More truth about communism that is not well known.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Yes, truth indeed has a certain ring to it. The left will ignore this about their great utopia ussr which couldn't last 100 years like they ignore the testimony of former kgb agents who explain who the useful idiots are which stalin called them.

I remember asking once why leftists deny they are marxists. They giggled.
That professor, Jordan Petersen, has been under attack for his unwillingness to use one of the 72+ personal pronouns and other such non-sense which have been made up by the far left. Check out his other videos on the attempt to censor his viewpoint by the University of Ontario and Canadian law. He even gives an update on laws currently going in to effect in NY City covering that kind of BS.

Love his work, attitude and approach.
I agree with you guys. Once or twice a week I walk around my block looking for communists who may have moved in. CONSTANT VIGILANCE #McCarthy
Way to go you stupid walking trope. Mccarthy Mccarthy Mccarthy....

He was fucking vindicated after the Venona Papers revealed he was right about his suspicions loser.

The unreal lying communist propaganda has utterly destroyed us.

Yes, truth indeed has a certain ring to it. The left will ignore this about their great utopia ussr which couldn't last 100 years like they ignore the testimony of former kgb agents who explain who the useful idiots are which stalin called them.

I remember asking once why leftists deny they are marxists. They giggled.

News Flash: This isn't the McCarthy era...the red scare is not scaring people anymore. That went out of vogue with high buttoned shoes, the wicked witches flying monkees, and buggy whips. People now think of Scandinavia when they think of Communism or Socialism. You little boys cried "wolf" too many times to be taken seriously. Nice try! :bye1:

Yes, truth indeed has a certain ring to it. The left will ignore this about their great utopia ussr which couldn't last 100 years like they ignore the testimony of former kgb agents who explain who the useful idiots are which stalin called them.

I remember asking once why leftists deny they are marxists. They giggled.

Trump, and all who follow him, are Putin's useful idiots.
"Once a KGB agent, always a KGB agent."

I know all about The Gulag Archipelago. I've read it. All three volumes.

If capitalism was not the religion of the hucksters and gangsters, communism would never have existed.

Marx Quotes: Quotes from Karl Marx and Frederick Engels

"Political economy came into being as a natural result of the expansion of trade, and with its appearance elementary, unscientific huckstering was replaced by a developed system of licensed fraud, an entire science of enrichment.

"Engels, Outlines of Political Economy (1844)"

Yes, truth indeed has a certain ring to it. The left will ignore this about their great utopia ussr which couldn't last 100 years like they ignore the testimony of former kgb agents who explain who the useful idiots are which stalin called them.

I remember asking once why leftists deny they are marxists. They giggled.

jordan peterson is a pill addict who doesn't understand freedom of speech

guy thinks Canadian speech laws are just fine but whines about tranny pronouns? What the fuck Jordan/ You're in Canada that's not a relevant line to draw

Yes, truth indeed has a certain ring to it. The left will ignore this about their great utopia ussr which couldn't last 100 years like they ignore the testimony of former kgb agents who explain who the useful idiots are which stalin called them.

I remember asking once why leftists deny they are marxists. They giggled.
It merely requires social morals for free or Ten simple Commandments from God to achieve a Commune of Heaven on Earth.

If capitalism was not the religion of the hucksters and gangsters, communism would never have existed.

Marx Quotes: Quotes from Karl Marx and Frederick Engels

"Political economy came into being as a natural result of the expansion of trade, and with its appearance elementary, unscientific huckstering was replaced by a developed system of licensed fraud, an entire science of enrichment.

"Engels, Outlines of Political Economy (1844)"

Even if true, capitalism has been shown to be way fucking more effective in reducing poverty. Wake up.
I agree with you guys. Once or twice a week I walk around my block looking for communists who may have moved in. CONSTANT VIGILANCE #McCarthy
Liberty is vigilance. When you don't pay attention the arbiters of chaos come to power. And here you are.
Even if true, capitalism has been shown to be way fucking more effective in reducing poverty. Wake up.
Reducing poverty for who?
For people living in North America or Europe, capitalism has produced a relatively high standard of living, but for a majority of people in South and Central America (not to mention the Middle East) capitalism has been responsible for the killing, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent human beings.

Communism Kills? by mclj10 on DeviantArt

If capitalism was not the religion of the hucksters and gangsters, communism would never have existed.

Marx Quotes: Quotes from Karl Marx and Frederick Engels

"Political economy came into being as a natural result of the expansion of trade, and with its appearance elementary, unscientific huckstering was replaced by a developed system of licensed fraud, an entire science of enrichment.

"Engels, Outlines of Political Economy (1844)"

Even if true, capitalism has been shown to be way fucking more effective in reducing poverty. Wake up.
I agree to disagree. Capitalism is about boom and bust on a for-profit basis not the externality of poverty under any form of Capitalism.

Yes, truth indeed has a certain ring to it. The left will ignore this about their great utopia ussr which couldn't last 100 years like they ignore the testimony of former kgb agents who explain who the useful idiots are which stalin called them.

I remember asking once why leftists deny they are marxists. They giggled.

News Flash: This isn't the McCarthy era...the red scare is not scaring people anymore. That went out of vogue with high buttoned shoes, the wicked witches flying monkees, and buggy whips. People now think of Scandinavia when they think of Communism or Socialism. You little boys cried "wolf" too many times to be taken seriously. Nice try! :bye1:

You know McCarthy was vindicated after the fall of the ussr, interviews with ex kgb agents and stated in the Venona Papers, right?

Understand your marxist education teaches you the opposite, and then you pass on your pathetic cliche to me.

Ignorant idiot.
agree to disagree. Capitalism is about boom and bust on a for-profit basis not the externality of poverty under any form of Capitalism.
I think you're confusing merchants with morality. Even before capitalism mutual envy and greed drove most of the business community to exploit labor and consumers; capitalism made it all legal:
adam-smith-446695.jpg goes on from this,both deceived and oppressed it."

"A Diatribe Against Merchants and Manufacturers
Smith's attack on merchants and manufacturers in The Wealth of Nations is so sweeping and so devastating that one is astonished to read statements such as those quoted at the beginning of the previous chapter, that Smith was 'the prophet of the commercial society of modern capitalism,' that he performed the function of 'an unconscious mercenary in the service of the rising capitalist class in Europe,' and that he 'has earned the right to be known as an architect of our present system of society.'"

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