Moscow KGB gang hacking claims pose challenge for Biden


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
n Geneva last month, US President Joe Biden tried to set some ground rules for his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.
He said cyber attacks on critical infrastructure were "off limits".
"I looked at him and said how would you feel if ransomware took on the pipelines from your oil fields? He said it would matter," Mr Biden said,
He went on to say that if Russia violated these "basic norms" the US would retaliate.
The events of the last few days will test that claim.
On Monday, Bloomberg reported that Synnex, a third-party provider used by the Republican National Committee (RNC), had been breached last week."
its clear like a sunny day , Moscow KGB gang will NOT stop hacker attacks on USA/NATO states
whats Biden is gonna do ? does he have a plan , strategy dealing with Moscow crime cartel ?
what ´d be your advice to Mr Biden ?
Evidently Pootin thinks he's being cute. The poh little dictator is weak and needs to attack your computer because he's got no real military.
Biden's a weakling and a pussy. We should have never put him in a position of having to deal with international tough guys. He's getting eaten alive.
You never lay down an ultimatum you cannot and do not intend to keep.
Biden's posturing is a sign of weakness.
Evidently Pootin thinks he's being cute. The poh little dictator is weak and needs to attack your computer because he's got no real military.
you have a good point, still

such Moscow attacks ´d be treated as the acts of war, do you agree?
Evidently Pootin thinks he's being cute. The poh little dictator is weak and needs to attack your computer because he's got no real military.
you have a good point, still
He'll get his it is just a matter of time before Biden deploys the fifteen year old's to cyber thieve Russia after they are given parole for their services...
Evidently Pootin thinks he's being cute. The poh little dictator is weak and needs to attack your computer because he's got no real military.

US domestic political shitfight that's going on cancels out any possibility of a discussion on this issue.

That is, is it Biden or Trump that's cozying up to Putin?
Would/will either of them show the resolve to hate Russia/Putin as is expected of a US president by his people.

Russia/Putin isn't going to stop it's striking back in kind against US aggression of this Cold war sort.

Russia now expects the US to stop the attacks on Russia.

And of course the situation has been again created by the US in which it's supposed to be believed that America would never be the initial aggressor.

What's Biden to do now, when he has so much to gain with peaceful foreign relations with Russia?

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