Murkowski cements her position on the RINO list


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Amazing how she keeps attacking Trump. I guess she's not watching the polls that show Trump with a commanding lead. She's almost as bad as Chris Christie.

---Murkowski slams Trump---

She's grandstanding again for her Alaskan based lefty constituency. She has always been like this with the ole divide & conquer rubbish. With Lisa it's, "After me America is 1st!"
Amazing how she keeps attacking Trump. I guess she's not watching the polls that show Trump with a commanding lead. She's almost as bad as Chris Christie.

---Murkowski slams Trump---

Murkowski a real Republican – she voted with Trump 73 percent of the time and will likely end up voting for him, like others on the dishonest, cowardly right.
Murkowski, like all RINOs, is a phony. She'll say and do anything to make it look like she cares about the people but she's totally into government for her own benefit. She's power drunk. Dump her. MAGA
The last thing the GQP needs is ideas that don't fall right in line with those of the leader and his handlers.
She gets elected repeatedly with crooked laws in her state that guarantees it. Democracy they say. Progs play chess as they help to weaken Republicans.
Biden and his fucking war mongering blood thirty UNIPARTY assholes have killed hundreds of thousands of people in Ukraine….and stupid fucks like this dumb bitch worry about a sentence?

Fuck off. The Dems are poisoning the blood of this country. We should be taking care of citizens. Not bringing in illegals.

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