Muscle Relaxers!

No but it's funny...

I've gotten repped pretty well for this thread, too!

Drinks all around...

And coke for Luissa!
Marijuana controls pain, Aqua Athena?

Not really, it might make you not focus on it as much though.
It can help with nausea and loss of appetitie.

It is especially good at helping one to cope with a naggy spouse though.
And might even make Seinfeild appear somewhat funny.
Marijuana controls pain, Aqua Athena?

Not really, it might make you not focus on it as much though.
It can help with nausea and loss of appetitie.

It is especially good at helping one to cope with a naggy spouse though.
And might even make Seinfeild appear somewhat funny.

It actually is good for pain, and without the side effects such as morphine, which suppresses the respiratory system and can cause death.
So about a month ago I was hit in the jaw, and it aggravated by TMJ, so my doctor gave me muscle relaxers. I can hardly ever take them, mostly because they f me up. And if I take them before bed, I have to make sure I will get 8hrs of sleep or it is impossible to get out of bed.
It just cracks me up, drugs like Flexeril is legal, and not marijuana.


That's good stuff.

You know, you can cut the dosage on any pill by halving or quartering it so it clears your body faster*.

*I am not a doctor.
Okay, well if we're all done (for the moment) dealing with Allie's blind self-abuse, can we get back on topic?

I promise to tell a funny drug story later, but first....

Pain meds offer me no relief. Nada. All they do is make me itchy and bitchy...vicadine, oxycodin, etc. I gather they are all more or less different versions of codeine? I have heard great things about muscle relaxers before (I'm old...all my friends have bad backs or knees or somethings) and I am wondering are these drugs different from pain meds? Might they actually work on me?

Different versions of opium.

Believe it or not, the exact mechanism of action of cyclobenzaprine/flexeril is unknown. We just know it works in the brain and relaxes muscles.

Contrasted with NSAIDs that work peripherally at the site of insult and have adverse effects that can be used for a benefit (i.e. low dose aspirin works as an anti-platlett drug to reduce clots, Tylenol is good for reducing fever and pain but does nothing for inflammation, Naproxen (my personal favorite) is a good all around NSAID).

Opiate based drugs (morphine, codeine, percocet, hydrocodone, etc) work centrally in the brain where it perceives pain and inhibits that (the common comment by people on opiates is "I was in pain, I just didn't care".). They also cause euphoria, constipation, suppress the breathing center, are addictive, etc.

Some Friday night pharmacology.
Then WTF are you, geauxtohell? (If not an MD, I mean?)

Mediocre medical student.

Maybe there is something in codeine aside from the opiates that doesn't agree with you. Though the side effects of codeine you described are classic for opiates. Maybe you were just too kacked out on morphine to notice?
If you stretch a little more, I bet you can find a way to blame liberals for all this.

Of course you're all liberals. Only liberals are this dense and this incredibly easy.
Bitch be trolling. It's fun isn't it? This thread is probably the highlight of your day. :eusa_shhh:

There are a couple of posters on USMB who I suspect are textbook cases of transference. Basically, they have a shitty day and come on here to say all that shit they can't say to their boss to other posters and all the rest of the psychobabble BS.
Which would mean it was slander. You do not know me, you have no clue what drugs I have done. I also notice how you left out the first part of my post.

No, you fucking idiot. It isn't slander to say someone is an addict if you think they are.

It's slander if you do it in order to cause them financial harm.

Which is ludicrous, so please stop while you're ahead. I mean, you're not ahead, but I'd hate for you to flounder any more pathetically than you already are.

You are getting your legal advice from the side of a crackerjack box, Allie.

Elements of Libel and Slander - Accidents and Injuries

Medical advice too, apparently.

Marijuana suppresses the respiratory center? That's a new one to me. I'd like to see some documentation.

Opium certainly does that (which is how heroin users die during overdose), but I don't think Pot does that. In fact, MJ speeds up the heart (paradoxically).

I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.
Then WTF are you, geauxtohell? (If not an MD, I mean?)

Mediocre medical student.

Maybe there is something in codeine aside from the opiates that doesn't agree with you. Though the side effects of codeine you described are classic for opiates. Maybe you were just too kacked out on morphine to notice?

The morphine was a shot, in the ER. All the rest were pills, likely none too strong. Could the delivery method have affected the outcome?

BTW, "mediocre" hardly describes any US med student.

O, and I have an unmarried daughter.......

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