MSNBC shocked Trump hasn't screwed up hurricane harvey yet


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
MSNBC Shocked Trump Hasn’t Screwed Up Hurricane Harvey Yet

The “journalists” at MSNBC seem eager for Hurricane Harvey to be a political disaster for Donald Trump, preemptively reminding everyone what the stakes are. Deadline: White House anchor Nicolle Wallace on Friday was amazed that the President hasn’t screwed it up yet: “It seems to me that this is the first event of this presidency where, sort of, the dire nature of the event seems to have halted other instincts in this president.”

What else could we expect from one of the lunatic msm sources, the rejects who lead the rejects.
I don't click on your links but really, knowing trump's track record, it will be astounding if he doesn't screw this up too.
The MSN will find a way to spin that Trump screwed up if they can.

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