More Than 2,200 Shot in Chicago So Far This Year

They have accepted blacks kill blacks. They cant accept when a white guy/cop does it. Somehow, when its a white person, it is racist. Despite criminal intent. Racism is in full effect!

Whites kill whites. So fucking what? When will whites do anything about white on white crime?

None of that has a fucking thing to do with the way police interact with the black population.
Whites are not freaking the fuck out when white criminals get shot. Because they fucking deserve it.

Criminals like Castile? Get your head out of your ass.
They have accepted blacks kill blacks. They cant accept when a white guy/cop does it. Somehow, when its a white person, it is racist. Despite criminal intent. Racism is in full effect!

Whites kill whites. So fucking what? When will whites do anything about white on white crime?

None of that has a fucking thing to do with the way police interact with the black population.
Whites are not freaking the fuck out when white criminals get shot. Because they fucking deserve it.

Criminals like Castile? Get your head out of your ass.
Nope. The one guy that is worth protesting about. But see, they all lose their credibility when they protest fallacies and outright fucking lies. ESPECIALLY when they ruin innocent peoples lives over BULLSHIT
"Brn this mother fucker down"
They have accepted blacks kill blacks. They cant accept when a white guy/cop does it. Somehow, when its a white person, it is racist. Despite criminal intent. Racism is in full effect!

Whites kill whites. So fucking what? When will whites do anything about white on white crime?

None of that has a fucking thing to do with the way police interact with the black population.
Whites are not freaking the fuck out when white criminals get shot. Because they fucking deserve it.

Criminals like Castile? Get your head out of your ass.
Nope. The one guy that is worth protesting about. But see, they all lose their credibility when they protest fallacies and outright fucking lies. ESPECIALLY when they ruin innocent peoples lives over BULLSHIT
"Brn this mother fucker down"

You're over generalizing. It is a fact that police over police blacks. It's not just about shootings but the entire system and how it's used against blacks disproportionally.

The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report
So you still think cops, whose job is to protect and serve, shouldn't be held to a higher standard than any thug on the street. We pay them and give them massive authority, yet still allow them to behave like the average gang member.

Camel crap. Millions of cop/civilian interactions occur without tragic consequences. You loony left idiots are famous for tossing the baby with the bath water or, in this case, smearing our entire law-enforcement community with that bloody brush. Trust me ... everyone will still recognize your lunacy even if you quit posting like a loon.

Kind of exaggerating, aren't you? I don't know of any legitimate group who thinks the entire law enforcement community is guilty of the horrendous abuse of authority that has killed so many unnecessarily. It would be to law enforcement's advantage to police their own so a few wouldn't taint the reputation of all cops.
Been keeping up with their rhetoric? BLM leaders want police departments dismantled entirely from inner cities, they want to create their own little terrorist enclaves right here in the US.

Black Lives Matter Attorney: Dismantle And Abolish The Police

Black Lives Matter Minneapolis Demands ‘Disbanding,’ ‘Dismantling’ of Police Dept

DC Black Lives Matter Activists Demand Dismantling the Police

Do you want to start comparing dumb rhetoric? Birther, Jade Helm, FEMA prisons, Walmart Tunnels, etc, etc, etc.
You're wrong because I personally heard a BLM representative claim on CNN that the solution is to dismantle the police from all black neighborhoods and let the community handle things themselves.
Yup. The BLM thug want's BLM to take over all the policing in every inner city shithole in the country.
Anyone know of a 'Fundme' site I can donate to to ensure what BLM wants happens?
It would be hilarious!
Like putting ten thousand 'Special Needs' people in a locked football stadium.
Give each one a carryall bag full of guns and ammo.
That's essentially what it's like in the inner city negro run shitholes today.
The lower the IQ the more illegal weapons they have.
They have accepted blacks kill blacks. They cant accept when a white guy/cop does it. Somehow, when its a white person, it is racist. Despite criminal intent. Racism is in full effect!

Whites kill whites. So fucking what? When will whites do anything about white on white crime?

None of that has a fucking thing to do with the way police interact with the black population.
Whites are not freaking the fuck out when white criminals get shot. Because they fucking deserve it.

Criminals like Castile? Get your head out of your ass.
Nope. The one guy that is worth protesting about. But see, they all lose their credibility when they protest fallacies and outright fucking lies. ESPECIALLY when they ruin innocent peoples lives over BULLSHIT
"Brn this mother fucker down"

You're over generalizing. It is a fact that police over police blacks. It's not just about shootings but the entire system and how it's used against blacks disproportionally.

The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report
Why don't YOU move into S. Chicago?
You last one fucking afternoon asshole.
These are literally out of control sub-human thugs.
Sure LE gets called a lot.
It's like having a fucking inner city full of pyromaniacs and demanding to know why the fucking fire department is called so often.
Whites kill whites. So fucking what? When will whites do anything about white on white crime?

None of that has a fucking thing to do with the way police interact with the black population.
Whites are not freaking the fuck out when white criminals get shot. Because they fucking deserve it.

Criminals like Castile? Get your head out of your ass.
Nope. The one guy that is worth protesting about. But see, they all lose their credibility when they protest fallacies and outright fucking lies. ESPECIALLY when they ruin innocent peoples lives over BULLSHIT
"Brn this mother fucker down"

You're over generalizing. It is a fact that police over police blacks. It's not just about shootings but the entire system and how it's used against blacks disproportionally.

The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report
Why don't YOU move into S. Chicago?
You last one fucking afternoon asshole.
These are literally out of control sub-human thugs.
Sure LE gets called a lot.
It's like having a fucking inner city full of pyromaniacs and demanding to know why the fucking fire department is called so often.

You last one fucking afternoon asshole.

WTF? Bad batch of Meth?
21 kids under 13 shot. Tightest gun control laws in the nation. BLM, Sharpton, Jackson, Obama to speak out about all blacks being gunned down by other blacks in 5...4...3...

More than 2,200 people shot in Chicago this year, 21 of them kids 13 and under
...and progressives blame guns

Right, guns don't kill people.

I guess that's why you don't need one for self-defense then. Your stupid argument cuts both ways, dumbass.
Whites are not freaking the fuck out when white criminals get shot. Because they fucking deserve it.

Criminals like Castile? Get your head out of your ass.
Nope. The one guy that is worth protesting about. But see, they all lose their credibility when they protest fallacies and outright fucking lies. ESPECIALLY when they ruin innocent peoples lives over BULLSHIT
"Brn this mother fucker down"

You're over generalizing. It is a fact that police over police blacks. It's not just about shootings but the entire system and how it's used against blacks disproportionally.

The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report
Why don't YOU move into S. Chicago?
You last one fucking afternoon asshole.
These are literally out of control sub-human thugs.
Sure LE gets called a lot.
It's like having a fucking inner city full of pyromaniacs and demanding to know why the fucking fire department is called so often.

You last one fucking afternoon asshole.

WTF? Bad batch of Meth?
I was born at Cook Counry Hopital.
Lived in S. Chicago you fucking half wit!
You know NOTHING about what it's like to live among sub-humans who will hook their OWN little girls on heroin so they can 'trick' to bring home money for 'Mommy to get her fucking hair straightened and bleached 'White' (ironic) blond and have four inch plastic nails.
They live like wild animals. Or as Hillary herself called them: "SUPER PREDATORS"
Last edited:
21 kids under 13 shot. Tightest gun control laws in the nation. BLM, Sharpton, Jackson, Obama to speak out about all blacks being gunned down by other blacks in 5...4...3...

More than 2,200 people shot in Chicago this year, 21 of them kids 13 and under

Those kids can't vote in November anyway......the democrats have the black vote locked up at about the 95% until they kill each other to the point it endangers democrat electoral prospects...why should democrats care?
21 kids under 13 shot. Tightest gun control laws in the nation. BLM, Sharpton, Jackson, Obama to speak out about all blacks being gunned down by other blacks in 5...4...3...

More than 2,200 people shot in Chicago this year, 21 of them kids 13 and under
six year old girl shot the night before on her own front porch. Where's the outcry from the blacks? Why is this so acceptable to them? I thought black lives mattered? Guess not. As I have stated in previous threads in here.

No....he didn't community organize.....he was there to hook into the Chicago political power structure to run for office....he doesn't care about anyone.....
21 kids under 13 shot. Tightest gun control laws in the nation. BLM, Sharpton, Jackson, Obama to speak out about all blacks being gunned down by other blacks in 5...4...3...

More than 2,200 people shot in Chicago this year, 21 of them kids 13 and under

Those kids can't vote in November anyway......the democrats have the black vote locked up at about the 95% until they kill each other to the point it endangers democrat electoral prospects...why should democrats care?
50 years of voting for them and look where they are, still back 50 years ago. What a transformation eh?
Criminals like Castile? Get your head out of your ass.
Nope. The one guy that is worth protesting about. But see, they all lose their credibility when they protest fallacies and outright fucking lies. ESPECIALLY when they ruin innocent peoples lives over BULLSHIT
"Brn this mother fucker down"

You're over generalizing. It is a fact that police over police blacks. It's not just about shootings but the entire system and how it's used against blacks disproportionally.

The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report
Why don't YOU move into S. Chicago?
You last one fucking afternoon asshole.
These are literally out of control sub-human thugs.
Sure LE gets called a lot.
It's like having a fucking inner city full of pyromaniacs and demanding to know why the fucking fire department is called so often.

You last one fucking afternoon asshole.

WTF? Bad batch of Meth?
I was born at Cook Counry Hopital.
Lived in S. Chicago you fucking half wit!
You know NOTHING about what it's like to live among sub-humans who will hook their OWN little girls on heroin so they can 'trick' to bring home money for 'Mommy to get her fucking hair straightened and bleached 'White' (ironic) blond and have four inch plastic nails.
They live like wild animals. Or as Hillary herself called them: "SUPER PREDATORS"

What does that say about you and yours if you were their neighbor?
Must be where the good Meth was.
21 kids under 13 shot. Tightest gun control laws in the nation. BLM, Sharpton, Jackson, Obama to speak out about all blacks being gunned down by other blacks in 5...4...3...

More than 2,200 people shot in Chicago this year, 21 of them kids 13 and under

are you trying to make an argument for gun control since iif the guns weren't readily available in some states, they couldn't get north.

thanks for the info.

Indiana is a stone's throw from south Chicago, and has some of the most lax gun laws in the country.

But hey, that destroys their " Chicago Chicago CHICAGO!!!!!" narrative, so they won't mention it.

And that is the lie that anti gunners use to hide the fact that gun control laws in chicago don't work......

Tell me genius.....

New York is next to Vermont...which makes Indiana gun laws look like they don't exist........

New York is next to Pennsylvania......again, relaxed gun laws like Indiana....

New York City has 8 million people...chicago has 3 million people....chicago has a higher gun murder rate.....

Is it because New York thugs get motion sickness if they drive across state lines........?

Vermont has the same population as Baltimore Maryland.......

Baltimore has every single gun law you want...licensing, fingerprinting, magazine limits, assault weapon bans...waiting periods....

Vermont has none of that...allows carrying guns without a permit....

Baltimore has a higher gun murder rate than the whole state of Vermont........

You guys are wrong on all things relating to guns........
Which bad cops? So far all the so called bad cops tried and and convicted by the president and the media have been acquitted in a court of law. Yet the incitement to riot and burn down cities based on and accusations and generalizing all cops continues.

Congrats, you're beginning to understand the anger of those abused by bad cops.

And the problem with the alleged "good cops" is they refuse to cross the blue line and rid their department of the bad ones. Makes them just as culpable.
Wait, in this country you're innocent until found guilty right? So again, which cops?
21 kids under 13 shot. Tightest gun control laws in the nation. BLM, Sharpton, Jackson, Obama to speak out about all blacks being gunned down by other blacks in 5...4...3...

More than 2,200 people shot in Chicago this year, 21 of them kids 13 and under

are you trying to make an argument for gun control since iif the guns weren't readily available in some states, they couldn't get north.

thanks for the info.

Indiana is a stone's throw from south Chicago, and has some of the most lax gun laws in the country.

But hey, that destroys their " Chicago Chicago CHICAGO!!!!!" narrative, so they won't mention it.
Ya okay, the gun violence and general malaise and failures in Chicago are all the fault of the laws in Indiana! Or perhaps it's another failed crumbling city run by liberal Democrats who are always good at pointing fingers at others.
Camel crap. Millions of cop/civilian interactions occur without tragic consequences. You loony left idiots are famous for tossing the baby with the bath water or, in this case, smearing our entire law-enforcement community with that bloody brush. Trust me ... everyone will still recognize your lunacy even if you quit posting like a loon.

Kind of exaggerating, aren't you? I don't know of any legitimate group who thinks the entire law enforcement community is guilty of the horrendous abuse of authority that has killed so many unnecessarily. It would be to law enforcement's advantage to police their own so a few wouldn't taint the reputation of all cops.
Been keeping up with their rhetoric? BLM leaders want police departments dismantled entirely from inner cities, they want to create their own little terrorist enclaves right here in the US.

Black Lives Matter Attorney: Dismantle And Abolish The Police

Black Lives Matter Minneapolis Demands ‘Disbanding,’ ‘Dismantling’ of Police Dept

DC Black Lives Matter Activists Demand Dismantling the Police

Do you want to start comparing dumb rhetoric? Birther, Jade Helm, FEMA prisons, Walmart Tunnels, etc, etc, etc.
You're wrong because I personally heard a BLM representative claim on CNN that the solution is to dismantle the police from all black neighborhoods and let the community handle things themselves.

All cops will never be disbanded. Some specific towns or areas should be.and rebuilt with supervision to prevent the abuses that have become common in those specific areas.

Right, so even you are repeating this insane proposition. Ask people who lived in the LA riots what happens to their homes and businesses when cops back off and the thugs and gangs take over.
21 kids under 13 shot. Tightest gun control laws in the nation. BLM, Sharpton, Jackson, Obama to speak out about all blacks being gunned down by other blacks in 5...4...3...

More than 2,200 people shot in Chicago this year, 21 of them kids 13 and under

are you trying to make an argument for gun control since iif the guns weren't readily available in some states, they couldn't get north.

thanks for the info.

Indiana is a stone's throw from south Chicago, and has some of the most lax gun laws in the country.

But hey, that destroys their " Chicago Chicago CHICAGO!!!!!" narrative, so they won't mention it.
Ya okay, the gun violence and general malaise and failures in Chicago are all the fault of the laws in Indiana! Or perhaps it's another failed crumbling city run by liberal Democrats who are always good at pointing fingers at others.
that's an old liberal trick that's lost its life.

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