mongols. And Putin is a 21st century Mongol, nothing else. Now, because Russia is also a rich country, the Mongol in chief realises that in order for him to get legitimacy and love of his subjects, he is willing to trade this legitimacy against some distribution of wealth, that is why there are so low taxes and no significant debts to speak about. Therefore, the current Russian protest movement, while we have to applaud and encourage it, will never be able to beat the Mongol system.Putin a decendant of Mongol Khan?

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