"Moscow empire has no borders," a popular motto of Moscow's war of conquest, is now the official slogan of putin's "re-election" spectacle.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
I guess that means anyone can walk in and take their shit then. " Saddam Putsein the Great Loser" is rapidly sending Muscovy back to 15c borders .

"Moscow empire has no borders," a popular motto of Moscow's war of conquest, is now the official slogan of Putin's re-election spectacle.
Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

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