Muscovite commies were killing people with chemical weapons many years before Hitler stated to do


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Muscovite commies were killing people with chemical weapons many years before Hitler stated to do it. so similar koba and hitler , astonishing ...comments ?

Tambov Rebellion - Wikipedia
The Tambov Rebellion which occurred between 1920 and 1921, was one of the largest and ... Tukhachevsky and Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko signed an order, dated 12 June 1921, which stipulated: ... The Bolshevik forces used chemical weapons "from end of June 1921 until apparently the fall of 1921", by direct order ..

Hitler did not use chemical weapons. The examples of nazi use of chemical weapons is very limited and isolated.

Whatever point you are trying to make, let's be historically accurate.
I wonder where they got the idea...

Winston Churchill's shocking use of chemical weapons

Secrecy was paramount. Britain's imperial general staff knew there would be outrage if it became known that the government was intending to use its secret stockpile of chemical weapons. But Winston Churchill, then secretary of state for war, brushed aside their concerns. As a long-term advocate of chemical warfare, he was determined to use them against the Russian Bolsheviks. In the summer of 1919, 94 years before the devastating strike in Syria, Churchill planned and executed a sustained chemical attack on northern Russia.
A staggering 50,000 M Devices were shipped to Russia: British aerial attacks using them began on 27 August 1919, targeting the village of Emtsa, 120 miles south of Archangel. Bolshevik soldiers were seen fleeing in panic as the green chemical gas drifted towards them. Those caught in the cloud vomited blood, then collapsed unconscious.
Hitler did not use chemical weapons. The examples of nazi use of chemical weapons is very limited and isolated.

Whatever point you are trying to make, let's be historically accurate.
So xenon gas is not a chemical in your opinion

Okeedokee dudee
Hitler did not use chemical weapons. The examples of nazi use of chemical weapons is very limited and isolated.

Whatever point you are trying to make, let's be historically accurate.

That would be a first. I keep waiting for him to blame the Soviets for The Little Big Horn.
Xenon is certainly not a chemical weapon. What a maroon. Another successful candidate for the ignore list I feel.
Xenon is certainly not a chemical weapon. What a maroon. Another successful candidate for the ignore list I feel.
Ignore me please, this way you will have more time to study what things are chemicals
Hitler did not use chemical weapons. The examples of nazi use of chemical weapons is very limited and isolated.

Whatever point you are trying to make, let's be historically accurate.

in gas Chambers Nazis used gas to kill people
Hitler did not use chemical weapons. The examples of nazi use of chemical weapons is very limited and isolated.

Whatever point you are trying to make, let's be historically accurate.

in gas Chambers Nazis used gas to kill people
You can not win an argument with a schizzo as they just change their underwear
Jews used chemical weapons. Be specific. Bolsheviks were disproportionately Jew.
no, ussr was not a Jewish state, it was a Muscovite commie Marxist atheist empire , where the Jews were as much prosecuted as any other minority in ussr

Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee - Wikipedia › wiki › Jewish_Anti-Fascist_Committee

The Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee was organized by the Jewish Bund (labor union) leaders Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter, upon an initiative of Soviet ...
Jews used chemical weapons. Be specific. Bolsheviks were disproportionately Jew.
no, ussr was not a Jewish state, it was a Muscovite commie Marxist atheist empire , where the Jews were as much prosecuted as any other minority in ussr

Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee - Wikipedia › wiki › Jewish_Anti-Fascist_Committee

The Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee was organized by the Jewish Bund (labor union) leaders Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter, upon an initiative of Soviet ...
The most detailed description of Jewish influence in the Bolshevik ‘revolution comes from Robert Wilton, the Russian correspondent of The Times. In 1920 he published a book in French, Les Derniers Jours des Romanofs, which gave the racial background of all the members of the Soviet government. (This does not appear in the later English translation, for some odd reason.) After the publication of this monumental work, Wilton was ostracised by the press, and he died in poverty in 1925. He reported that the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party was made up as follows:

Bronstein (Trotsky)
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Lourie (Larine) Jew
Ouritski Jew
Volodarski Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian

“The Council of the People’s Commissars comprises the following:

President Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) Jew
Food Schlichter Jew
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
State Control Lander Jew
State Lands Kauffman Jew
Works V. Schmidt Jew
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) Jewess
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Religions Spitzberg Jew
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Hygiene Anvelt Jew
Finance Isidore Goukovski Jew
Press Volodarski Jew
Elections Ouritski Jew
Justice I. Steinberg Jew
Refugees Fenigstein Jew
Refugees (assist.) Savitch Jew
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski Jew

“The following is the list of members of the Central Executive Committee:

(president) Jew
Avanessof (sec.) Armenian
Bruno Lett
Babtchinski Jew
Bukharin Russian
Weinberg Jew
Gailiss Jew
Ganzburg Jew
Danichevski Jew
Starck German
Sachs Jew
Scheinmann Jew
Erdling Jew
Landauer Jew
Linder Jew
Wolach Czech
Dimanstein Jew
Encukidze Georgian
Ermann Jew
Joffe Jew
Karkline Jew
Knigissen Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamenef) Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Krylenko Russian
KrassikofSachs Jew
Kaprik Jew
Kaoul Lett
Ulyanov (lenin) Russian
Latsis Jew
Lander Jew
Lounatcharski Russian
Peterson Lett
Peters Lett
Roudzoutas Jew
Rosine Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Stoutchka Lett
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Sosnovski Jew
Skrytnik Jew
Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
Teodorovitch Jew
Terian Armenian
Ouritski Jew
Telechkine Russian
Feldmann Jew
Froumkine Jew
Souriupa Ukranian
Tchavtchevadze Georgian
Scheikmann Jew
Rosental Jew
Achkinazi Imeretian
Karakhane Karaim (Jew)
Rose Jew
Sobelson (Radek) Jew
Sclichter Jew
Schikolini Jew
Chklianski Jew
Levine (Pravdine) Jew

“The following is the list of members of the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow:

Dzerjinski (president) Pole
Peters (vice-president) Lett
Chklovski Jew
Kheifiss Jew
Zeistine Jew
Razmirovitch Jew
Kronberg Jew
Khaikina Jewess
Karlson Lett
Schaumann Jew
Leontovitch Jew
Jacob Goldine Jew
Glaperstein Jew
Kniggisen Jew
Latzis Lett
Schillenkuss Jew
Janson Lett
Rivkine Jew
Antonof Russian
Delafabre Jew
Tsitkine Jew
Roskirovitch Jew
G. Sverdlof Jew
Biesenski Jew
Blioumkine Jew
Alexandrevitch Russian
I. Model Jew
Routenberg Jew
Pines Jew
Sachs Jew
Daybol Lett
Saissoune Armenian
Deylkenen Lett
Liebert Jew
Vogel German
Zakiss Lett

Jews and Bolshevism: Names and Lists. The Council of the People’s Commissars

When you fail to name the fail to tell the truth.

No talk of Bolshevism is complete or HONEST without naming the Jew.
Hitler did not use chemical weapons. The examples of nazi use of chemical weapons is very limited and isolated.

Whatever point you are trying to make, let's be historically accurate.
So xenon gas is not a chemical in your opinion

Okeedokee dudee

It is not a chemical weapon.

This historical revision is a stupid move by people desperate to pretend that their enemies are either nazis or nazis sympathizers.

You are just a drama queen, looking to drama.

HIstory matters. Keep your ignorant hands off of it.

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