Trump Mueller will help Democrats in mid terms


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Trump says, without proof, that Russia investigation team will meddle in midterm elections - CNNPolitics

I have always felt that Trump was too mentally deficient to be President. I still feel that way, but he does have some "keep watching my reality show" skills from his years of "your fired" experience.

Bottom line, for those of us who understand reality (sorry Trumpanzees), is that Trump knows that Mueller is gonna drop an A-bomb on him, big time, and probably within a week or two before the mid terms. (Kind of like Comey in 2016 guaranteeing the election for Trump.) So, being the desperate felon that he is, he is throwing anything and everything against the wall to see if anything sticks. Sad, so very sad. Bigly!

Actually several people went to prison in the White Water scandal. James McDougal died in prison. The Chinese who were laundering money for the Crooked Clintons fled the country. Hillary's e-mail and Benghazi crimes were another example of the Dirty Dems exonerating themselves. Hillary broke a bunch of laws with her secret e-mail server and the investigation is not over. Most Dem Voters are brainwashed fanatics just like the Hitler Youth were.
None of which excuses Trump in the slightest.

In fact, it motivates, Trog, the good guys: one got away, darn it, but this one won't, despite his best words.
Actually several people went to prison in the White Water scandal. James McDougal died in prison. The Chinese who were laundering money for the Crooked Clintons fled the country. Hillary's e-mail and Benghazi crimes were another example of the Dirty Dems exonerating themselves. Hillary broke a bunch of laws with her secret e-mail server and the investigation is not over. Most Dem Voters are brainwashed fanatics just like the Hitler Youth were.

The nerve of those Democrats to exonerate themselves. They should have just kept quiet and let all those false RW accusations stand.
Actually several people went to prison in the White Water scandal. James McDougal died in prison. The Chinese who were laundering money for the Crooked Clintons fled the country. Hillary's e-mail and Benghazi crimes were another example of the Dirty Dems exonerating themselves. Hillary broke a bunch of laws with her secret e-mail server and the investigation is not over. Most Dem Voters are brainwashed fanatics just like the Hitler Youth were.
Benghazi is a joke! The Republican controlled congress investigated her from one end to the other and could make NOTHING stick. She has been declared innocent of any Benghazi transgressions, and as to her e-mails, what have the Republicans really uncovered? Look at the Trump administration: Obvious Russian collusion which did influence the 2016 election, and why? Because Putin knew that Trump would go much easier on him than Hilary would. And why is that? Common sense tells you Putin has information harmful to Trump, which Trump does not want brought to light. So, he regularly kisses Putin's behind.

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