MTV News Jerk Calls Sessions A Racist While 'Apologizing' For Mocking His Asian Grandkids


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The sad thing is YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SH!TE UP!

Liberals are such HYPOCRITICAL, bitter, angry, sore-loser, butt-hurt a$$holes:

MTV News Jerk Calls Sessions A Racist While ‘Apologizing’ For Mocking His Asian Grandkids

"On Tuesday, MTV News' Ira Madison tweeted that Sessions was using his granddaughter as “prop” during his Senate confirmation hearing, a message Madison regrettably conceded his “joke (a highly RACIST joke about Sessions 'stealing an Asian child from a Toys-R-Us') unnecessarily distracted from the more serious matter at hand,” namely that Jeff Sessions is a racist."

Unbelievable - This asshole exposes the fact that SHE is a RACIST in an attempt to call Sessions a Racist. :p

I guess Liberals are still trying to get Americans to forget the fact that their own personal hacked and leaked e-mails showed the DNC / Liberals are racist, sexist, homophobic, and Anti-Semitic.

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