More trump Deregulations


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This deregulation will on the already too lenient regulations on nursing homes will cause more people to die.

The regulations aren't strict enough. These are people who spent their lives working hard and doing what's right. They shouldn't have to be put in places that don't follow the very lenient regulations we have now that cause people to die.

The regulations should be more strict. The government should able to shut down a facility if they continue to put people at risk.

Facilities should have the proper staff on site 24 hours, 365 days a year. Not at least part time. trump wants to get rid of even that.

Unfortunately, money is more important.

Outbreak spotlights Trump admin effort to ease nursing home rules that prevent infections
Our nations most vulnerable aged people that have worked their entire life only to end up in a state hospital full of mental patients because there aren't enough people willing to jump through government hoops to open a care facility....and the ones that are open cost so much no one can afford it....due to over regulation....if you regulate a good needed thing away what good does it do anyone?....wake up libs and investigate these issues yourself....
This deregulation will on the already too lenient regulations on nursing homes will cause more people to die.

The regulations aren't strict enough. These are people who spent their lives working hard and doing what's right. They shouldn't have to be put in places that don't follow the very lenient regulations we have now that cause people to die.

The regulations should be more strict. The government should able to shut down a facility if they continue to put people at risk.

Facilities should have the proper staff on site 24 hours, 365 days a year. Not at least part time. trump wants to get rid of even that.

Unfortunately, money is more important.

Outbreak spotlights Trump admin effort to ease nursing home rules that prevent infections
Helping the folks in his new state?
Our nations most vulnerable aged people that have worked their entire life only to end up in a state hospital full of mental patients because there aren't enough people willing to jump through government hoops to open a care facility....and the ones that are open cost so much no one can afford it....due to over regulation....if you regulate a good needed thing away what good does it do anyone?....wake up libs and investigate these issues yourself....

I dunno
I heard that regulation solves everything.
This deregulation will on the already too lenient regulations on nursing homes will cause more people to die.

The regulations aren't strict enough. These are people who spent their lives working hard and doing what's right. They shouldn't have to be put in places that don't follow the very lenient regulations we have now that cause people to die.

The regulations should be more strict. The government should able to shut down a facility if they continue to put people at risk.

Facilities should have the proper staff on site 24 hours, 365 days a year. Not at least part time. trump wants to get rid of even that.

Unfortunately, money is more important.

Outbreak spotlights Trump admin effort to ease nursing home rules that prevent infections

The article reads like nothing but more of the usual crap, presumption and conjecture. Where does the article go on to define what they meant by "The Trump administration last year moved to roll back regulations?"
This deregulation will on the already too lenient regulations on nursing homes will cause more people to die.

The regulations aren't strict enough. These are people who spent their lives working hard and doing what's right. They shouldn't have to be put in places that don't follow the very lenient regulations we have now that cause people to die.

The regulations should be more strict. The government should able to shut down a facility if they continue to put people at risk.

Facilities should have the proper staff on site 24 hours, 365 days a year. Not at least part time. trump wants to get rid of even that.

Unfortunately, money is more important.

Outbreak spotlights Trump admin effort to ease nursing home rules that prevent infections
You do understand that there are state regulations for nursing homes, right?
Good grief you people are stupid
You do understand that there are state regulations for nursing homes, right?
Good grief you people are stupid
That's why these people and their political views should be ignored.

On the one hand they truly want an all power dictatorial president, who can do it all with just his pen and his phone. Like Sanders who claims on day one as president, he would legalize pot in all 50 states and territories,

On the other hand, they gnash their teeth, wail and moan that the president is going to destroy our lives by doing x, y, z with his pen and his phone.

Federalism, and the three separate branches of government are designed to prevent exactly that, preventing a president from changing your life on a dime.

But each election cycle, these same people want to vote for a presidential candidate who is promising dictatorial powers to change current laws, or make new a law, all with the wave of their pen and phone.

Like rats in a cage...stop touching the blue bar that's shocking you
I find it very interesting that the far right radical extremists think more deregulation on nursing homes is a good idea.

Some think that money is more important than people.

I wonder if you all would feel this way if you were in one of those nursing homes? Would you want to be put at risk? Would you want to be put in a hell hole?

I am surprised I have to say this but money isn't more important than people.
I find it very interesting that the far right radical extremists think more deregulation on nursing homes is a good idea.

Some think that money is more important than people.

I wonder if you all would feel this way if you were in one of those nursing homes? Would you want to be put at risk? Would you want to be put in a hell hole?

I am surprised I have to say this but money isn't more important than people.

Do you work for free?
I find it very interesting that the far right radical extremists think more deregulation on nursing homes is a good idea.

Some think that money is more important than people.

I wonder if you all would feel this way if you were in one of those nursing homes? Would you want to be put at risk? Would you want to be put in a hell hole?

I am surprised I have to say this but money isn't more important than people.

No. The stuff it buys is.
This deregulation will on the already too lenient regulations on nursing homes will cause more people to die.

The regulations aren't strict enough. These are people who spent their lives working hard and doing what's right. They shouldn't have to be put in places that don't follow the very lenient regulations we have now that cause people to die.

The regulations should be more strict. The government should able to shut down a facility if they continue to put people at risk.

Facilities should have the proper staff on site 24 hours, 365 days a year. Not at least part time. trump wants to get rid of even that.

Unfortunately, money is more important.

Outbreak spotlights Trump admin effort to ease nursing home rules that prevent infections
You do understand that there are state regulations for nursing homes, right?
Good grief you people are stupid
You do understand these regulations serve a purpose, right? They are there to help ensure the health and safety of the residents?

Good grief you people are stupid.
This deregulation will on the already too lenient regulations on nursing homes will cause more people to die.

The regulations aren't strict enough. These are people who spent their lives working hard and doing what's right. They shouldn't have to be put in places that don't follow the very lenient regulations we have now that cause people to die.

The regulations should be more strict. The government should able to shut down a facility if they continue to put people at risk.

Facilities should have the proper staff on site 24 hours, 365 days a year. Not at least part time. trump wants to get rid of even that.

Unfortunately, money is more important.

Outbreak spotlights Trump admin effort to ease nursing home rules that prevent infections
You do understand that there are state regulations for nursing homes, right?
Good grief you people are stupid
You do understand these regulations serve a purpose, right? They are there to help ensure the health and safety of the residents?

Good grief you people are stupid.

What specific regulations? Were they just duplicates of regulations already put in place by the States in question?

Some Regulations serve a purpose, some served a purpose before they became bloated and expanded into paperwork slugfests.

And some are put in place just to justify the agency doing the regulating.
I find it very interesting that the far right radical extremists think more deregulation on nursing homes is a good idea.

Some think that money is more important than people.

I wonder if you all would feel this way if you were in one of those nursing homes? Would you want to be put at risk? Would you want to be put in a hell hole?

I am surprised I have to say this but money isn't more important than people.

You have no clue of the reality which causes you to have a melt down.

It's fktards like you that love spreading hateful rumors.

Have fun being miserable!

I find it very interesting that the far right radical extremists think more deregulation on nursing homes is a good idea.

Some think that money is more important than people.

I wonder if you all would feel this way if you were in one of those nursing homes? Would you want to be put at risk? Would you want to be put in a hell hole?

I am surprised I have to say this but money isn't more important than people.
Where is the proof that anything in the OP was true, has taken place, and Trump made it happen? I'll wait.

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