Murderers of British Soldier Found Guilty


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Two Muslim converts found guilty of murdering British soldier

LONDON Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:17am EST

(Reuters) - Two Muslim converts were found guilty on Thursday of murdering a British soldier in broad daylight on a London street, hacking him to death in a gruesome killing that horrified the nation.

A jury at London's Old Bailey criminal court decided unanimously that Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 22, were guilty of murdering Lee Rigby on May 22 but not guilty of the attempted murder of a police officer.

As most of the Libtards here hate FoxNews so much, I went to the original source to get this piece @ Two Muslim converts found guilty of murdering British soldier | Reuters

And, because of British law they may only get life and the "without parole" portion may be thrown out by another court. What a travesty!!!
Two Muslim converts found guilty of murdering British soldier

LONDON Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:17am EST

(Reuters) - Two Muslim converts were found guilty on Thursday of murdering a British soldier in broad daylight on a London street, hacking him to death in a gruesome killing that horrified the nation.

A jury at London's Old Bailey criminal court decided unanimously that Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 22, were guilty of murdering Lee Rigby on May 22 but not guilty of the attempted murder of a police officer.

As most of the Libtards here hate FoxNews so much, I went to the original source to get this piece @ Two Muslim converts found guilty of murdering British soldier | Reuters

And, because of British law they may only get life and the "without parole" portion may be thrown out by another court. What a travesty!!!
At least they do bird for the rest of their lifes.
I hardly understand how they could not be, and I have a hard time grasping why they are not executed forthwith.

Because, socialist Great Britain believes executions are somehow cruel treatment!

It makes no difference how cruel and inhuman the perpetrator is.
I hardly understand how they could not be, and I have a hard time grasping why they are not executed forthwith.

Because, socialist Great Britain believes executions are somehow cruel treatment!

It makes no difference how cruel and inhuman the perpetrator is.

The premeditated, cold-blooded killing of human beings in death chambers should've been left behind at Auschwitz ilk and Japan's WW2 torture/death chambers.

It's not about the cruel and inhuman perpetrators, it's about us, ...the supposedly civilised, sane, clear-thinking, ethical disciples of human rights etc.
The U.K. should give serious consideration to reinstating Capital Punishment.

There is no justice when these two fellows can run around killing people at will with no serious repercussions. Had these two fellows been sentenced to death, then I am sure that would have eased the pain somewhat for Lee Rigby's family. They would surely have felt a sense of closure, real justice.
I hardly understand how they could not be, and I have a hard time grasping why they are not executed forthwith.

They should be hanged without delay.
Sadly, the law doesn't allow taking out the trash.
Two Muslim converts found guilty of murdering British soldier

LONDON Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:17am EST

(Reuters) - Two Muslim converts were found guilty on Thursday of murdering a British soldier in broad daylight on a London street, hacking him to death in a gruesome killing that horrified the nation.

A jury at London's Old Bailey criminal court decided unanimously that Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 22, were guilty of murdering Lee Rigby on May 22 but not guilty of the attempted murder of a police officer.

As most of the Libtards here hate FoxNews so much, I went to the original source to get this piece @ Two Muslim converts found guilty of murdering British soldier | Reuters

And, because of British law they may only get life and the "without parole" portion may be thrown out by another court. What a travesty!!!

These lowlifes long ago reached conclusions about what the Koran and their politico-religious ideology teach regarding the infidel. So have countless others. That's why Islamic terrorism is a worldwide plague affecting all of humanity.

So enjoy your stay (for decades) in the dar al-slammer, "converts". Pray to Mecca over the toilet and through the wall toward “C” Block, O you who believe.

Oh yeah… and don't bend over while performing your prayer ablutions, chumps.
'Life' means 'life' in New South Wales state in Australia...where the first convict ships from Britain arrived and started the new colony in 1788, and Australia was born...not as a nation then, that came later with Federation in 1901.

We the people fixed it...sick and tired of heinous crimes being committed and the killers not spending the rest of their lives in prison.
Now 'life' indeed means 'life'.

Britain needs to get with the program.

In those days barbaric Britain used to hang 11 yr old girls, and flog sinners to death.
Many were flogged to death in Australia...but we in Australia finally 'got' the govt man and took away his cat o nine tails whip, his noose, and his canes in schools.
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The U.K. should give serious consideration to reinstating Capital Punishment.

There is no justice when these two fellows can run around killing people at will with no serious repercussions. Had these two fellows been sentenced to death, then I am sure that would have eased the pain somewhat for Lee Rigby's family. They would surely have felt a sense of closure, real justice.

Maybe Lee Rigby's family is against death chambers and the cold blooded killing of human beings in them by the state.
Maybe a sentence of life in prison with no parole ever would give them a sense of closure and real justice.

Britons should be lobbying for and demanding life sentences no parole ever...because they sure are not getting death chambers back.
The U.K. should give serious consideration to reinstating Capital Punishment.

There is no justice when these two fellows can run around killing people at will with no serious repercussions. Had these two fellows been sentenced to death, then I am sure that would have eased the pain somewhat for Lee Rigby's family. They would surely have felt a sense of closure, real justice.

Maybe Lee Rigby's family is against death chambers and the cold blooded killing of human beings in them by the state.
Maybe a sentence of life in prison with no parole ever would give them a sense of closure and real justice.

Britons should be lobbying for and demanding life sentences no parole ever...because they sure are not getting death chambers back.
Well, there are Brits who are in favor of Capital Punishment.

Protesters who gathered outside the Old Bailey criminal court Thursday demanded capital punishment for the two defendants. Britain does not have the death penalty.

Lee Rigby murder: 2 men found guilty in UK soldier's slaying -
The U.K. should give serious consideration to reinstating Capital Punishment.

There is no justice when these two fellows can run around killing people at will with no serious repercussions. Had these two fellows been sentenced to death, then I am sure that would have eased the pain somewhat for Lee Rigby's family. They would surely have felt a sense of closure, real justice.

Maybe Lee Rigby's family is against death chambers and the cold blooded killing of human beings in them by the state.
Maybe a sentence of life in prison with no parole ever would give them a sense of closure and real justice.

Britons should be lobbying for and demanding life sentences no parole ever...because they sure are not getting death chambers back.

Well, there are Brits who are in favor of Capital Punishment.[/b

Protesters who gathered outside the Old Bailey criminal court Thursday demanded capital punishment for the two defendants. Britain does not have the death penalty.

Lee Rigby murder: 2 men found guilty in UK soldier's slaying -


Yes I know.

The lynch mob is circling, clamouring for blood, clamouring for decapitation by the noose.

I can just see it now...sweet, demure 'English Rose' 'barbie' being dragged kicking and screaming from her cell to the gallows for extermination...having been psychologically tortured in her mind to the point where she was confused, and beaten up by him sometimes...she having killed him.

Five good reasons why the death penalty should not be reinstated | Left Foot Forward

Five good reasons why the death penalty should not be reinstated

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