More proof that this is a complete hoax.

So much conflicting information on the virus. Makes one think there could be ulterior motives.

Check this out from a Stanford U medical professor.

The Bearer of Good Coronavirus News

Stanford scientist John Ioannidis finds himself under attack for questioning the prevailing wisdom about lockdowns.

By Allysia Finley
Updated April 24, 2020 5:14 pm ET

Defenders of coronavirus lockdown mandates keep talking about science. “We are going to do the right thing, not judge by politics, not judge by protests, but by science,” California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom said this week. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer defended an order that, among other things, banned the sale of paint and vegetable seeds but not liquor or lottery tickets. “Each action has been informed by the best science and epidemiology counsel there is,” she wrote in an op-ed.

But scientists are almost never unanimous, and many appeals to “science” are transparently political or ideological. Consider the story of John Ioannidis, a professor at Stanford’s School of Medicine. His expertise is wide-ranging—he juggles appointments in statistics, biomedical data, prevention research and health research and policy. Google Scholar ranks him among the world’s 100 most-cited scientists. He has published more than 1,000 papers, many of them meta-analyses—reviews of other studies. Yet he’s now found himself pilloried because he dissents from the theories behind the lockdowns—because he’s looked at the data and found good news.
In a March article for Stat News, Dr. Ioannidis argued that Covid-19 is far less deadly than modelers were assuming. He considered the experience of the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which was quarantined Feb. 4 in Japan. Nine of 700 infected passengers and crew died. Based on the demographics of the ship’s population, Dr. Ioannidis estimated that the U.S. fatality rate could be as low as 0.025% to 0.625% and put the upper bound at 0.05% to 1%—comparable to that of seasonal flu.
Opinion | The Bearer of Good Coronavirus News
So much conflicting information on the virus. Makes one think there could be ulterior motives.

Check this out from a Stanford U medical professor.

The Bearer of Good Coronavirus News

Stanford scientist John Ioannidis finds himself under attack for questioning the prevailing wisdom about lockdowns.

By Allysia Finley
Updated April 24, 2020 5:14 pm ET

Defenders of coronavirus lockdown mandates keep talking about science. “We are going to do the right thing, not judge by politics, not judge by protests, but by science,” California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom said this week. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer defended an order that, among other things, banned the sale of paint and vegetable seeds but not liquor or lottery tickets. “Each action has been informed by the best science and epidemiology counsel there is,” she wrote in an op-ed.

But scientists are almost never unanimous, and many appeals to “science” are transparently political or ideological. Consider the story of John Ioannidis, a professor at Stanford’s School of Medicine. His expertise is wide-ranging—he juggles appointments in statistics, biomedical data, prevention research and health research and policy. Google Scholar ranks him among the world’s 100 most-cited scientists. He has published more than 1,000 papers, many of them meta-analyses—reviews of other studies. Yet he’s now found himself pilloried because he dissents from the theories behind the lockdowns—because he’s looked at the data and found good news.
In a March article for Stat News, Dr. Ioannidis argued that Covid-19 is far less deadly than modelers were assuming. He considered the experience of the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which was quarantined Feb. 4 in Japan. Nine of 700 infected passengers and crew died. Based on the demographics of the ship’s population, Dr. Ioannidis estimated that the U.S. fatality rate could be as low as 0.025% to 0.625% and put the upper bound at 0.05% to 1%—comparable to that of seasonal flu.
Opinion | The Bearer of Good Coronavirus News

I haven't read your WSJ piece, but this is from Ioannidis's actual March 17 article in STATNEWS:

If we assume that case fatality rate among individuals infected by SARS-CoV-2 is 0.3% in the general population — a mid-range guess from my Diamond Princess analysis — and that 1% of the U.S. population gets infected (about 3.3 million people), this would translate to about 10,000 deaths.

That didn't hold up too well, and I bet he'd like a do-over. The heart of his opinion is we don't know enough. He was definitely right about that.

PC are you going back to work?? I just want ice ,blues kinetta bri ,lantern to go back Show their patriotism But not you We need you here

Why? Do you need a daily dose of long winded BS from a person who believes that she is the smartest person to walk the earth?
Lone PC is the chief Trumper here imo...I'd miss hearing her support for the worst president ever in our history
You want a hoax ice?? Take a glass of lysol and stick a flashlight up your butt ,,and I'm not being sarcastic It's what your king suggested
Still trying to get mileage out of it..........LOL

And why da hell are so many of you people obsessed with sticking foreign objects up guys butts.

NOW THAT IS SICK.............
When you're going up there eagle be careful of bri exiting
You want a hoax ice?? Take a glass of lysol and stick a flashlight up your butt ,,and I'm not being sarcastic It's what your king suggested
Still trying to get mileage out of it..........LOL

And why da hell are so many of you people obsessed with sticking foreign objects up guys butts.

NOW THAT IS SICK.............
When you're going up there eagle be careful of bri exiting
What a lame can do better than that guys are supposed to be smarter than everyone else.

Try again.
You want a hoax ice?? Take a glass of lysol and stick a flashlight up your butt ,,and I'm not being sarcastic It's what your king suggested
Still trying to get mileage out of it..........LOL

And why da hell are so many of you people obsessed with sticking foreign objects up guys butts.

NOW THAT IS SICK.............
When you're going up there eagle be careful of bri exiting
What a lame can do better than that guys are supposed to be smarter than everyone else.

Try again.
While I'm not in the highest paygrade here I sure am smarter than all in Trumps cult You people remind me of the followers of Jim Jones about 30 years ago Remember what happened to them?
You want a hoax ice?? Take a glass of lysol and stick a flashlight up your butt ,,and I'm not being sarcastic It's what your king suggested
Still trying to get mileage out of it..........LOL

And why da hell are so many of you people obsessed with sticking foreign objects up guys butts.

NOW THAT IS SICK.............
When you're going up there eagle be careful of bri exiting
What a lame can do better than that guys are supposed to be smarter than everyone else.

Try again.
While I'm not in the highest paygrade here I sure am smarter than all in Trumps cult You people remind me of the followers of Jim Jones about 30 years ago Remember what happened to them?
That's better .......a little on your punch lines...........

And out comes the better than thou BS that the Far Left always have..............we will SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELVES............or beat you with a STICK IF YOU REFUSE.

What are you gonna do when someone takes the stick from you..........hmmmm
You want a hoax ice?? Take a glass of lysol and stick a flashlight up your butt ,,and I'm not being sarcastic It's what your king suggested
Still trying to get mileage out of it..........LOL

And why da hell are so many of you people obsessed with sticking foreign objects up guys butts.

NOW THAT IS SICK.............
When you're going up there eagle be careful of bri exiting
What a lame can do better than that guys are supposed to be smarter than everyone else.

Try again.
While I'm not in the highest paygrade here I sure am smarter than all in Trumps cult You people remind me of the followers of Jim Jones about 30 years ago Remember what happened to them?
That's better .......a little on your punch lines...........

And out comes the better than thou BS that the Far Left always have..............we will SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELVES............or beat you with a STICK IF YOU REFUSE.

What are you gonna do when someone takes the stick from you..........hmmmm

Eagle you'll have to excuse me for thinking I'm smarter than anyone voting or supporting this lamebrain unqualified moron in our WH now
on another note Are you the same eagle that posted on the now defunct presidential board 2000?
PC are you going back to work?? I just want ice ,blues kinetta bri ,lantern to go back Show their patriotism But not you We need you here

Why? Do you need a daily dose of long winded BS from a person who believes that she is the smartest person to walk the earth?
Lone PC is the chief Trumper here imo...I'd miss hearing her support for the worst president ever in our history

I keep explaining to you.....we on the other side aren't endorsing the guys made out that your candidate was god, Jesus and the messiah....

.....we endorse policies.
For eagle pc and all my republican friends
PC are you going back to work?? I just want ice ,blues kinetta bri ,lantern to go back Show their patriotism But not you We need you here

Why? Do you need a daily dose of long winded BS from a person who believes that she is the smartest person to walk the earth?
Lone PC is the chief Trumper here imo...I'd miss hearing her support for the worst president ever in our history

Now, eddie, ol' pal......if Trump were the worst President in history.....what do you say to these Democrats????

“Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak” Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

“California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis” California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis

“Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

President Trump’s recent actions to stop the spread of coronavirus have won him praise from an unlikely source: Representative Ilhan Omar….Omar quoted fellow Squad member Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) as saying “unprecedented times require unprecedented leadership,” and then added that “we are seeing that in our country right now.”

And Dana Bash of CNN asserted the president’s new aggressive approach to the virus makes him the “kind of leader that people need.” Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

“Connecticut Governor Praises Trump's Reopening Guidelines

“On Fox News Friday night, Michigan State Representative Karen Whitsett told Tucker Carlson that text messages she's been receiving from Governor Whitmer have not been pleasant ever since the Democratic state lawmaker credited President Trump for her personal recovery from the Wuhan coronavirus. The lawmaker now faces a censure from her Democratic colleagues for crediting the president for her recovery.” Whitmer Sent Unpleasant Text Messages To Dem Lawmaker Who Thanked Trump for Her Coronavirus Recovery

PC are you going back to work?? I just want ice ,blues kinetta bri ,lantern to go back Show their patriotism But not you We need you here

Why? Do you need a daily dose of long winded BS from a person who believes that she is the smartest person to walk the earth?
Lone PC is the chief Trumper here imo...I'd miss hearing her support for the worst president ever in our history

Now, eddie, ol' pal......if Trump were the worst President in history.....what do you say to these Democrats????

“Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak” Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

“California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis” California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis

“Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

President Trump’s recent actions to stop the spread of coronavirus have won him praise from an unlikely source: Representative Ilhan Omar….Omar quoted fellow Squad member Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) as saying “unprecedented times require unprecedented leadership,” and then added that “we are seeing that in our country right now.”

And Dana Bash of CNN asserted the president’s new aggressive approach to the virus makes him the “kind of leader that people need.” Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

“Connecticut Governor Praises Trump's Reopening Guidelines

“On Fox News Friday night, Michigan State Representative Karen Whitsett told Tucker Carlson that text messages she's been receiving from Governor Whitmer have not been pleasant ever since the Democratic state lawmaker credited President Trump for her personal recovery from the Wuhan coronavirus. The lawmaker now faces a censure from her Democratic colleagues for crediting the president for her recovery.” Whitmer Sent Unpleasant Text Messages To Dem Lawmaker Who Thanked Trump for Her Coronavirus Recovery

PC the simple answer is these guys are smart enough to play trumps kiss my ass and I'll help you game
PC are you going back to work?? I just want ice ,blues kinetta bri ,lantern to go back Show their patriotism But not you We need you here

Why? Do you need a daily dose of long winded BS from a person who believes that she is the smartest person to walk the earth?
Lone PC is the chief Trumper here imo...I'd miss hearing her support for the worst president ever in our history

Now, eddie, ol' pal......if Trump were the worst President in history.....what do you say to these Democrats????

“Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak” Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

“California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis” California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis

“Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

President Trump’s recent actions to stop the spread of coronavirus have won him praise from an unlikely source: Representative Ilhan Omar….Omar quoted fellow Squad member Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) as saying “unprecedented times require unprecedented leadership,” and then added that “we are seeing that in our country right now.”

And Dana Bash of CNN asserted the president’s new aggressive approach to the virus makes him the “kind of leader that people need.” Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

“Connecticut Governor Praises Trump's Reopening Guidelines

“On Fox News Friday night, Michigan State Representative Karen Whitsett told Tucker Carlson that text messages she's been receiving from Governor Whitmer have not been pleasant ever since the Democratic state lawmaker credited President Trump for her personal recovery from the Wuhan coronavirus. The lawmaker now faces a censure from her Democratic colleagues for crediting the president for her recovery.” Whitmer Sent Unpleasant Text Messages To Dem Lawmaker Who Thanked Trump for Her Coronavirus Recovery
PC the simple answer is these guys are smart enough to play trumps kiss my ass and I'll help you game

So your heroes are lying????
PC are you going back to work?? I just want ice ,blues kinetta bri ,lantern to go back Show their patriotism But not you We need you here

Why? Do you need a daily dose of long winded BS from a person who believes that she is the smartest person to walk the earth?
Lone PC is the chief Trumper here imo...I'd miss hearing her support for the worst president ever in our history

I keep explaining to you.....we on the other side aren't endorsing the guys made out that your candidate was god, Jesus and the messiah....

.....we endorse policies.
Obama was a good man who knew how to talk to people 2 great qualities trump is devoid of There are many others but that's for another time
PC are you going back to work?? I just want ice ,blues kinetta bri ,lantern to go back Show their patriotism But not you We need you here

Why? Do you need a daily dose of long winded BS from a person who believes that she is the smartest person to walk the earth?
Lone PC is the chief Trumper here imo...I'd miss hearing her support for the worst president ever in our history

Now, eddie, ol' pal......if Trump were the worst President in history.....what do you say to these Democrats????

“Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak” Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

“California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis” California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis

“Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

President Trump’s recent actions to stop the spread of coronavirus have won him praise from an unlikely source: Representative Ilhan Omar….Omar quoted fellow Squad member Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) as saying “unprecedented times require unprecedented leadership,” and then added that “we are seeing that in our country right now.”

And Dana Bash of CNN asserted the president’s new aggressive approach to the virus makes him the “kind of leader that people need.” Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

“Connecticut Governor Praises Trump's Reopening Guidelines

“On Fox News Friday night, Michigan State Representative Karen Whitsett told Tucker Carlson that text messages she's been receiving from Governor Whitmer have not been pleasant ever since the Democratic state lawmaker credited President Trump for her personal recovery from the Wuhan coronavirus. The lawmaker now faces a censure from her Democratic colleagues for crediting the president for her recovery.” Whitmer Sent Unpleasant Text Messages To Dem Lawmaker Who Thanked Trump for Her Coronavirus Recovery
PC the simple answer is these guys are smart enough to play trumps kiss my ass and I'll help you game

So your heroes are lying????
No unlike Obama haters they can speak up about 1 thing out of a 100 trump did right

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