MSNBC's Mehdi Hasan offers takedown of the year to FOX News channel & viewers: youre being lied to, no one has more contempt to viewers than FOX hosts

MSNBC cares more about journalistic integrity and truth and facts, whereas Fox cares more about viewers and reports lies to keep the retard republicans watching.

Fox reports known lies solely to keep the viewers, whereas MSBNC reports only facts.
Fox News has been a rot infested outfit for years going back to before Ailes was running it & hacks like BillO were terrorizing women employed there. And the lies that came to light recently is nothing new, they've been getting away with that kind of shit for years so it amazes me that people are actually shocked at the revelations coming out of this lawsuit.

Media Matters has been exosing the right wing goon squad employed with that rathole for years. This is nothing new to anyone who's been paying attention. The only difference is this time it's going to cost them big time.
Fox News has been a rot infested outfit for years going back to before Ailes was running it & hacks like BillO were terrorizing women employed there. And the lies that came to light recently is nothing new, they've been getting away with that kind of shit for years so it amazes me that people are actually shocked at the revelations coming out of this lawsuit.

Media Matters has been exosing the right wing goon squad employed with that rathole for years. This is nothing new to anyone who's been paying attention. The only difference is this time it's going to cost them big time.
Yea I agree.
They pushed the lies too far, and are caught admitting they knowibgly lied to people just so they would keep watching.

This is fucked up on so many levels, and it also demonstrates how the gullible republican viewers need lies to survive and can't handle the truth.
MSNBC cares more about journalistic integrity and truth and facts, whereas Fox cares more about viewers and reports lies to keep the retard republicans watching.

Fox reports known lies solely to keep the viewers, whereas MSBNC reports only facts.
The sad part about this statement is not that it is so wrong and you are so proud of it. It is that you actually believe it. MSNBC has sold you a lot of bridges it would seem.
The sad part about this statement is not that it is so wrong and you are so proud of it. It is that you actually believe it. MSNBC has sold you a lot of bridges it would seem.
What are you nuts, says who???

Fox news is admitting right here right now that they knowingly lie to you, and if they tell you the truth you stop watching.

You people are a total joke living in fantasy land. You have completely lost the right to criticize MSNBC at all because Fox news is admitting to being Fake News.

The sad part about you is that you seem to be so far gone that you somehow don't even realize that Fox News admitting to feeding you lies, then you have the nerve and audacity to try and claim MSNBC is somehow not truthful??

There is something seriously wrong with republicans where they live off of total lies then somehow think they can criticize others. The pinacle of hypocrisy
What are you nuts, says who???

Fox news is admitting right here right now that they knowingly lie to you, and if they tell you the truth you stop watching.

You people are a total joke living in fantasy land. You have completely lost the right to criticize MSNBC at all because Fox news is admitting to being Fake News.

The sad part about you is that you seem to be so far gone that you somehow don't even realize that Fox News admitting to feeding you lies, then you have the nerve and audacity to try and claim MSNBC is somehow not truthful??

There is something seriously wrong with republicans where they live off of total lies then somehow think they can criticize others. The pinacle of hypocrisy
Being neither a Republican nor Democrat and detesting both parties I look at things from a point of view a party hack like you can't begin to understand. I'm not the one that's nuts. Try standing in front of a mirror.
Two things:
1 - Tear down Fox News and salt the ground so it doesn't grow again.
2 - Mehdi Hasan deserves an hour every night.

no one has more contempt to viewers than FOX hosts

Plus, no one has more virwers than Fox News
Being neither a Republican nor Democrat and detesting both parties I look at things from a point of view a party hack like you can't begin to understand. I'm not the one that's nuts. Try standing in front of a mirror.
Bull Shit
You are a hard core Republican and too chicken shit to even admit you are a republican, those are the worst types of republicans.

Let me ask you a question, can you admit that Trump lost the election and is lying about election fraud?
Which then makes the Jan 6th insurrection based on total lies and that much worse.
Can you admit that?

Bull Shit
You are a hard core Republican and too chicken shit to even admit you are a republican, those are the worst types of republicans.

Let me ask you a question, can you admit that Trump lost the election and is lying about election fraud?
Which then makes the Jan 6th insurrection based on total lies and that much worse.
Can you admit that?

Once again you're posting and making no sense. You are too lost with your head in the democratic party sand to believe that anyone could have an original thought. Your question to me proves how partisan you are. Yes, Trump lost the election. However, the fact he believes in election fraud doesn't make him a liar. You are helping to prove my point. While many republicans believe in election fraud which seems silly, just as many democrats believe Biden is competent, which is just as silly. Can you admit that we have one of the poorest run administrations in history? I bet not. Let your excuses begin.
Once again you're posting and making no sense. You are too lost with your head in the democratic party sand to believe that anyone could have an original thought. Your question to me proves how partisan you are. Yes, Trump lost the election. However, the fact he believes in election fraud doesn't make him a liar. You are helping to prove my point. While many republicans believe in election fraud which seems silly, just as many democrats believe Biden is competent, which is just as silly. Can you admit that we have one of the poorest run administrations in history? I bet not. Let your excuses begin.
First off there was no election fraud so he is a liar for telling the Big Lie of election fraud. I question your supposed non partisan claim right there.

Biden isn't great but he is much much better than Bush or Trump. Bush destroyed America with total failure and left office with America in ruin. Trump was a fraud, the economy was never that good and he had mega massive deficits, mega massive spending, begging the FED for stimulus and money, and low GDP growth (never above 3% annually which is not good).

When you compare Biden to Bush and Trump, he is no worse at all. And he is clearly better than Bush.
Since when, retard?

Did they pull a 180 and fire all their lying socialist hacks and hire some journalists at some point?

Doubt it. Sure doesn’t look like it.
SInce Fox news was exposed for admitting they report lies to their retard viewers. And they also said their retard viewers stop watching when they tell them the facts and truth.

So put that in perspective, MAGA trash need lies, and only want to hear lies because the truth is too vicious for MAGA trash to handle. When MAGA trash hears the truth, they stop watching Fox and move on to the other more fake more bull shit news that MAGA watches, like OAN and News Max.

Thank you Dominion law suit !!! Now watch as Fox gets sued for $1.8B for telling known lies.
First off there was no election fraud so he is a liar for telling the Big Lie of election fraud. I question your supposed non partisan claim right there.

Biden isn't great but he is much much better than Bush or Trump. Bush destroyed America with total failure and left office with America in ruin. Trump was a fraud, the economy was never that good and he had mega massive deficits, mega massive spending, begging the FED for stimulus and money, and low GDP growth (never above 3% annually which is not good).

When you compare Biden to Bush and Trump, he is no worse at all. And he is clearly better than Bush.
First an English lesson for you since you apparently are lacking in education. If someone believes something to be true and states it, it is not a lie, but rather a mistaken idea. I don't know if Trump believed in election fraud or not, but neither do you, so you don't know if he was lying or not.

Your second statement about Biden being much better than Bush or Trump is so preposterous as to be laughable. It only proves your myopic adherence to your own party propaganda. Thank you for proving my point.

The idea is not to compare Biden to Bush or Trump as individuals, but to compare the country under each. The country was much better off under Trump and marginally better off under Bush. I'm sure though that your "my party uber alles" mentality can't put the country over party. To those entitled idiots like yourself, your party must be in charge no matter how much damage it does to your country. You are just sad.
First an English lesson for you since you apparently are lacking in education. If someone believes something to be true and states it, it is not a lie, but rather a mistaken idea. I don't know if Trump believed in election fraud or not, but neither do you, so you don't know if he was lying or not.

Your second statement about Biden being much better than Bush or Trump is so preposterous as to be laughable. It only proves your myopic adherence to your own party propaganda. Thank you for proving my point.

The idea is not to compare Biden to Bush or Trump as individuals, but to compare the country under each. The country was much better off under Trump and marginally better off under Bush. I'm sure though that your "my party uber alles" mentality can't put the country over party. To those entitled idiots like yourself, your party must be in charge no matter how much damage it does to your country. You are just sad.

What a joke, Trump told a known lie and you are defending him, then you try and defend Bush and Trump's failed record. What a joke you are. Tell us again how you are an independant. You are a MAGA republican and the worst type of MAGA trash, the type that can't even admit you are a republican.
You are actually attempting to call Trump Big Lie, a "mistaken idea" clearly you failed English. What a total joke.

Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus, he then went on to pass trillions in spending and start 2 failed and mismanaged wars that blew up and destroyed America. Bush crashed the economy anmd had one of the worst records ever.

Trump borrowed trillions of dollars, record debt and deficit (25% of total US debt in just 4 years of Trump...), he begged the FED for more stimulus and still only had a weak economy with low GDP growth (never over 3% annualy which is not good). His economy was a fraud running on debt and FED fake money.

The gloobal economy is only weakening because of Putin's war and when all of that passes it will boom again, just like in 2021.

People like you are pathetic, you are gullible and brain washed and controlled by the GOP, yet try to act like an independent... What a joke.

What a joke, Trump told a known lie and you are defending him, then you try and defend Bush and Trump's failed record. What a joke you are. Tell us again how you are an independant. You are a MAGA republican and the worst type of MAGA trash, the type that can't even admit you are a republican.
You are actually attempting to call Trump Big Lie, a "mistaken idea" clearly you failed English. What a total joke.

Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus, he then went on to pass trillions in spending and start 2 failed and mismanaged wars that blew up and destroyed America. Bush crashed the economy anmd had one of the worst records ever.

Trump borrowed trillions of dollars, record debt and deficit (25% of total US debt in just 4 years of Trump...), he begged the FED for more stimulus and still only had a weak economy with low GDP growth (never over 3% annualy which is not good). His economy was a fraud running on debt and FED fake money.

The gloobal economy is only weakening because of Putin's war and when all of that passes it will boom again, just like in 2021.

People like you are pathetic, you are gullible and brain washed and controlled by the GOP, yet try to act like an independent... What a joke.
You are a total joke. Your lack of understanding and reality is simply amazing. If you want to find someone pathetic, gullible, and brain washed, simply stand in front of a mirror. You are simply ignorant and controlled by the democratic party. I'm done trying to educate someone who lacks the ability to be honest with themselves. Have fun in fantasy land. Buh By.
You are a total joke. Your lack of understanding and reality is simply amazing. If you want to find someone pathetic, gullible, and brain washed, simply stand in front of a mirror. You are simply ignorant and controlled by the democratic party. I'm done trying to educate someone who lacks the ability to be honest with themselves. Have fun in fantasy land. Buh By.
When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser

I post facts you post insults.

Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus, he then went on to pass trillions in spending and start 2 failed and mismanaged wars that blew up and destroyed America. Bush crashed the economy anmd had one of the worst records ever.

Trump borrowed trillions of dollars, record debt and deficit (25% of total US debt in just 4 years of Trump...), he begged the FED for more stimulus and still only had a weak economy with low GDP growth (never over 3% annualy which is not good). His economy was a fraud running on debt and FED fake money.

Clearly you are a partisan hack.

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