More Police Cruelty: Arizona To Investigate Bloody Arrest Of Grandfather At WalMart..

The man wasn't even shoplifting. He was tucking a game under his shirt because there was such a mad rush from the crowd to get the game. He was trying to get the game for his Grandson. He was doing what any brave and loving Grandfather would have done. Did he deserve this?

You see a man putting merchandise under his shirt, is your first impression that he is attempting to steal it or do you just assume he's hiding it from other shoppers?

Did he steal anything? No. Doesn't matter what some dumbass cop thought he was going to do, there was no need for excessive force. And I'd say busting someone's face on the floor leaving them in a pool of their own blood all over a fucking video game is excessive force.

You are going by hearsay. Which makes you stupid.
The man wasn't even shoplifting. He was tucking a game under his shirt because there was such a mad rush from the crowd to get the game. He was trying to get the game for his Grandson. He was doing what any brave and loving Grandfather would have done. Did he deserve this?

You see a man putting merchandise under his shirt, is your first impression that he is attempting to steal it or do you just assume he's hiding it from other shoppers?

I'm not sure what the laws are there but here in Tennessee unless the man stepped outside the doors with the unpaid for product, he should not have been arrested, let alone thrown to the ground.

Very good point. There was no reason to slam the man's face into the ground. Witnesses said he was already cuffed.
The man wasn't even shoplifting. He was tucking a game under his shirt because there was such a mad rush from the crowd to get the game. He was trying to get the game for his Grandson. He was doing what any brave and loving Grandfather would have done. Did he deserve this?

You see a man putting merchandise under his shirt, is your first impression that he is attempting to steal it or do you just assume he's hiding it from other shoppers?

Did he steal anything? No. Doesn't matter what some dumbass cop thought he was going to do, there was no need for excessive force. And I'd say busting someone's face on the floor leaving them in a pool of their own blood all over a fucking video game is excessive force.

Yes. That's for sure.
It was Black Friday and there was big rush from the crowd to grab the game. He was just trying to save the game for his Grandson. That's why he tucked it under his shirt. And no the video didn't pick up the part where they slammed his face into the ground after he was cuffed but many witnesses have said it was ridiculously unnecessary. And look at his face. You don't think there's any brutality there?

Maybe he tripped trying to run from the police?

Witnesses said he was already cuffed when they threw him to the ground. Even if he was shoplifting,this was completely unnecessary cruelty.

Witnesses lied. The video shows him being placed in cuffs while he's on the ground.

So much for witness testimony.
Just trying to save a game for your Grandchild and this is what can happen to you in Police/Prison State America.

What evidence do you have that was what happened? Witnesses like yourself that are quick to judge without all the facts?

That's what he said he was doing. And i believe him. Black Friday is known for these mass rushes to grab a particular item. He was trying to tuck the item in his shirt so he could save it for his Grandson. Regardless,what the Police did was wrong and they should be held accountable.

And there is the problem. You hate cops so no matter what you attack them without clear proof and give the man a pass just because he claims he wasn't trying to steal something.
Roided up gung-ho assholes. These are the types of cretins our Police Force now requires. What a disgrace.
5th post
You have to have your head pretty far up your ass to be defending the cops here. It's cops like these that make the job infinitely harder for good cops.
You see a man putting merchandise under his shirt, is your first impression that he is attempting to steal it or do you just assume he's hiding it from other shoppers?

I'm not sure what the laws are there but here in Tennessee unless the man stepped outside the doors with the unpaid for product, he should not have been arrested, let alone thrown to the ground.

Very good point. There was no reason to slam the man's face into the ground. Witnesses said he was already cuffed.

Did you not watch the video you posted?!?!? It clearly shows the man being placed in cuffs while he was stillon the ground. It could not have happened the way the "witnesses" claim it did.

And besides there is no evidence that the police slammed him into the ground. And if I were the cops attorney with this video I could easily impeach your so-called witnesses claims.
What evidence do you have that was what happened? Witnesses like yourself that are quick to judge without all the facts?

That's what he said he was doing. And i believe him. Black Friday is known for these mass rushes to grab a particular item. He was trying to tuck the item in his shirt so he could save it for his Grandson. Regardless,what the Police did was wrong and they should be held accountable.

And there is the problem. You hate cops so no matter what you attack them without clear proof and give the man a pass just because he claims he wasn't trying to steal something.

I don't hate cops. I hate roided up asshole cops. And we'll see what happens with this. The witnesses have all claimed this was unnecessary cruelty.
You have to have your head pretty far up your ass to be defending the cops here. It's cops like these that make the job infinitely harder for good cops.

More assumptions. You are making accusations without clear evidence. In fact the evidence disputes the claims by witnesses. What I am saying is that we need to wait before making accusations.
You have to have your head pretty far up your ass to be defending the cops here. It's cops like these that make the job infinitely harder for good cops.

Hey stupid, in this country you're innocent until proven guilty. The video contradicts witness statements which is all you have to go on. If you want to convict these cops on hearsay then you're a complete and utter fool.
That's what he said he was doing. And i believe him. Black Friday is known for these mass rushes to grab a particular item. He was trying to tuck the item in his shirt so he could save it for his Grandson. Regardless,what the Police did was wrong and they should be held accountable.

And there is the problem. You hate cops so no matter what you attack them without clear proof and give the man a pass just because he claims he wasn't trying to steal something.

I don't hate cops. I hate roided up asshole cops. And we'll see what happens with this. The witnesses have all claimed this was unnecessary cruelty.

Your posts state otherwise. And the witnesses have already been proven to be wrong on at least one aspect.
You have to have your head pretty far up your ass to be defending the cops here. It's cops like these that make the job infinitely harder for good cops.

Hey stupid, in this country you're innocent until proven guilty. The video contradicts witness statements which is all you have to go on. If you want to convict these cops on hearsay then you're a complete and utter fool.

ok I should probably clear something up; I'm going on the working assumption that the guy didn't throw himself face-first onto the floor.
wtf was grand dad doing shoplifting.. I guess we should let him go cause he's old. huh?
Very good point. There was no reason to slam the man's face into the ground. Witnesses said he was already cuffed.

Did you not watch the video you posted?!?!? It clearly shows the man being placed in cuffs while he was stillon the ground. It could not have happened the way the "witnesses" claim it did.

And besides there is no evidence that the police slammed him into the ground. And if I were the cops attorney with this video I could easily impeach your so-called witnesses claims.

Read the article. Don't just skim.

I read the article. And there is nothing but eyewitness testimony some of which has already been contradicted by hard evidence. If they can be mistaken on when the man was placed in cuffs then that makes their entire account questionable.
The man wasn't even shoplifting. He was tucking a game under his shirt because there was such a mad rush from the crowd to get the game. He was trying to get the game for his Grandson. He was doing what any brave and loving Grandfather would have done. Did he deserve this?

Tucking the merchandise under his shirt? Who in their fucking right mind would think the asshole was shoplifting.. Wanna buy a goddamn bridge boy?
wtf was grand dad doing shoplifting.. I guess we should let him go cause he's old. huh?

Or maybe wait until he's committed an actual crime before you arrest him? Shoplifting isn't exactly a violent crime that you might need to preempt with the use of force.
You have to have your head pretty far up your ass to be defending the cops here. It's cops like these that make the job infinitely harder for good cops.

Hey stupid, in this country you're innocent until proven guilty. The video contradicts witness statements which is all you have to go on. If you want to convict these cops on hearsay then you're a complete and utter fool.

ok I should probably clear something up; I'm going on the working assumption that the guy didn't throw himself face-first onto the floor.

OK. Maybe he tried to run and tripped? Or he tried to run and then the cop threw him down?
How about we wait to see how things turn out after the investigation?
My bad,i made the claim he was already cuffed when they slammed him to the ground. No witnesses who were there have made that claim. They said he was not resisting when suddenly one of the roided up morons grabbed him by the legs and slammed his face into the ground.

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