MSM Did Not Expose Clinton's Actions, So Don jr. Felt He Had To

He is a true patriot for sure.

Will this be the new GOP defense? It's GOOD that Trump colluded with Russia to sabotage the election? :laugh:
It's the media's fault that Trump's campaign had no other choice but to meet this Russian lawyer.

Grab an umbrella b/c it's raining personal responsibility up in this mother fucker. lol
GOP advice on how to be a good son: next Father's Day, contact the Russian embassy and ask them to take down one of your father's enemies!

Hence the campaign meeting with Russian lawyer. MSM running block for their candidate Hillary and covering for her ass. Trump campaign had no alternative but to follow up on Clinton's scandals. Good campaign work.
OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia
Naw, taking that meeting was beyond dumb. Manaforts job was to protect the Trump campaign & inner circle from this stupidity and he failed. BIGLY
You think Manafort or any other adviser would ever dare to tell a member of the Trump Mafia "no?"
It's the media's fault that Trump's campaign had no other choice but to meet this Russian lawyer.

Grab an umbrella b/c it's raining personal responsibility up in this mother fucker. lol
What is wrong with a public meeting with a Russian lawyer?

Hillary takes $150 million to her charity from the Russian oligarchs then approves selling 25% of our Uranium reserves tot he Russians, and Dimms dont bat an eye, but meeting with a Russian lawyer?


The Humani - Tee!

I wonder, a couple years ago, how many of the Trumptards around here foresaw how much of their time in 2017 would be spent defending Russian criminals and their allies in an American administration?

Did you muppets see that coming?
It's the media's fault that Trump's campaign had no other choice but to meet this Russian lawyer.

Grab an umbrella b/c it's raining personal responsibility up in this mother fucker. lol
What is wrong with a public meeting with a Russian lawyer?

Hillary takes $150 million to her charity from the Russian oligarchs then approves selling 25% of our Uranium reserves tot he Russians, and Dimms dont bat an eye, but meeting with a Russian lawyer?


The Humani - Tee!


I think it's wrong that the MSM forced them to take this meeting. That's the real issue. lol
I blame John Baron for allowing this meeting to occur.
It's the media's fault that Trump's campaign had no other choice but to meet this Russian lawyer.

Grab an umbrella b/c it's raining personal responsibility up in this mother fucker. lol
What is wrong with a public meeting with a Russian lawyer?

Public? What are you smoking?

It took revelations from Manafort for Kushner and Jr. to even disclose this meeting (including on security clearances). Very very, not public.
Hence the campaign meeting with Russian lawyer. MSM running block for their candidate Hillary and covering for her ass. Trump campaign had no alternative but to follow up on Clinton's scandals. Good campaign work.
OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia

So Don Jr. felt compelled to break the law because the media wouldn't?

Cite the statute of the law broken.

It's been cited enough. Quit trolling.

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