Multiculturalism in Germany = FAIL

Germany is having the same type of problem we have right here in the States. They have immigrants who are basically living in neighborhoods together and not assimilating into the overall culture. I have heard rumor that there are areas as large as 20 square blocks in some cities where the people actually do practice sharia law. (Once my son, who was just married this week in Germany, settles down I'll try to get first hand accounts)

And look at the USA. We have so many different cultural groups who willingly live in certain neighborhoods, and wouldn't dream of moving ....

From Little Italy to Chinatown to numerous Muslim, black, and Chicano areas.

yo, please next time try to get first hand accounts first, instead of spreading rumors now.

thanks in advance

At least I said it was rumor........

yeah. but you have already spread it.

it is like saying, "it could be that joe sixpack beats babies, but hey it's just a rumor, just saying". i will try to find out if it is true later.
There used to be a lot of Turks in Germany, I knew a few of them. But I am hearing about more than just Turks these days.

But in the lighter side there used to be a joke about Turks in Germany. 3 guys on a Garbage truck and the Driver was German...... Many derivatives from that....

It's not the Turks only. Italian youngsters under-perform Turkish youngsters in school education.

LINK: Integration: Italienische Schüler sind am schlechtesten - Nachrichten - DerWesten
LINK: Migrationsforscher stellt die Integration italienischer Einwanderer in Frage - Integration -
Of course its a failure........its only successful in the minds of the hard left!!:lol: People who emigrate to other cultures and choose not to embrace that culture = a fcukking disaster. We're seeing it all over Europe. France has already seen two rounds of violent riots in the past 3 years......from Muslim youths!!! Thankfully, there are signs that native European's in France, and now Germany, are waking up!!!

Shit......even Jimmy Carter made public statements on the campaign trail in 1975........that segregated communities/cultures are probably logical.
Carter was absolutely right. Voluntary segregation is a natural occurrence and enforced integration will inevitably create more problems than it solves.

I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, which was a very different place back in the 30s, 40s and 50s from what it is today. Brooklyn was a city of neighborhoods, "sections" as they were called. Bensonhurst was the Italian section. Flatbush was inhabited mainly by Jews. Nordics and Germans gravitated to Bay Ridge. And although there were no Jim Crow laws in New York the Bedford Stuyvestant section was to Brooklyn what Harlem was to Manhattan. "Bed-Stuy" as it was called was the Black section and it consisted of high-value real estate as well as the "ghetto" district.

Because there were no mandatory segregation laws, where one lived depended almost entirely on how much one could afford. There were Blacks who lived in some White areas, such as Park Slope, which was and still is a rather Bohemian neighborhood with a diverse mixture of ethnicities and economic levels.

In spite of it being an almost totally segregated city, people in Brooklyn got along just fine and there never were any ethnic conflicts. Those things didn't start happening until the late 1960s, after the civil rights laws imposed mandatory integration policies. That's when the troubles started, culminating with the Crown Heights riot of 1991 in which mobs of Blacks ran amok for days, rampaging through an Hassidic Jewish neighborhood, shouting "Kill the Jews," breaking windows, overturning cars, beating Jewish men they found on the streets, killing two.

The provocation for that riot, which was triggered by a traffic accident, turned out to be several years of smoldering resentment of Hassidic Jews who had been methodically buying up real estate on the edge of Bedford-Stuyvestant (Crown Heights) and displacing Blacks who had lived there for most of their lives, the irony being the violent riot was caused by White people strategically moving into a Black neighborhood where they weren't wanted.

Crown Heights riot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sorry bout that,

1. Its a *Fail* depending on which side you look at it.
2. From Merkels side, its a *Fail*.
3. But from islams side it a *Win*!!!!
4. They are mowing over Europe.
5. Sad but true, and its coming here as well, hell its here already!!!!
6. Most people in America and just to stupid to see it.

But in the lighter side there used to be a joke about Turks in Germany. 3 guys on a Garbage truck and the Driver was German...... Many derivatives from that....

That joke I don't know, pleade tell about it.

kennst du den?

kurz nach der wende kommt ein ostdeutscher nach kreuzberg und fragt einen türken: wo geht's denn hier nach aldi?

sagt der türke: zu aldi!

ossi: was, schon geschlossen?
Of course its a failure........its only successful in the minds of the hard left!!:lol: People who emigrate to other cultures and choose not to embrace that culture = a fcukking disaster. We're seeing it all over Europe. France has already seen two rounds of violent riots in the past 3 years......from Muslim youths!!! Thankfully, there are signs that native European's in France, and now Germany, are waking up!!!

Shit......even Jimmy Carter made public statements on the campaign trail in 1975........that segregated communities/cultures are probably logical.
Carter was absolutely right. Voluntary segregation is a natural occurrence and enforced integration will inevitably create more problems than it solves.

I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, which was a very different place back in the 30s, 40s and 50s from what it is today. Brooklyn was a city of neighborhoods, "sections" as they were called. Bensonhurst was the Italian section. Flatbush was inhabited mainly by Jews. Nordics and Germans gravitated to Bay Ridge. And although there were no Jim Crow laws in New York the Bedford Stuyvestant section was to Brooklyn what Harlem was to Manhattan. "Bed-Stuy" as it was called was the Black section and it consisted of high-value real estate as well as the "ghetto" district.

Because there were no mandatory segregation laws, where one lived depended almost entirely on how much one could afford. There were Blacks who lived in some White areas, such as Park Slope, which was and still is a rather Bohemian neighborhood with a diverse mixture of ethnicities and economic levels.

In spite of it being an almost totally segregated city, people in Brooklyn got along just fine and there never were any ethnic conflicts. Those things didn't start happening until the late 1960s, after the civil rights laws imposed mandatory integration policies. That's when the troubles started, culminating with the Crown Heights riot of 1991 in which mobs of Blacks ran amok for days, rampaging through an Hassidic Jewish neighborhood, shouting "Kill the Jews," breaking windows, overturning cars, beating Jewish men they found on the streets, killing two.

The provocation for that riot, which was triggered by a traffic accident, turned out to be several years of smoldering resentment of Hassidic Jews who had been methodically buying up real estate on the edge of Bedford-Stuyvestant (Crown Heights) and displacing Blacks who had lived there for most of their lives, the irony being the violent riot was caused by White people strategically moving into a Black neighborhood where they weren't wanted.

Crown Heights riot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
kennst du den?

kurz nach der wende kommt ein ostdeutscher nach kreuzberg und fragt einen türken: wo geht's denn hier nach aldi?

sagt der türke: zu aldi!

ossi: was, schon geschlossen?

Nee, den kannte ich noch nicht.
In der Jugend bin ich mit so Witzen aufgewachsen.
Ich hatte eine sehr tolle Jugend in Deutschland.
Es ist meine 2. Heimat.
I do not read and write German that well, But I can get by with Kinder Deutsch when I am there.

Any way the joke went something along the lines of :

There are 2 Turks and a German on a garbage truck, which one is the German. The Answer of course is: the one who is driving.
I think you'll see more and more of this backlash, as ethnic minorities grown in numbers and drain social services, make demands, and usurp the native population.

In Germany, I was informed while visiting Hamburg years ago, one is not automatically a citizen by being born within German borders. So, the children and grandchildren of guest workers are not citizens.
I think you'll see more and more of this backlash, as ethnic minorities grown in numbers and drain social services, make demands, and usurp the native population.

In Germany, I was informed while visiting Hamburg years ago, one is not automatically a citizen by being born within German borders. So, the children and grandchildren of guest workers are not citizens.

birth will not give citizenship, but if one parent has german citizenship, it does.
everyone can apply for and get citizenship, when having been in germany for at least 8 years, and not fucking up.

but ekrem will know more about that, i guess.
I think you'll see more and more of this backlash, as ethnic minorities grown in numbers and drain social services, make demands, and usurp the native population.

In Germany, I was informed while visiting Hamburg years ago, one is not automatically a citizen by being born within German borders. So, the children and grandchildren of guest workers are not citizens.

That has changed since 2000. If both parents have foreign-type passport, children born in Germany become Germans if one parent lives at least 8 years in Germany and has an indefinite residence permit.
Before the Schröder government, Germany lived in the illusion that Germany is no immigration-country and that all immigrants (Gastarbeiter) will one day leave the country.

In the Big Coalition between SPD-CDU beginning from 2005, Integration policy was developed on State level and for first time it was declared that Germany is a country of immigration. Also for first time it was stated in State documents that it is an resposnsibility of the State to assist immigrants in integration.
Federal Agency for Civic Education
Neue Zuwanderungs- und Integrationspolitik seit 2005 - Migration und Integration in Deutschland

The whole decades before were lost in terms of Integration policy.
Type of "no look, no hear" environment, the "immigrants will one day leave"-philosophy.
It's moving in the right direction.
Blue = Germans
Green = immigrants with German passport
Orange = immigrants


Citizenship of immigrants

Immigrants with German passport

Immigration to Germany. For first time more people leave Germany then immigrate

Immigrant transactions. Turks de-facto leaving Germany
Well, I have 2 sons living in Germany. one was born there, The other was born here but just got married to a German girl this week. Both of them are from my first wife who is a German. I believe the one who just got married plans on staying there and getting his German citizenship.
Given the performance of Turkish economy this trend will continue. Germany is 2nd biggest trade partner of Turkey, and skilled dual-language Turks are highly sought-after in businesses which concentrate on German-Turkish trade. It is exactly my background as someone who has been born in Germany.
Given the performance of Turkish economy this trend will continue. Germany is 2nd biggest trade partner of Turkey, and skilled dual-language Turks are highly sought-after in businesses which concentrate on German-Turkish trade. It is exactly my background as someone who has been born in Germany.

but there has also been and most probably still is a steady flow of young turkish women to germany. those women cannot speak german. they get married to the german speaking turkish men. some of them are not interested in their wife's integration. so she does NOT learn german.

and that is a serious problem. they need to learn the language.
but there has also been and most probably still is a steady flow of young turkish women to germany. those women cannot speak german. they get married to the german speaking turkish men. some of them are not interested in their wife's integration. so she does NOT learn german.

and that is a serious problem. they need to learn the language.

I think they call it "Familienzusammenführung". Or Import-Bräute.
But this is small numbers.
In 2008 it was only 1.326 female Turks who immigrated to Germany for marriage with German-Turk.

Official Statistics from Federal Agency of Migration

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