A Russian artist called for carpet bombing of Ukraine in response to Donbass and Belgorod


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
What's going on?
If Putin wanted he could defeat Ukraine within few weeks already in march,2022
His police troops are 5m strong and numerous private securities have more as 3m well trained fighters
By elimination of all important bridges and power plants he could stop the NATO weapon supply within days.
It's obviously not the plan of Napoleon 2.0
It looks like he wants ( together with Zelensky and Biden of course ) to destroy Ukrainian people completely and by his continuously hesitation to respond he provokes a such situation described below

In order to preempt the shelling of the Donbass and Belgorod region, it is necessary to apply the tactics of NATO's carpet bombing troops.
This opinion was expressed by Edgard Zapashny, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, who supports the NWO and has been supporting Donbass for many years, on the air of NTS, reports a correspondent of PolitNavigator.
"I believe that for the most part they are just shooting at the city, and they don't care if they hit a kindergarten, a hospital, a hotel, a zoo, just to hit a city where there are Russians. And our strategy is very different from that of our Western partners. If we compare the way they bombed Belgrade, Baghdad, and Syria, we can see that they just wipe everything off the face of the earth. Whether there are people there or not, they don't care," Zapashny stressed.
This is a tactic we have never used, and we are at war directly with the people who challenged us and decided that they could handle their own people and now Russia. Whether this is good or bad is a philosophical question.
Of course, as of today, Donetsk is already Russian Federation territory, and an attempt on it allows the use of nuclear weapons. We don't take this step either.
There are a lot of questions for our military, because the Americans acted in a completely different way: they gave a day or two for the civilians to leave this or that point, and if they didn't leave, then it was their own fault, and they wiped them off the face of the earth.
It seems to me that certain parts of Ukraine already need to be wiped out only this way.
Because, literally, Donetsk is experiencing the worst days of its history, because the shelling is becoming more frequent, the shelling is becoming as cynical as possible, and probably those areas from which they can shoot at a distance, it is time for us Russian troops to mop up in this way: give a day or two warning to the civilian population, and then simply using heavy air bombs close to nuclear in their capabilities.
It is probably already possible to use them, because this gunfight can go on for years.

To prevent the special operation in Ukraine from turning into a second war in Afghanistan, we will have to act more decisively, Zapashny believes. Society will soon begin to demand just such decisions.

Translated from:

Well since nobody in the west cares enough about the Ukrainian people to try to broker a peace I'd target that midget troll Zelinsky (sp) first and foremost. Cut off the head of the Ukrainian chicken and see what happens.
Now why would a Ukrainian, a Russian and an American want to commit a genocide of Ukrainians?

Ask Khazars about their project Khazaria 2.0 ( relocation of fake Khazaria Jews from Israel to Ukraine )







Well since nobody in the west cares enough about the Ukrainian people to try to broker a peace I'd target that midget troll Zelinsky (sp) first and foremost. Cut off the head of the Ukrainian chicken and see what happens.

Putin, Zelensky, Biden & Co together murder Russians and Ukrainians
Why they do it?
Because Arabs blame Ashkenazim Jews to be fake ones who don't have the right to posses the Holy Land
All blessed by God tribes disappeared 2,000 years ago.
Modern Jews are converted to Judaism Khazars ( a Turkish people, the thirteenth tribe )


All 12 True Tribes of Israel where vanished 2,000 years ago
Khazars aren't in the list

Well since nobody in the west cares enough about the Ukrainian people to try to broker a peace I'd target that midget troll Zelinsky (sp) first and foremost. Cut off the head of the Ukrainian chicken and see what happens.

You mean the WEF, not their puppet Zelen$ky
Putin, Zelensky, Biden & Co together murder Russians and Ukrainians
Why they do it?
Because Arabs blame Ashkenazim Jews to be fake ones who don't have the right to posses the Holy Land
All blessed by God tribes disappeared 2,000 years ago.
Modern Jews are converted to Judaism Khazars ( a Turkish people, the thirteenth tribe )


All 12 True Tribes of Israel where vanished 2,000 years ago
Khazars aren't in the list

Edgard Zapashny, what you say about the Ukrainians is exactly this what your Russian soldiers and combatants are doing in the Ukraine. You waste the civil infra structure of the Ukraine. That's a war crime.
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Putin, Zelensky, Biden & Co together murder Russians and Ukrainians

"You" = Russia started a totally stupid, senseless and criminal war in the Ukraine. The Ukrainians are not only forced to fight for their freedom - they are even forced to fight for their existence. End your stupid, senseless and criminal war. Bring your soldiers home to Russia.

"You" = Russia started a totally stupid, senseless and criminal war in the Ukraine. The Ukrainians are not only forced to fight for their freedom - they are even forced to fight for their existence. End your stupid, senseless and criminal war. Bring your soldiers home to Russia.

Edgard Zapashny, what you say about the Ukrainians is exactly this what your Russian soldiers and combatants are doing in the Ukraine. You waste the civil infra structure of the Ukraine. That's a war crime.

Speaking of carpet bombing. 50 years ago, during the carpet bombing of North Vietnam. On December 26, 1972, a hospital in Hanoi was destroyed. 200 patients died as a result of the bombing.
i can't understand half of that horseshit because it's in Russian.
Some is in Hebrew, some in Ukrainian. You haven't missed much, conspiracy theories about Jews.

Speaking of carpet bombing. 50 years ago, during the carpet bombing of North Vietnam. On December 26, 1972, a hospital in Hanoi was destroyed. 200 patients died as a result of the bombing.
So what did Ukraine have to do with that?
His police troops are 5m strong and numerous private securities have more as 3m well trained fighters
you must be joking, do you think police = army ? and i dont think that your ulus has 5M policemen , got a link ?
you must be joking, do you think police = army ? and i dont think that your ulus has 5M policemen , got a link ?

First of all stop your f..... Mongolian shit.
Secondly Putin's police is better trained as regular army because Putin's enemy is the Russian People
f..... Mongolian shit.
you are an old man, you accept a German version of Moscow ulus history

the best book to read
Tsarev ulus: in the Golden Horde
Charles J. Halperin

"According to scholar Tjundeshev, Batu Khan was the true founder of Muscovite statehood. China, India and Turkey also descend from the Tatars. For him, “it is so difficult for Russians to learn to be free; they always need a strong hand to rule them." Muscovite ’s isolationism is also Tatar in nature. Foreigners are seen as enemies. Telegram, the instant messaging service, has been blocked." Descent from Genghis Khan - Wikipedia Muscovite Putin, heir to the Mongol Grand Khans more "Moscow (AsiaNews) – A recently published book has generated a lot of buzz in Russia. Titled The Great Batu Khan, founder of Muscovite Statehood (Великий хан Батый – основатель Российской государственности), the tome is by Gennady A. Tjundeshev (Haramos), a historian at Khakassia State University (in Asian Russia, where Tatar-Mongols hail from). Its publication has revived the memory of the times of the "Tartar yoke", when Russia was under Asian rule for more than two centuries, between the 13th and the 15th centuries. It has also inspired some comparisons, especially with President Putin, who was re-elected on 18 March and has acquired the status of tsar and great leader. The great Batu Khan was the grandson of Genghis Khan, who, in 1240, imposed the dominion of the so-called "Golden Horde" on the principalities of ancient Kievan Rus, which disappeared from history as a separate entity. The Tatars were defeated for the first time in 1380 in the Battle of Kulikovo. Dmitry Donskoj, Prince of Moscow, led the way inspired by Sergius of Radonezh. Eventually, the city of Kyiv (Kiev) was against itself by the 17th century, but Asian domination ended only in 1480 thanks to the great prince Ivan III, father of the ideology of Moscow as the Third Rome. According to Tjundeshev’s interpretation, Russia has never freed itself from the legacy of the Tatar Khans; instead, it has made it the basis of its civilisation and state organisation. The idea is not particularly new. Napoleon, contemplating Moscow burning in 1812 from the walls of the Kremlin, uttered his famous words: “Scratch a Russian, you find a Tatar”. Many historians recognise the importance of the rule of the Golden Horde in the development of Russian society. The word money, dénʹgi (деньги), comes from Mongolian and survives in the memory of the taxes that Russians had to pay to the Khans to obtain formal diplomas, Jarliq (ярлык), which today means label, price tag, in modern Russian. Thus, today’s Russia is more the offspring of the Golden Horde than Kievan Rus. Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who conquered the last Kazan khanate in the 1500s, incorporated the main Mongolian leaders into the Russian administration. The tsar of "Holy Russia", to whom many today compare the reigning president (Ivan IV and Putin IV), dropped out of government for a whole year, putting one of his Mongol khans, Simeon Bekbulatovich, in his place. On 19 April, in an interview with Radio Svoboda, Tjundeshev reiterated his thesis. "The Golden Horde introduced the imperial spirit to Muscovy , and Batu Khan was the true founder of Russian statehood [. . .]. The mindset of Russians is mainly Asian. Even if the population is of European stock, only a small minority think within European parameters. This is why,” says the Tatar scholar, “it is so difficult for Russians to learn to be free; they always need a strong hand to rule them.” “In the Russian Duma everyone always votes as the president wants, like in the Kurultáj of Genghis Khan. The founder of the Mongol Empire at the beginning of the 13th century was in reality a very advanced man for his time, able to adapt to different situations and different cultures, including religions. From the Tatars come nations such as China, India, Turkey and Russia, which embrace different faiths like Confucianism, Islam and Orthodox Christianity.”"
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