Muhammad Cartoon Contest In Netherlands Sparks Pakistan Protests

On Monday, Pakistan’s senate passed a resolution condemning the competition and Khan vowed to
take up the issue at the UN general assembly in September.
He said Islamic countries should cooperate to create laws against blasphemy similar to those against Holocaust denial in European countries.

Well, That's Fine
It's Not Our Place To Multi-Culti Islamic Countries
But Last I Checked
The Netherlands Are Not An Islamic Holding

“If they [western countries] feel pained discussing the Holocaust, why haven’t we been able to convey to the west how much we feel pained when they do blasphemous things against Islam and our beloved Holy Prophet

A Cartoon Contest Is Holocausting Them By The Millions
And no protests when hundreds are butchered in the name of their god.

Muhammad cartoon contest in Netherlands sparks Pakistan protests
Has there ever been a religion other than Islam whose followers will KILL you if you draw a funny picture of their God?
Even Cat “Peace Train” Stevens supports murdering anyone who talks negatively of their pathetic god.
I've posted this before but I was big Cat Stevens fan back in the day. I had never heard of Islam but when I saw what he turned into after being such a great songwriter and performer, Islam went on my pooplist and they've never come off.
And no protests when hundreds are butchered in the name of their god.

Muhammad cartoon contest in Netherlands sparks Pakistan protests
Has there ever been a religion other than Islam whose followers will KILL you if you draw a funny picture of their God?

moo ham head was a "profit" ....

not God. or their moongod. The saracens do not worship The God of Abraham.
And notice how the Leftard media always refers to him as a profit.
And notice how the Leftard media always refers to him as a profit.

For the time being lefturds view the saracens as allies against the last stand of their free market supporting red neck opponents. These pieces of shit are mostly atheists and assume they will eradicate the cult of islam in the same way they believe they've suppressed Christians.

They're in for a surprise.

Why on earth would anyone want to have a cartoon contest based on a well-respected religious figure, the leading religious figure of millions of people?
Why on earth would anyone want to have a cartoon contest based on a well-respected religious figure, the leading religious figure of millions of people?
It's Billions
And Mo (Pigs Be Upon Him)
Was A Self Serving Sociopath
Possibly Suffering From A Degenerative Illness
--- Like Caligula
It's All The Goodies And Enslavement Of Conquest
That Attracted His Followers

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